[00:18] How can I grep this file/command? mdgpu-pci-0800 [00:18] How can I grep this file/command? amdgpu-pci-0800 ** typo sorry. [00:54] sudo grep -c 'temp1_input' /sys/class/drm/card1/device/hwmon/hwmon2/temp1_input is outputting 0 when it should be 48. Any ideas as to why? [00:56] because the output of /sys/class/drm/card1/device/hwmon/hwmon2/temp1_input probably is not temp1_input [00:56] so the count is 0 [00:57] It's my GPU temp. Trying to grep it so I can add it to conky... [00:57] then why would you count matches? [00:58] ? I'm just trying to figure it out. [00:58] see the manpage what -c is [00:58] it is not what you want [00:59] Then *what* do I want?? [00:59] probably just "cat /sys/class/drm/card1/device/hwmon/hwmon2/temp1_input" [01:02] ravage: nope. I need to use it like this: ${color0}${voffset 5}SSD: ${alignr}${execi 5 sensors | grep Composite: | cut -c 16-19}°C [01:03] Hence me looking for grep... [01:05] grep | /sys/class/drm/card1/device/hwmon/hwmon2/temp1_input nope./ [01:06] jailbreak: can you show a sample output of temp1_input [01:06] !paste [01:06] For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use https://dpaste.com | To post !screenshots use https://imgur.com | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic. [01:08] EriC^^: http://paste.debian.net/1295019/ [01:08] That's the temp of my GPU; which I want to add to conky [01:09] longest tread on the forum https://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=281865&page=2348 [01:09] This also: EriC^^ http://paste.debian.net/1295020/ [01:10] jailbreak: why dont you get it from the 'sensors' output? [01:10] How? [01:10] try 'sensors' see the output [01:10] you might need to install lm-sensors [01:11] I've tried. amdgpu-pci-0800 and underneath it says the temp. I can't find amdgpu-pci-0800 anywhere [01:12] jailbreak: can you pastebin the output of 'sensors' ? [01:12] oerheks: that doesn't help. [01:13] EriC^^: http://paste.debian.net/1295021/ [01:13] jailbreak: which temp do you want? edge mem etc [01:13] edge [01:14] gpu temp [01:15] try ${color0}${voffset 5}gpu: ${alignr}${execi 5 sensors | grep edge: | cut -c 16-19}°C [01:18] EriC^^: THANK YOU!!!!!!!!! [01:18] jailbreak: no problem [01:43] Hey folks, its just me or the kernel.ubuntu.com/~kernel-ppa/mainline is not working :L [01:44] ye i see i use this guide https://www.linuxcapable.com/how-to-install-latest-linux-kernel-on-debian-linux/ [01:44] I was trying to update my kernel since I need version 6.4 for specific hw patch and no fucking link is working all over internet with url kernel [01:44] but the repo have only unsigned kernles [01:44] *kernel.ubuntu.com [01:45] you pc use secure boot? [01:45] Okay, so where I can get the 6.4 kernel :c [01:45] Noupe, I just need the kernel, I need the .deb packages [01:45] Mainline is not qorking and none tutorial that points to keenel.ubuntu is working [01:46] Im just seeing a 404 each time [01:46] Even with the gui Mainline [01:46] ye i know i enter here for same issue XD [01:46] Or CLI mainline "no kernel list" [01:46] Fuck xd [01:46] Canonical went to the shit [01:46] 6.5 kernel no work for you? [01:47] If you can share 6.5, yeah I guess [01:47] if you no have secure boot use this guide: https://www.linuxcapable.com/how-to-install-latest-linux-kernel-on-debian-linux/ [01:48] linux-headers-6.5.7-zabbly+ linux-image-6.5.7-zabbly+ linux-zabbly [01:49] if you no know if have secure boot u can try install anyway if some fail only select other kernel in grub [01:51] It doesn't sound secure, who the hell is zabbly? XD [01:53] XD a dev i think is he: https://github.com/stgraber [01:54] webchat44, Thedemon007: This discussion is completely offtopic here. We do not support or discuss adding kernels from outside the Ubuntu repositories here. That is completely unsupported. [01:56] how long does it take to change some text? [01:57] rabbitnightmare: Everything is done, but everything has to undergo testing. By policy, nothing gets released on a Friday or on the weekend. I doubt anything will happen until Monday. If you absolutely need it, the legacy .iso image is available. [01:57] that is absolutely retarded and putting my videos behind [01:58] I need to record it so I can start editing by saturday [01:58] rabbitnightmare: You have come in here guns blazing every time you come in here. You do not get to demand stuff from the community or the developers for something you get for free. You are constantly violating the Code of Conduct and allegedly that has been for the past 15 years. [01:58] I do when I donate a grand a month [01:59] !ops | rabbitnightmare Code of Conduct violations [01:59] rabbitnightmare Code of Conduct violations: Help! