
lotuspsychjegood morning04:08
ice9once 23.10 is released, support is immediately stopped for 23.04 ?09:13
lotuspsychjeice9: every ubuntu release has a releasedate and an end of life date09:54
lotuspsychjeice9: you can check those on the !23.04 factoids on their releasenotes09:54
=== rs20095 is now known as rs2009
guivercice9, 23.04 had 9 months of supported life; 3 months still remain (mid-jan-2024 will be EOL)13:34
ubottuUbuntu 23.04 (Lunar Lobster) is the 38th release of Ubuntu and the current regular release – Download at https://ubuntu.com/download :: Release notes at https://discourse.ubuntu.com/t/lunar-lobster-release-notes16:48
elias_aDoes someone know who tampered with the ukrainian translation?22:06
elias_aWhat has happened is of course connected to Russia's attack war in Ukraine. I recommend analyzing the connections of the "contributor" and taking precautions. This kind of menace happens all the time now here in Finland which unfortunately is neighbor country of russia.22:11
jeremy31elias_a: should be a changelog or a commit for changes to most packages22:12
elias_ajeremy31: Yes of course. Now is the time for some new policies.22:13
JanCfrom what I understand the translations came fro man external site22:14
JanCso that would require their help then?22:15
jeremy31Looks like a github commit identifies the person that added the insulting translations22:16
oerheks "Weblate is libre software web-based continuous localization system, used by over 2500 libre projects and companies in more than 165 countries."22:16
elias_aJanC: All the tranlations come from the same "external system". That is not the culprit here IMHO.22:16
JanCand some of the stuff I've seen seemed almost more juvenile than political really22:16
elias_aJanC: These dudes are young "patriotic" idiots. The question is how to keep them out of Ubuntu community and ecosystem.22:17
elias_aIMHO these menaces should be isolated from Ubuntu community.22:19
Eickmeyerhttps://discourse.ubuntu.com/t/announcement-ubuntu-desktop-23-10-release-image-is-being-updated-to-resolve-a-malicious-translation-incident/39365 will answer all of your questions regarding the incident. Any more speculation beyond that will not be done here.22:37

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