
=== oerheks1 is now known as oerheks
StudioUser55The applications menu uses an extremely small font.  Changing the windows scale factor up or font size has no effect on the applications menu.  Can anyone help me with this?12:02
BinarySaviorhello, intermittently (maybe 20% of the time) I boot into ubuntu studio, some unexpected behavior occurs:  Once I reach the login page, either 1) the password field is not focused and mouse and keyboard are unresponsive or 2) the password field is focused and when I type, I see a few characters appear but then it loses focus and I cannot regain focus (unresponsive mouse and keyboard). The only workaround I could find is to 12:11
BinarySaviorenter TTY using CRTL+ALT+F2 and then reboot with CRTL+ALT+DELETE and cross my fingers it doesn't happen again12:11
BinarySaviorthis has been going on since I installed the OS closer to the beginning of 202312:12
BinarySaviorand I'm using Ubuntu Studio 22.04.112:13
BinarySaviorCould this be due to another application grabbing the keyboard & mouse before I log in?12:38
BinarySaviorthis sounds very similar to the issues I've been experiencing: https://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=247993612:44
BinarySaviorcould be TMP issue12:44
EickmeyerBinarySavior: Here's the good news about the login screen: the password field doesn't have to be focused to be receiving input (not a bug but a feature in sddm). Also, not something we can solve in Ubuntu Studio as we didn't even theme it in that release.14:51
Eickmeyersddm is commonly used by Ubuntu Studio, Kubuntu, and Lubuntu to handle login.14:51
BinarySaviorEickmeyer, but I press keys on the keyboard and the password dots are not showing up in the password field16:36
EickmeyerBinarySavior: Doesn't matter, it still reads them.16:45
EickmeyerIt's a weird "quirk" of the display manager in this case.16:45
BinarySaviorok if it happens again I will try to type my password & hit enter & wait for desktop to start up16:56
StudioUser44How do i factory rest ubuntu. was givin a computer and its locked by the administrator17:20
EickmeyerStudioUser44: You'd want to download an .iso image. https://ubuntustudio.org/download17:26
EickmeyerUnless you want Ubuntu. https://ubuntu.com/download17:27
bacteriummournerhi, i just tried upgrading to mantic. and i'm getting "Generating grub configuration file ...18:37
bacteriummourner/etc/grub.d/09_lowlatency: 1: version_find_latest: not found18:37
bacteriummournerrun-parts: /etc/kernel/postinst.d/zz-update-grub exited with return code 12718:37
bacteriummournerdpkg: error processing package linux-image-6.5.0-9-lowlatency (--configure):18:37
bacteriummourner installed linux-image-6.5.0-9-lowlatency package post-installation script subprocess returned error exit status 1"18:37
bacteriummourneranyone else getting similar?18:37
EickmeyerDid it completely break? I fixed that.18:38
bacteriummourneri think so. says upgrade has been aborted. your system could be in an unusable state. a reocvery will now run. and then the recovery fails18:40
Eickmeyerbacteriummourner: It looks like you, at one point in time, removed ubuntustudio-lowlatency-settings but did not *purge* it, which left /etc/grub.d/09_lowlatency in place. 18:40
bacteriummournerso i apt purge *something* ?18:41
EickmeyerI don't know *why on earth you would remove that*.18:41
EickmeyerLet me think. You're in a pickle.18:42
EickmeyerOk, the damage has been done. What happens if you run `sudo apt purge ubuntustudio-lowlatency-settings`?18:43
bacteriummourneri don't recall ever removing ubuntustudio-lowlatency-settings. i just went to check, and my desktop didn't have it either (it does now)18:43
EickmeyerOk, don't purge it now.18:44
bacteriummournersays unable to locate package on my laptop though18:44
EickmeyerThat means, for whatever reason, it was removed. You can safely `sudo rm /etc/grub.d/09_lowlatency` then `sudo chmod +x /etc/grub.d/10_linux` and try the upgrade process again.18:45