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) - CarlFK, DJones, el, Flannel, genii, hggdh, ikonia, krytarik, mneptok, mwsb, nhandler, ogra, Pici, popey, sarnold, tomreyn, Unit193, wgrant [01:59] you need to calm down dude [01:59] Dumb question, what is the difference of the normal desktop image against the legacy.iso for ubintu 23.10? [02:00] rabbitnightmare: Actually, you do. You do NOT get to demand stuff, even when you allegedly donate a grand a month. That's not the way it works. [02:00] webchat44: The installer. === chris14_ is now known as chris14 [02:00] webchat44 https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/mantic/amd64/linux-image-generic/ [02:00] Just the installer, nothing else .-.? [02:00] webchat44: Yep, that's it. [02:01] Alright, thanks [02:02] Eickmeyer that is how the world works, you pay for something, you get to make certain demands. It's nothing personal and nothing for YOU to get your panties in a bunch over when people expect you to stick to the schedule that you promise. [02:03] rabbitnightmare: Not for something that is community made that you would otherwise get for free. [02:03] it is certainly NOT a community distro [02:03] this is a commercial distro [02:03] smh [02:03] It is, with Canonical as the primary sponsor and contributor. [02:03] you wanna claim community move to debian [02:03] How do I know? Well, I'm a developer. [02:04] then pay for commercial support, this is not a commercial support option. [02:04] Eickmeyer and I thank you for your hard work [02:04] rabbitnightmare: But you don't pay me. [02:05] rabbitnightmare: If you want commercial support, pay for the commercial support option. This chat is not commercial support. [02:05] (as eloquently stated by el) [02:06] well I wont be moving forward for a few months, if changing a few lines of text puts things behind by 96 hours, it just goes to show how little you care about your product [02:06] rabbitnightmare: Again, this is community support, I'm a community contributing developer. [02:07] you still get paid [02:07] No, I do not. [02:07] I do not work for Canonical. [02:07] then you are not an Ubuntu dev [02:07] Yes, I am. [02:07] then you would be getting money from canonical [02:07] You clearly have no idea how it works. [02:08] developers developers developers [02:08] Not all Ubuntu developers are Canonical employees. That's not how it works. [02:08] rbox: That's not helpful (I don't want to tell you again) [02:09] I know for a fact that they "gift" contributers [02:09] I can see the money trail [02:09] they are very transparent with the donation line [02:09] No, not at all. So please, stop talking about what you don't know. [02:10] el? Can we get this Code of Conduct and guideline-violating person out of here? [02:10] rabbitnightmare: please stop cycling through the various distros on this network and treating _volunteers_ or paid employees for that matter as your personal property to harass. [02:10] I am going to have to make a few phone calls [02:10] thats not right [02:11] uh huh. please leave now. [02:13] webchat44 you solve you problem? [02:14] Im building the kernel from source code myself, if that does not work I will swap into 23.10 [02:14] cool [02:14] if not works snap it to 23.10 ;) [02:15] I rather .04 specially bc its for my workstation so I rather stability over edge updates [02:16] webchat44 maybe you can download .debs kernel files from 23.10 here are one https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/mantic/amd64/linux-image-generic/ but i think are necessary 3 .deb [02:16] of course rather a stability is reason to use so then edge updates [02:17] lol [02:58] webchat44: I have already reported on the Mainline Kernel PPA going dead. In fact, it seems like the whole reference upstream GIT source tree at https://kernel.ubuntu.org/ is also missing. [03:01] webchat44: There is an ongoing discussion in #ubuntu-kernel Channel. [04:00] has the kernel ppa been ended? [04:01] https://kernel.ubuntu.com/~kernel-ppa/mainline/ is gone [04:01] im about to enable ufw on my ubuntu 