[00:00] @xnox: Thank you for checking... [00:01] xnox: Thank you for checking.... [01:05] Hi if someone know were can get last kernel version ppa let me know here https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux-hwe-6.2/+bug/2039334 [01:05] -ubottu:#ubuntu-kernel- Launchpad bug 2039334 in linux-meta (Ubuntu) "Intel usb problem with gamepad device descriptor read/64, error -32" [Undecided, New] [01:05] i check https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Kernel/MainlineBuilds?action=show&redirect=KernelMainlineBuilds but url no work [01:43] i think already found a way https://www.linuxcapable.com/how-to-install-latest-linux-kernel-on-debian-linux/ i am donwloading now [02:29] Thedemon007: Yes, that works, if you want the latest Kernel from the Zabbly PPA. Unfortunately, I no longer have an "easy" way of getting the latest Kernel from the Kernel.org 6.1.x Series as a set of Ubuntu Deb Packages. [02:31] The "Mainline PPA" 6.1.x packages contained what is known as Kernel.org's current "Long Term Kernel." [02:31] AKX some way for install matic kernel packages? or were can found .deb files in http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ repo ? [02:31] I have been using the now-missing Mainline Kernel PPA to install the latest 6.1.x Long-Term Kernel. [02:32] Been using the PPA since 6.1.39 was published... I currently have 6.1.55 installed, but Kernel.org says 6.1.57 should be available. [02:32] I went to check today for 6.1.57 at the Ubuntu Mainline Kernel PPA, but it had dissapeared. [02:33] Amm ok so is a problem recent [02:37] Thedemon007: Yes, very... I used the Mainline Kernel PPA to install 6.1.55 about 10 days ago, give-or-take a couple days. [02:38] Now today, I check again, and I get HTTP 404/Not Found error. [02:38] Looking in Ubuntu Repo, 6.1.x Long Term Kernel is not available. Only 6.2. [02:39] I tried 6.2. Did not like it. Also tried 6.5. Did not like that either. So, went backwards to 6.1. Things started working very well, no problems. [02:39] And much faster than 5.15 and 5.19... [02:51] --- --- [02:51] --- --- [02:53] The git source repo ( git clone git://kernel.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/linux.git ) is also missing... [02:54] The above link is referenced in Ubuntu Kernel GIT Guide ( https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Kernel/Dev/KernelGitGuide ) [02:59] :( [03:03] xnox: Any word? [04:38] is the kernel ppa being terminated or is it just down? [04:40] stuffnthings: I do not know. Someone from Ubuntu pinged another Dev and requested info, but that has not come back yet. [04:41] thanks for clarifying further AKX [04:42] stuffnthings: I have also reached out to some outside community forums, notified them of the outage, and requested info... [04:42] stuffnthings: (Maybe they have access to people/contacts, that I cannot reach at Canonical.) [04:44] i just checked on it for the first time in a while yesterday, you know how long its been out? [05:00] i try boot with mantic kernel but graphics no work [05:01] idk if are a issue of compatibility because i use jammy or is the kernel maybe more later i try boot mantic iso.. [05:05] xorg.log: https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/nNC764SRwY/ [05:22] Thedemon007: please head over to #ubuntu for support [05:26] tomreyn ok thanks [12:12] Hi, i have question about Ubuntu Kernel MainlineBuilds, is temporary down or ended? [12:13] it may be either, i asked around got got conflicting answers [12:17] Thanks, so not any official statement? [12:20] nope [12:22] And any info if ended, if be reenabled hibernation with secure boot on stock kernels? [12:23] i dont know anything about that ,sorry === rs20095 is now known as rs2009 [12:43] and can you (or anyone) pls suggest a better place to ask? [12:45] You could try emailing the kernel-ppa team [13:32] (at least) one of the kernel team is now aware of the (potential) issue and plans to look into it later. [13:49] I wonder how many UKUU users will be crying [14:04] jeremy31: what is pls email addr for kernel-ppa team? Cannot find it... Btw: crying all who hibernate with secure boot as this disabled in stock kernels [14:05] Hibernate didn't work so well on many systems because of ACPI support, so it was disabled IIRC [14:06] https://launchpad.net/~kernel-ppa [14:12] Thanks. I understand default disabled in polkit rule, but not understand disabled in Kernel side only for secureboot, when user add polkit rule for enable hibernation item, then if have disable secureboot, hibernate work, but with enable secureboot is hibernation blocked by kernel... With UbuntuMainline kernel works hibernation with secureboot enabled, of course for secure reason to swap on luks [21:17] Does Kernel PPA being down have anything to do with the Malicious / Hate-Speech Language Translations discovered on the Ubuntu 23.10 Desktop ISOs, as reported here: ( https://www.omgubuntu.co.uk/2023/10/ubuntu-23-10-installer-translations-hijack ) ...? [21:36] It is reasonable to presume that if the Installation ISOs were compromised, then other parts of the Tool Chain may have been compromised. Interestingly, the "Official" Updated Kernels ( including Source / GIT ) on LaunchPad are still available. [21:36] I would recommend Ubuntu revoke those as well ( for the time-being ), to ensure integrity... [21:44] AKX: Does kernel-ppa have anything to do with translations? [21:49] AKX: sure not, as not be compromised ISO, but "only" merge translation strings from 3rd translation web/service for and only installer [21:52] AKX: https://discourse.ubuntu.com/t/announcement-ubuntu-desktop-23-10-release-image-is-being-updated-to-resolve-a-malicious-translation-incident/39365 will answer all of your questions regarding the incident. Any more speculation beyond that will not be done here. [21:52] (and is entirely off-topic here as well) [22:08] I think it's best to wait until after the weekend when everybody is back; the mainline kernel PPA is not officially supported AFAIK, so they aren't going to call people into work on the weekend for it