=== oerheks1 is now known as oerheks [12:02] The applications menu uses an extremely small font.  Changing the windows scale factor up or font size has no effect on the applications menu.  Can anyone help me with this? [12:11] hello, intermittently (maybe 20% of the time) I boot into ubuntu studio, some unexpected behavior occurs: Once I reach the login page, either 1) the password field is not focused and mouse and keyboard are unresponsive or 2) the password field is focused and when I type, I see a few characters appear but then it loses focus and I cannot regain focus (unresponsive mouse and keyboard). The only workaround I could find is to [12:11] enter TTY using CRTL+ALT+F2 and then reboot with CRTL+ALT+DELETE and cross my fingers it doesn't happen again [12:12] this has been going on since I installed the OS closer to the beginning of 2023 [12:13] and I'm using Ubuntu Studio 22.04.1 [12:38] Could this be due to another application grabbing the keyboard & mouse before I log in? [12:44] this sounds very similar to the issues I've been experiencing: https://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=2479936 [12:44] could be TMP issue [14:51] BinarySavior: Here's the good news about the login screen: the password field doesn't have to be focused to be receiving input (not a bug but a feature in sddm). Also, not something we can solve in Ubuntu Studio as we didn't even theme it in that release. [14:51] sddm is commonly used by Ubuntu Studio, Kubuntu, and Lubuntu to handle login. [16:36] Eickmeyer, but I press keys on the keyboard and the password dots are not showing up in the password field [16:45] BinarySavior: Doesn't matter, it still reads them. [16:45] It's a weird "quirk" of the display manager in this case. [16:56] ok if it happens again I will try to type my password & hit enter & wait for desktop to start up [17:20] How do i factory rest ubuntu. was givin a computer and its locked by the administrator [17:26] StudioUser44: You'd want to download an .iso image. https://ubuntustudio.org/download [17:27] Unless you want Ubuntu. https://ubuntu.com/download [18:37] hi, i just tried upgrading to mantic. and i'm getting "Generating grub configuration file ... [18:37] /etc/grub.d/09_lowlatency: 1: version_find_latest: not found [18:37] run-parts: /etc/kernel/postinst.d/zz-update-grub exited with return code 127 [18:37] dpkg: error processing package linux-image-6.5.0-9-lowlatency (--configure): [18:37] installed linux-image-6.5.0-9-lowlatency package post-installation script subprocess returned error exit status 1" [18:37] anyone else getting similar? [18:38] Did it completely break? I fixed that. [18:40] i think so. says upgrade has been aborted. your system could be in an unusable state. a reocvery will now run. and then the recovery fails [18:40] bacteriummourner: It looks like you, at one point in time, removed ubuntustudio-lowlatency-settings but did not *purge* it, which left /etc/grub.d/09_lowlatency in place. [18:40] oh [18:41] so i apt purge *something* ? [18:41] ubuntustudio-lowlatency-settings [18:41] I don't know *why on earth you would remove that*. [18:42] Let me think. You're in a pickle. [18:43] Ok, the damage has been done. What happens if you run `sudo apt purge ubuntustudio-lowlatency-settings`? [18:43] i don't recall ever removing ubuntustudio-lowlatency-settings. i just went to check, and my desktop didn't have it either (it does now) [18:44] Ok, don't purge it now. [18:44] says unable to locate package on my laptop though [18:45] derp [18:45] typoed [18:45] That means, for whatever reason, it was removed. You can safely `sudo rm /etc/grub.d/09_lowlatency` then `sudo chmod +x /etc/grub.d/10_linux` and try the upgrade process again. [18:46] ok, will give it a try, thanks [18:46] yw [18:54] worked great! rebooted fine, and just installed ubuntustudio-lowlatency-settings. do i need to do anything re: 10_linux or am i good? [18:55] bacteriummourner: run lsb_release and see what it tells you you're on. [18:56] says no LSB modules are available [18:56] Ope, my bad. `lsb_release -a` [18:57] desc: ubuntu 23.10, release 23.10, codename: mantic - guessing it's a success? [18:57] Looks like it! Do me a favor and run `sudo update-grub` just to make sure it doesn't error. [18:57] The new version doesn't have 09_lowlatency. [18:58] no error, looks good. thanks again so much. you're the best! [18:58] You're welcome! [22:06] anyone have an idea of how to use blue yeti with ubuntustudio? [22:07] Iammotrethanjust: It should be plug-and-play, but if using JACK you might have to patch it with a patchbay. [22:07] ah [22:07] so i was on the right track trying to patch with carla [22:07] Yep. [22:08] its kinda stopped being plug and play as soon as that studio control opened [22:08] so jack is blocking [22:09] stereo appears not to work well out of the box [22:10] Ok, one thing you need to know is that Studio Controls just runs a daemon called Autojack. It's a frontend for that, nothing more. So, if you leave JACK in a state and shut down or log out, Autojack puts it back in that state when you restart it. Studio Controls does nothing else but check that when you open it. [22:11] Studio Controls takes a moment to find out what state JACK is in, so if it looks like thing are weird at first, that's why. [22:11] But if everything is working for you, that's great. [22:12] its just me your right [22:13] so if i get it working to where i can use it - should be good - it will remember [22:13] Correct. [22:14] fun and games i will invite the kids over [22:14] hehe [22:14] thanks erick [22:14] No prob [22:14] good thing i am not using my name on this channel [22:15] gord not gordon for me [22:15] sheesh [22:15] that was the name I got when i was in trouble [22:15] Meh, everybody knows who I am anyways. I receive my share of death threats and the police know to check with me before swatting me. :) [22:15] your name is familiar [22:16] I'm the leader of Ubuntu Studio, Erich Eickmeyer. [22:16] i have been around a few years [22:16] Ah, cool. [22:16] you see? i do read... [22:16] Yep! Appreciated. (some people don't and it gets them in trouble!) [22:17] i used to be on radio [22:17] death threats over not playing a song.... [22:17] no fun kids [22:17] Wow. Some people's kids. [22:18] yup [22:18] best and worst of us you meet over the phone at a radio station [22:19] all about a stupid song [22:19] I believe it. My uncle used to be not only a radio DJ and announcer but also a station manager. He'd laugh at 'em. [22:20] until they show up in the parking lot [22:20] Well, this was the 80s in Eastern Washington where if someone did that they'd probably get shot first. [22:21] i am a Canadian  we would only make you listen to east coast music [22:21] Ah, yeah, I see. Some people these days get butthurt about that. [22:22] people get hurt about many things,  we Canadians tend not to sue each other though [22:23] True. Us down stateside tend to either 1) shoot first and sue later, or 2) sue first and shoot later. 🙄 [22:23] (only kidding) [22:23] I'd never. [22:24] Anyhow, gotta look at a bug that's calling my name. [22:25] thanks again