22.04 server. the question is will it play well with docker? [04:01] or should i just stick with iptables [04:32] stuffnthings: It appears so. We have an open discussion/issue/info request open in Channel #ubuntu-kernel. [04:36] AKX: oh ok, thanks for the info [04:39] realivanjx: As a general principal, the less "stuff" you have in the network chain, the better... Adding UFW on top of iptables adds more "stuff" to the network chain, and also introduces additional processor (CPU) overhead. On very-heavily loaded servers, the impact may be noticeable. [04:40] ufw isn't ontop [04:40] it just generates iptables rules [05:25] i try boot with mantic kernel but graphics no workidk if are a issue of compatibility because i use jammy or is the kernel xorg.log: https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/nNC764SRwY/ [05:28] Thedemon007: do you have a dmesg | journalctl -k of this boot? [05:30] Thedemon007: the xsever-xorg-core package you have installed does not seem to be that of mantic [05:31] are you saying you're mixing jammy and mantic? [05:31] i try use the kernel [05:31] tomreyn https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/wsJpg7rYBv/ [05:32] is anything not working when you use the kernel available on your ubuntu release? [05:34] tomreyn kernel from jammy work fine only have a minor issue with a device https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux-meta/+bug/2039334 [05:34] -ubottu:#ubuntu- Launchpad bug 2039334 in linux-meta (Ubuntu) "Intel usb problem with gamepad device descriptor read/64, error -32" [Undecided, New] [05:35] Thedemon007: so why don't you use the jammy kernel, assuming you have jammy installed? [05:35] (after all that's the only supported option) [05:36] if you're on jammy you have a choice between jammy's vanilla / generic kernel version, the !HWE version and the HWE-edge version (often the same as HWE) [05:36] tomreyn ye i k i am now using jammy kernel, only try boot o new kernel for see if the issue are present in new kernel too [05:37] ah so there is not really an issue other than bug 2039334 [05:37] -ubottu:#ubuntu- Bug 2039334 in linux-meta (Ubuntu) "Intel usb problem with gamepad device descriptor read/64, error -32" [Undecided, New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/2039334 [05:39] this hardware (SIRAGON AIO) appears to be rather uncommon [05:41] is this Síragon from Venezuela? [05:41] ye amm i see what linux generic show some msg releated with my wifi i go show [05:42] tomreyn ye [05:42] if so, maybe they provide a bios update for your system somewhere around https://siragon.com/soporte/ [05:43] https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/K7NdMHMQKW/ UBSAN: array-index-out-of-bounds in /build/linux-13Hbkx/linux-5.15.0/drivers/net/wireless/realtek/rtlwifi/rtl8192se/rf.c:52:11 [   46.682547] index -1 is out of range for type 's8 [59]' [05:46] Thedemon007: that's a bug you could report [05:46] or it can be. [05:46] !bug | Thedemon007 [05:46] Thedemon007: If you find a bug in Ubuntu or any of its official !flavors, please report it using the command « ubuntu-bug » - See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ReportingBugs for other ways to report bugs. [05:47] as a workaround, i suggest trying the HWE kernel: linux-generic-hwe-22.04 [05:47] !hwe | Thedemon007 [05:47] Thedemon007: The Ubuntu LTS enablement stacks provide newer kernel and X support for existing LTS releases, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Kernel/LTSEnablementStack [05:53] Thedemon007: sudo apt update && sudo apt install linux-generic-hwe-22.04 then reboot into kernel version [05:55] tomreyn is the dafault kernel of jammy i think ? already are installed [05:55] does the wireless work with it? [05:56] ye no problem with wifi [05:56] LTS releases like jammy have multiple supported kernels, there is no 'default' really. [05:57] if you read the links ubottu posted you will understand your options [06:01] amm ok so when a new lts are release jammy can install the kernel of new lts kernel of the new ubuntu lts? [06:04] Thedemon007: https://gist.github.com/tomreyn/8d7675840d7bc7389b32e4d8887ca449 [06:05] but, yes, generally that's roughly how it works [06:11] tomreyn thanks i remember read about this but no found nothing now can understand.. I thought it meant that an LTS version could install kernel from another version of