=== AMD is now known as Nokaji [13:56] hmm, fascinating situation on a client system once again - i might well have shared how i had worked to batch convert scanned documents at one place to reduce the size on disk by a huge margin [13:57] this time, i found a practice where half the data size of an application was taken up with 6,600 KB .RTF files representing just tiny word processed documents [13:57] seems to be something nutty about a typical RTF wherein it's all raw ASCII with no compression - and tonnes of tags for formatting, making up the overall size [13:58] i just fed January 2012's 189 .RTF files into LibreOffice batch conversion... input size: 1.25 GB - output size: 92 MB ; 7.17 % of original [13:58] i've had situations like that and compressing works for 99% of the documents fine but there's 1% that when you compress them they become unreadable blurs [13:59] heh, yeah the added challenge in this case is that i needed them to keep the original file name *and* pretend to be .RTF still so that they'd open from the program in MS Word, thankfully it works fine and doesn't care they're not really RTFs [14:00] the only quirk is it puts spelling error squiggles under loads of normal words, some kind of additions must have been made that make it go squirrely [14:00] yeah, windows hates file extensions and can ignore them for some apps [15:52] daftykins: Sorry, I'm unclear; are you resaving them as rtf or plain txt? [15:52] ah i did neglect that part yes, well since i need to preserve their opening, they're noew .docx *but* named .RTF :D [15:52] *now [15:53] developer refuses to offer any assistance in editing the database to reflect a file extension change [15:53] they seem to write into a flat file format with pairs of files named .FS5 and .IDX [15:53] had you tried just resaving them back as rtf? [15:53] (in case you've ever heard of those) [15:54] i.e. whether LO's RTF writer is any more concise? [15:54] yeah that drops them to a smaller size, but still 3x larger than .docx [15:54] yeh, docx is gzip'd or is it zip) [15:55] mm zip xml aiui [15:55] so 6,958 KB RTF, 500 KB .docx, 1,462 KB .RTF resaved [15:56] I ownder if you can tell LO to change the language in the docx so it doesn't try and spell check [15:57] it's an odd one, normal words come up as bad and yet i see English UK at the bottom just fine [15:58] with LO that is, didn't spend much time in MS Word on their end [15:58] i lose all the create/modified dates as well of course due to processing [16:03] restamp those? [16:03] i don't know a viable method for that off hand [16:04] * penguin42 wishes Toolstations order system didn't blatantly lie and say it could process an order in 5mins [16:33] https://www.twitch.tv/nasa [16:33] eclipse over in New Mexico [16:43] the cosmic ballet goes on https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FmoW-gNjjXA [17:13] * penguin42 just walked 3x3m length of trunking home from Toolstation [17:33] arms like jelly now? [17:33] one, yes :-) [17:34] didn't even get too many odd looks either :-) [17:34] if anyone glances for too long at whatever i'm carrying, i like to say i'm taking it for a walk