bacteriummournerok, will give it a try, thanks18:46
bacteriummournerworked great! rebooted fine, and just installed ubuntustudio-lowlatency-settings. do i need to do anything re: 10_linux or am i good?18:54
Eickmeyerbacteriummourner: run lsb_release and see what it tells you you're on.18:55
bacteriummournersays no LSB modules are available18:56
EickmeyerOpe, my bad. `lsb_release -a`18:56
bacteriummournerdesc: ubuntu 23.10, release 23.10, codename: mantic - guessing it's a success?18:57
EickmeyerLooks like it! Do me a favor and run `sudo update-grub` just to make sure it doesn't error.18:57
EickmeyerThe new version doesn't have 09_lowlatency.18:57
bacteriummournerno error, looks good. thanks again so much. you're the best!18:58
EickmeyerYou're welcome!18:58
Iammotrethanjustanyone have an idea of how to use blue yeti with ubuntustudio?22:06
EickmeyerIammotrethanjust: It should be plug-and-play, but if using JACK you might have to patch it with a patchbay.22:07
Iammotrethanjustso i was on the right track trying to patch with carla22:07
Iammotrethanjustits kinda stopped being plug and play as soon as that studio control opened22:08
Iammotrethanjustso jack is blocking22:08
Iammotrethanjuststereo appears not to work well out of the box22:09
EickmeyerOk, one thing you need to know is that Studio Controls just runs a daemon called Autojack. It's a frontend for that, nothing more. So, if you leave JACK in a state and shut down or log out, Autojack puts it back in that state when you restart it. Studio Controls does nothing else but check that when you open it.22:10
EickmeyerStudio Controls takes a moment to find out what state JACK is in, so if it looks like thing are weird at first, that's why.22:11
EickmeyerBut if everything is working for you, that's great.22:11
Iammotrethanjustits just me your right22:12
Iammotrethanjustso if i get it working to where i can use it - should be good - it will remember22:13
Iammotrethanjustfun and games i will invite the kids over22:14
Iammotrethanjustthanks erick22:14
EickmeyerNo prob22:14
Iammotrethanjustgood thing i am not using my name on this channel22:14
Iammotrethanjustgord not gordon for me22:15
Iammotrethanjustthat was the name I got when i was in trouble22:15
EickmeyerMeh, everybody knows who I am anyways. I receive my share of death threats and the police know to check with me before swatting me. :)22:15
Iammotrethanjustyour name is familiar22:15
EickmeyerI'm the leader of Ubuntu Studio, Erich Eickmeyer.22:16
Iammotrethanjusti have been around a few years22:16
EickmeyerAh, cool.22:16
Iammotrethanjustyou see? i do read...22:16
EickmeyerYep! Appreciated. (some people don't and it gets them in trouble!)22:16
Iammotrethanjusti used to be on radio22:17
Iammotrethanjustdeath threats over not playing a song....22:17
Iammotrethanjustno fun kids22:17
EickmeyerWow. Some people's kids.22:17
Iammotrethanjustbest and worst of us you meet over the phone at a radio station22:18
Iammotrethanjustall about a stupid song22:19
EickmeyerI believe it. My uncle used to be not only a radio DJ and announcer but also a station manager. He'd laugh at 'em.22:19
Iammotrethanjustuntil they show up in the parking lot22:20
EickmeyerWell, this was the 80s in Eastern Washington where if someone did that they'd probably get shot first.22:20
Iammotrethanjusti am a Canadian  we would only make you listen to east coast music22:21
EickmeyerAh, yeah, I see. Some people these days get butthurt about that.22:21
Iammotrethanjustpeople get hurt about many things,  we Canadians tend not to sue each other though22:22
EickmeyerTrue. Us down stateside tend to either 1) shoot first and sue later, or 2) sue first and shoot later. 🙄22:23
Eickmeyer(only kidding)22:23
EickmeyerI'd never.22:23
EickmeyerAnyhow, gotta look at a bug that's calling my name.22:24
Iammotrethanjustthanks again22:25

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