Ubuntu like Mantic but now i see what, this no are supported officially [06:12] using newer kernels is only supported through the backported HWE packages [06:22] Ok now understand when version 22.04.4 is released, I will be able to use the Mantic kernel === TomTom_ is now known as TomTom === remy_ is now known as Remy [08:45] is it normal that desktop icons are displayed on the external monitor instead of the primary display? [08:48] no its not [08:48] ice9: check settings Displays Display mode Join Displays may be set to mirror switch to join [08:49] toddc, it's not set to mirror [08:49] which package I should file the bug to ? [08:49] switch to join [08:50] mirror makes them the same vs join will only show the task bar in the mian monitor [08:55] EriC^^: you around? trying to do what you did but for "fan1" [09:37] I'm not getting any sound on my ubuntu. [09:41] !sound | leejones [09:41] leejones: If you're having problems with sound, click the Volume applet, then Sound Preferences, and check your Volume, Hardware, Input, and Output settings. If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - https://alsa.opensrc.org/DmixPlugin - For playing audio files, see !players and !mp3. [09:42] Where is this volume aplet? [09:44] leejones: the volume icon on the top right corner [09:44] Where is the volume aplet? [09:45] leejones, fair enough, that particular factoid needs updating to reflect the current gnome shell desktop. If you could just provide some more details about your problem [09:45] I don't get any sound on youtube, nor anywhere. [09:46] http://paste.debian.net/1295037/ I can't set the font in conky. It's always default and doesn't change no matter the size I put. Any ideas? [09:47] "netfilter-persistent save" is not saving the rules, any idea? [09:47] No. [09:50] http://paste.debian.net/1295038/ mine is working as expected and i can see some font setup you do not hav in your conkyrc [09:50] jailbreak, * [09:50] What? [09:51] What am I missing zniavre [09:53] jailbreak, i share my conkyrc with some fonts setup in the config section ( before TEXT) maybe this options can helps you) [09:54] zniavre: conky: Syntax error (conkyrc:50: unexpected symbol near '#') while reading config file. [09:56] zniavre: my config: with yours added too. http://paste.debian.net/1295039/ [09:57] #------------+ those lines are strange for me [09:58] zniavre: my original config: http://paste.debian.net/1295040/ [09:59] im quite sure those lines are wrong [09:59] It works.... [10:00] conky told you it is not correct anyway [10:00] Not wrong. Just can't change the font zniavre [10:00] ok [10:00] Yes I copied your config and it woldn't work. My original one works. lol [10:00] sorry [10:01] i can't help more than that [10:01] lmao === PasiZ5 is now known as PasiZ === synapt is now known as nate === R2D2 is now known as [R2D2] [11:29] testing === realivanjx4 is now known as realivanjx [11:32] test seemed to work :) [11:55] What's happening with kernel.ubuntu.org? [11:56] .com, sorry [11:56] I mean this link: https://kernel.ubuntu.com/~kernel-ppa/mainline/ [12:03] seems like down eh NatSocSiD [12:07] there was talk of it maybe being intentional but thats unclear === rs20095 is now known as rs2009 [12:27] How do you tell nmcli not to use a pager? TERM=dumb is not an option, because i want color. Is there a not-a-pager pager that doeasnt actually page? Alternatively, how do i tell the more pager to just dump everything into the terminal. [12:28] please no crossposting in several channels faekjarz [12:29] aye [12:53] Hi all [12:54] I posted on the Ubuntu forums. Need some help with Conky. https://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=2491590 [12:59] Hi I notice on one Kubuntu system upgraded to Ubuntu 22.04.3 LTS I do not have a Kubuntu Secure Boot Signing Key, while on a freshly installed Kubuntu, I do. What's it used to sign? Why might it be missing on the first computer and should I try to get it there? [13:01] [ ^ previously posted to Kubuntu w/o response ^ ] === GenericPlayer7 is now known as GenericPlayer [13:49] do you think that we can make freedos a new updated system with the help of kernel.org [13:52] mozambique: That is not an Ubuntu support issue === compuguy8 is now known as compuguy [14:09] In Discover (Software) Settings : Firmware options there is lvfs and "vendor-directory". Who/when should use "vendor-directory"? [14:10] ah found https://askubuntu.com/questions/1330872/what-is-the-difference-between-lvfs-and-vendor-directory [14:13] new idea [14:13] let me know [14:13] I wish kernel.org would take a look at freedos, it's an open-source system. [14:13] Use the linus code and transform it into .exe [14:13] A change to the title, kernel.org deals with .exe [14:13] What do you think of the idea? [14:13] Rahim 214208125 [14:14] mozambique: you're off-topic again. this is not a discussion forum, but exclusively a place for support with issues on supported ubuntu releases. [14:14] On first "apt upgrade" there were many many warnings about "Possibly missing firmware /lib/firmware/nvidia/ga.... for module nouveau" Is that expected on the first boot? I tried rebooting and was not shown a second round of MOK enrolment as some old documentation seems to suggest ( (It seems Ubuntu 22.04.3 LTS does not have an installation guide) [14:29] tomreyn : I notice after reboot after first 'apt update' there are in dmesg several nouveau lines that report firmware unavailable. What can I do about this? [14:32] pickanick: most of the time, these warnings are benign. ubuntu provides firmware needed by the drivers that come with the same ubuntu release in the linux-firmware (and some other, driver / hardware specific) packages. [14:33] often, kernel modules (drivers) have support for optional firmware, but this is not actrually required. such would also be listed on the output you saw. [14:40] tomreyn : after these warnings there appears to be a BUG: kernel NULL pointer dereference and a Call Trace, please see https://bpa.st/MWDA [14:43] pickanick: nouveau lacks support for current nvidia generation hardware because the company does not make documentation available, so no open source support is possible. consider using the nvidia proprietary or 'open' drivers. [14:43] (i don't *know* whether that's the cause of your kernel oops, but it seems likely) === esv_ is now known as esv [14:47] For installing nvidia proprietary on a laptop should I follow the server documentation https://ubuntu.com/server/docs/nvidia-drivers-installation or something else ? [14:48] or https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto/Nvidia or something else? [14:49] BinaryDriverHowto/Nvidia (last edited 2021-08-06 [14:53] pickanick: i would think this guide still applies for the most part. if you use the laptop with a graphical user interface, you should not install the nvidia-*-server packages [14:55] ok I do use the laptop with a graphical user interface, are the server packages incompatible or just insufficient (maybe they only provide CUDA like functionality) ? [14:56] have you read their description in your favorite package manager? because i assume it would tell. [14:56] great idea [14:57] If Ubuntu seems unable to power off the laptop what can I do to get it working? [14:59] fwupdmgr said a reboot was needed to use new (UEFI BIOS) firmware; after agreeing to reboot, the laptop is stuck at the DELL logo on its way to reboot [15:01] a bios update is a good idea if they system fails to shutdown properly in normal operation. [15:02] uefi upgrades through LVFS are usually staged only, they install on next reboot, which can take a while (and, as every firmware upgrade, must not be interrupted). i could only speculate what happened in your case, though. [15:03] unfortunately the nvidia-*-server packages lack a proper package description. but i'm pretty sure they are only meant to be used on server-like computers where they add GPU compute support. [15:03] I do not think the reboot happened yet, with 22.04.03 I've had to force the power off [15:04] a better option to forcing power off is the 'magic sysrq' [15:04] !sysrq [15:04] In an emergency, you may be able to shutdown cleanly and reboot by holding down Alt+PrintScreen and typing slowly, in succession, S, U and B. For an explanation, see http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Magic_SysRq_key [15:07] Hmm I may have to hold Fn down too. .... I'm not seeing anything happen [15:08] Tried with and without Fn, nothing. [15:09] when you want to test it, it's best to use 'h' (not s, u or b) while looking at a !tty [15:09] this should print a line starting with "sysrq:" on screen [15:10] I'm going to hold down the power key and hope I don't need the warrantee service [15:11] Happiness ... on power up the firmware is being updated. [15:12] the 'magic sysrq' only works while linux is running, i'm not sure which state your system was in there. [15:13] Colti: please fix your client [15:13] I have only been able to use SysReq in the [virtual?] terminals you get with Cntl-Alt-F2+ [15:14] Should it work when in the graphical interface? I've never gotten it to work then. [15:14] you can use it everywhere, but you won't see any output if you're not looking at a tty or your kernel logs [15:15] Have you successfully used it to reboot from inside a graphical session? When they hang it's never worked for me yet. [15:17] (I never tried when its working fine tho) [15:21] I am trying to follow https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto/Nvidia ; where is the notification or icon "reminding you that restricted drivers are available. " and where do I go to choose proprietary drivers? [15:23] yes, i have successfully used magic sysrq from within a graphical session. you can test whether magic sysrq works there by opening a terminal emulator and doing a logtail on dmesg, i.e. run sudo dmesg -w or journalctl -kf [15:23] when the 'h' sysrq is pressed, you will see a "sysrq: ..." notice there. [15:24] you can choose proprietary drivers from Settings [15:24] that's on gnome-shell, i'm not sure about the other graphical desktops. [15:25] if you prefer managing this without a GUI, there's also the "ubuntu-drivers" CLI [15:26] i think the notification or icon "reminding you that restricted drivers are available." is only shown once after a fresh installation, but not sure. [15:26] Oh maybe I should use a hwe or oem kernel ? This laptop is certified with Ubuntu 20.04 [15:28] i think the idea there is that you can either use a laptop maufacturer provided OEM image to install, or you can use standard ubuntu with its standard kernel images. [15:29] in the latter case, it should not matter which ubuntu release you're using, but not all hardware components may be fully supported (which, most of the time, is not an issue). [15:29] ubuntu-drivers devices, ubuntu-drivers list, ubuntu-drivers list-oem all return silently. [15:31] should nvidia show up if theres an NVIDIA card? [15:32] if it's not a too old card, yes [15:34] hmm, not sure what would cause this if you actually have nvidia hardware. maybe try the GUI instead. [15:35] OK maybe I have to install GNOME just to see the GNOME Restricted Drivers. What packages do I need? === Vercas1 is now known as Vercas [15:35] which desktop are you using now? [15:36] Kubuntu 22.04.3 [15:37] You could try #kubuntu and https://kubuntu.org/support/ for help with the Kubuntu GUI applications. [15:42] Asking there, but if ubuntu-drivers devices shows nothing maybe that is a problem? [15:44] if you actuall yhave nvidia hardware, and have all relevant apt repositories enabled, then it can be a bug [15:46] hmm the KDE "Discover" app now does not run [15:46] which is the GUI for Software / Updates [15:49] How do I make ubuntu22.04.3's grub not wait 30 seconds in the bootloader on boot? [16:03] pickanick: does sudo apt update && sudo apt upgrade && sudo apt dist-upgrade run without errors or warnings on a terminal emulator, though? [16:05] bitbinge: is this on a fresh install? normally, it would not do so. [16:08] Yes, fresh install. [16:09] And yes, no errors. [16:10] Hi. Please, Can someone help me set up the microphone? https://paste.debian.net/1295060/ Thanks [16:11] bitbinge: can you share /etc/default/grub? grep -Ev '^(#.*)?$' /etc/default/grub | nc termbin.com 9999 [16:11] vbeprobe in it's command line doesn't work either and it's very very slow. [16:13] very slow running Linux, too, or just grub? [16:13] I only changed one line, this is stock. [16:13] Only grub. [16:13] does it happen when you undo the one line change, though? [16:14] Yup. [16:16] maybe look for a bios upgrade [16:17] or try setting a suitable GFX mode in /etc/default/grub , such as GRUB_GFXMODE=1280x1024x32,auto [16:17] I just changed another line GRUB_GFXMODE and that correctly worked. So something prevents this specific timeout var to change. [16:26] What does auto do in here tomreyn ? [16:29] bitbinge: i don't remember, have you tried the manual? [16:31] OK, fixed it. Turns out this is a fault of all those guides, docs etc. that are on the internet. vbeprobe doesn't exist, I believe it was superseded by videoinfo. GRUB_TIMEOUT doesn't work for whatever reason, you have to set GRUB_RECORDFAIL_TIMEOUT... I can't imagine a newby figuring this out for the life of me. [16:44] hola [16:51] With pw-cli ls, how can I identify the ID of my microphone? [17:32] getting some weird network manager bugs in 23.10, when I deleted a wifi network with say; nmcli c del wifi_name [17:33] it re-appears on reboot [17:33] anyone else confirm this? [17:37] aurolac: Are you trying to ignore a wifi access point? [17:38] it doesn't appear to delete properly regardless, as with previous releases, its borked [17:38] network manager doesn't seem to play well with my vpn cli either :/ [17:39] typically nmcli c d wifi_name will disconnect it, nmcli c del wifi_name should remove it completely but fails to do so [17:39] as it re-appears in list when on reboot and type, nmcli c [17:40] NM automatically creates a profile for devices which don't have one. [17:41] as a matter of usability (on desktops) [17:42] 23.10 does have the new scheme where NetworkManager stores config info in netplan, so it's not inconceivable there's a bug here. [17:45] yeah i read about the netplan addition [17:46] im scouring launchpad but bug reports as we speak [17:46] oh i wasn't aware of that change [17:57] Sometimes the buttons on my earbuds don't always unpause music/video on Ubuntu 22.04, but pausing always works right away [17:57] any ideas? [18:03] it might lose track of what was playing [18:03] Okay, i fixed it by enabling FastConnectable in /etc/bluetooth/main.conf [18:03] works good now === cbreak_ is now known as cbreak [19:08] Any update on when do-release-upgrade will work from 23.04? It doesn't seem to me that should be affected by the installer translation problem on the ISO. [19:13] MissingMinotaur: What kind of error are you experiencing? === Rahoul0 is now known as Rahoul [19:57] `do-release-upgrade` still not seeing 23.10... :-/ is there any workaround? [19:57] time travel [20:11] sixecho2: maybe do-release-upgrade -d? but who knows if you get anything stable with that [20:12] cbreak: i did try several of the other options -- but yeah i'll pass on that - will just set a reminder for a 2-3 days from now... [20:13] i know they had the language/translation snafu on the installer -- but was hoping the upgrade wouldn't be further delayed // maybe they're having to check all over [20:14] at least for the LTS, the update seems to be delayed until .1 is released [20:14] I hope that won't happen here, I have vacation now, just in time for the upgrade :D [20:33] Hi everyone. I've just upgraded to Mantic from Lunar and no longer have any sound coming out of my speakers. It's an STRIX SOAR sound card. Sound works if I choose my conference speaker as an output (but obviously sound quality on that is terrible). Can anyone help me get started creating a bug report? I've googled the hell out of it and tried changing some alsa modprobe settings, checking the mute in alsamixer, poking around in pavucontrol - but none of it has helped [20:33] The sound card works fine on my windows partition [21:17] Does Kernel PPA being down have anything to do with the Malicious / Hate-Speech Language Translations discovered on the Ubuntu 23.10 Desktop ISOs, as reported here: ( https://www.omgubuntu.co.uk/2023/10/ubuntu-23-10-installer-translations-hijack ) ...? [21:20] Russians suck. Big time. (No - I am not going to go on with this offtopic rant of mine) [21:22] Too bad you even started it though. [21:23] krytarik: Read the announcement. [21:25] Interesting to assume the topic isn't known. [21:30] Well - volunteers can not support if individuals of malicious nations mess up the sw we are trying to develop and support. [21:34] It is reasonable to presume that if the Installation ISOs were compromised, then other parts of the Tool Chain may have been compromised. Interestingly, the "Official" Updated Kernels ( including Source / GIT ) on LaunchPad are still available. [21:35] I would recommend Ubuntu revoke those as well ( for the time-being ), to ensure integrity... [21:36] AKX: Translations are much easier to tamper with than the actual software. [21:38] Yes, but now, for safety and integrity reasons, one must presume that Malicious Commits in other sections of the Build / Release Chains may exist, and thus need to be checked. Submits to the Kernel Tree(s) via GIT would be the first place I started, if I was thinking along those lines... [21:39] Higher sense of anxiety / urgency over software safety, perhaps? [21:40] Clarification: "Kernel Tree(s)" = "Ubuntu Kernel Tree(s)," not Stock Kernel.org Kernel Tree(s)... [21:41] * etc i want to join #hexchat [21:42] op, please? [21:45] ChanServ, Drone: Please update MOTD ( Message of the Day ) to inform Users that ... 1. Ubuntu 23.10 Desktop ISO(s) have been Compromised ... 2. Ubuntu Mainline PPA currently Offline. [21:45] AKX: What has this to do with support? [21:45] AKK: Drone is a bot [21:45] AKX: Drone is a bot. [21:46] And... no. [21:46] please, what is the channel where 23.10 is discussed? [21:46] JoeBk: Clarify. [21:46] "Compromised" is a bit strong, it's a translation that had some less appropriate phrases. [21:46] JoeBk: #ubuntu-discuss #ubuntu-offtopic [21:47] jeremy31: People have been posting questions relating to 23.10 specifically, so I just made a suggestion. === Unit193 changed the topic of #ubuntu to: Official Ubuntu Support Channel | IRC Guidelines: https://ubottu.com/y/gl | #ubuntu supports Ubuntu and official flavors; versions 20.04, 22.04, 23.04, 23.10. #ubuntu-next for 24.04 | Unofficial derivatives: Use your distro's support channel, not here | IRC info: https://ubottu.com/y/irc | Pastes to https://paste.ubuntu.com | Download: https://ubottu.com/y/dl [21:49] AKX: https://discourse.ubuntu.com/t/announcement-ubuntu-desktop-23-10-release-image-is-being-updated-to-resolve-a-malicious-translation-incident/39365 will answer all of your questions regarding the incident. Any more speculation beyond that will not be done here. [21:54] I see the desktop version of 23.10 has been removed from the website. [21:55] JoeBk: See the link I just pasted. [21:56] JoeBk, yes, and official torrents are not ready either, stay tuned. [21:56] hi Eickmeyer [21:57] Hi oerheks! [21:57] The link I pasted also includes links to the legacy installer .iso image. [21:58] I know, I know, it requires reading. [22:50] Hello all, Anyone available to help someone get a printer spewing paper? [22:58] this is something that might help:D [14/Oct/2023:18:57:26 -0400] [Client 37] Returning HTTP Unknown for CUPS-Get-Default (no URI) from localhost [23:06] !details | armadefuego [23:06] armadefuego: Please elaborate; your question or issue may not seem clear or detailed enough for people to help you. Please give more detailed information; for example, we might need errors, steps, relevant configuration files, Ubuntu version, and hardware information. Use a !pastebin to avoid flooding the channel. [23:07] armadefuego: os and DE printer model ect [23:09] Its a canon mp280 on ubuntu 23.04. recognised by usb, but can not add it due to failure in cups [23:09] "Unable to get list of printer drivers" [23:13] armadefuego, maybe this post is any help https://askubuntu.com/questions/1241091/install-printer-canon-mp280-on-ubuntu-20-04 [23:14] armadefuego: I see two options for drivers for that printer https://en.canon-cna.com/support/consumer/products/printers/pixma/mp-series/pixma-mp280.html?type=drivers&os=Linux%20(64-bit) and https://launchpad.net/~michael-gruz/+archive/ubuntu/canon-trunk [23:14] toddc, seen that, old ppa, just posted an updated one [23:15] add printer fails before i cget to the part covered in "that page" ( no select printer type [23:16] I thought I posted the newer one [23:16] ls -ls - [23:17] armadefuego: install the ppa or driver first then it should find it [23:19] cups add printer finds the printer ( its in the list of "options" for local printers. [23:19] However the add option doesn't continue to the select driver option. [23:23] I downloaded the cannon driver unzipped the files till I found the install.sh and ran that as a program looks ok but with out that printer to test [23:34] well it does _something_, but i still can't get anywhere. [23:34] May be relatedto the _down_ printer... somehow... [23:34] Because the lp commands seem to all fail [23:41] Sorry, but the machine seems to be slow, right now. [23:46] my load is at 0, but everything i do with the printer(s) hangs for a while [23:49] if cannon would opensource their drivers all would be great but issues with closed source are harder to figure out (printers are not my best area ether) === monoob5 is now known as monoob [23:52] yea. i don't _usually_ do their printers, or any at all, if i can help it!