
arraybolt3alright, sasl working00:00
Eickmeyertsimonq2: Oh good!00:05
lubot[telegram] <tsimonq2> https://matterbridge.lubuntu.me/57a40c93/file_9995.jpg00:24
tsimonq2Eickmeyer: ok I'll send you my final diff ^^^^^^^^^^^00:25
tsimonq2If you set Prompt=normal, I think it should JFDI. If not, set the EOL date for Jammy in the csv file to something earlier, or whatever.00:25
tsimonq2Eickmeyer: I'm keeping my test version number as-is, fight me :P00:26
EickmeyerFeel free to send it, but I probably won't action anything until Monday. Tired and need to rest. Took the boy to the pumpkin patch with his friends today.00:27
tsimonq2Eickmeyer: No worries; I'd at least like you to glance at the changelog and chuckle ;)00:27
EickmeyerAm I going to have to debdiff my git repo?00:28
lubot[telegram] <tsimonq2> https://matterbridge.lubuntu.me/28b67de2/yay.patch00:29
lubot[telegram] <tsimonq2> Nah, that's a clean patch for the latest commit00:29
lubot[matrix] <arraybolt3> lol00:30
tsimonq2You're welcome >:D00:30
lubot[matrix] <arraybolt3> not sure what "make no use" means but the DDOS bit was hilarious00:30
tsimonq2I mean, technically, your code DDoSes git.launchpad.net00:30
tsimonq2make no use = make it not use00:30
* lubot [matrix] <arraybolt3> assigns fault to teward for absolutely no reason00:31
EickmeyerScrew it, I'm keeping that changelog entry with a big ol' [ Simon Quigley ] right above it.00:31
EickmeyerFWIW, I had a changelog entry for ubuntustudio-meta 0.300 with the entry * We. Are. SPARTA!!! in it.00:33
teward*pushes arraybolt3 out of the project out of spite*00:35
tsimonq2Eickmeyer: I mean, I *would* feel *slightly* embarrassed if that went into an SRU like that :P00:35
tewardyou blamed me so i mean xD00:35
tsimonq2(I think vorlon would laugh though, so)00:35
teward*sips hot cocoa*00:35
tsimonq2teward: OH right let me sponsor your shiznit rq00:35
tsimonq2btw it's a blindsponsor idc00:35
* lubot [matrix] <arraybolt3> disregards teward's ban and re-joins via a VPN00:36
Eickmeyertsimonq2: I know for a fact vorlon saw it because he did the very next upload.00:36
tsimonq2"How tf do you use GBP again?"00:37
tsimonq2Eickmeyer: Now, since I'm a good open source citizen, I'm sending a PR to KDE for this.00:41
teward*pulls out the Community Council hat and hard-slaps arraybolt3 from On High*00:41
tewardtsimonq2: i mentioned in my email i have a few sponsors willing to blind/semiblind stuff I have direct upload on anyways00:41
lubot[matrix] <arraybolt3> *yawns*00:42
lubot[matrix] <arraybolt3> teward: here have some coffee00:42
tewardso i can still contribute until my key is replaced. but with someone from the Debian Community Team on the list and hoping for a swift resolution that should help with the keysign issues00:42
Eickmeyertsimonq2: To be fair, neon is only ddosing their own servers. :P00:44
tsimonq2teward: cool :)00:45
tsimonq2teward: blindsponsoring is discouraged but... you're teward :P00:45
tsimonq2Eickmeyer: Do you have a KDE Identity account? me no haz access00:45
Eickmeyertsimonq2: I do.00:45
tsimonq2Was supposed to send me an email... didn't. Lmao.00:45
arraybolt3I have one too fwiw00:46
tewardtsimonq2: given blindsponsor for xca is equivalent to me uploading w/o sponsoring... :P00:46
tewardi dont think anyone will argue just make sure to close the rds00:46
tsimonq2Eickmeyer: I just used my Altispeed email and it worked, plus Kubuntu is the Standard at Altispeed, so, that works ;)00:48
tsimonq2teward: fair :)00:48
Eickmeyertsimonq2: Not surprised. Noah has great taste.00:48
teward*sits here with the command line smiling evilly at all the DEs*00:49
tewardHALF my crap I do is CLI anyways so xD00:50
Eickmeyer90% of what I do is GUI because art/music.00:50
tewardye i thrive in CLI00:51
Eickmeyerteward: How much coffee or alcohol have you had tonight?00:51
tewardlike creating the EMAIL SERVER ANEW for Lubuntu00:51
tewardEickmeyer: at lunch 3 cups of coffee.  dinner had 1 cup.  no alcohol00:52
tsimonq2Email servers *shudders*00:52
tewardi'm just a man of simple pleasures00:52
tsimonq2teward: Coffee at dinner?!? hah00:52
arraybolt3I'd drink coffee at dinner :P00:52
Eickmeyerteward: You are less grumpy than usual. It's nice to see.00:52
tewardpfft that won't last xD00:53
tewardi had a good night's sleep, some caffeine, time out and about00:54
tewardand now i'm about to wage war with Microsoft again because MS365 is a **bitch** somewhat00:54
tewardoops i forgot i'm on IRC i shouldn't swear00:54
Eickmeyer!language | teward 😁00:54
ubottuteward 😁: Please avoid any language that may be considered offensive, including acronyms and obfuscation of such - also see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines || The main channels are English only, for other languages, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/ChannelList00:54
teward*slaps Eickmeyer with a rotting fish*00:54
arraybolt3*installs a custom immutable distro on teward's daily driver*00:55
Eickmeyer*lubuntu core desktop intensifies*00:55
arraybolt3speaking of which, was there progress on the immutable Ubuntu desktop spins lately?00:55
EickmeyerWIP as far as I know, arraybolt3 .00:56
-ubottu:#lubuntu-devel- Merge 6 in system/distro-release-notifier "Instead of using a remote service, query distro-info-data" [Opened]00:56
tewardtsimonq2: learn to read email bounces.  the reasons and original messages are provided intentionally in the bounces.  Origin sender DMARC breaks mailing lists.03:32
tewardif i have to say it again i'mma start charging by the email xD03:32
arraybolt3mmm, sounds like we're about to have to invent e-stamps04:29
lubot[telegram] <tsimonq2> I really do have an itch to write an autopkgtest for plasma-d-u-n because it's so darn fidgety to test manually12:13
lubot[telegram] <tsimonq2> Okay, so I have that selection screen working in Cala \o/15:22
lubot[telegram] <tsimonq2> There's a patch to Cala itself updating some behavior to, well, work lol15:23
lubot[telegram] <tsimonq2> I'll post the PR when it's up15:23
lubot[matrix] <roberalz> \o/15:49
lubot[telegram] <tsimonq2> Side note, Cala looks 10x better with lxqt-sudo -E - why did we disable env var passing again? Something with teeming? guiverc @kc2bez @arraybolt315:53
arraybolt3IIRC we disabled it because Calamares stopped launching altogether with it for a while.15:53
lubot[telegram] <tsimonq2> Oh really?15:53
arraybolt3I think we switched it over to pkexec because of that.15:53
arraybolt3Thus the horrible theming.15:53
arraybolt3I guess if it works with lxqt-sudo again, may as well switch back :D15:54
lubot[telegram] <tsimonq2> Well, this cycle will be frontloaded with lots of stuff to test, I think adding that onto the list isn't outside the realm of possibility15:54
lubot[telegram] <tsimonq2> Also, that -E option is my new code15:54
lubot[telegram] <tsimonq2> Per bdmurray's request, at least the release upgrader needs it15:54
arraybolt3Yeah, I think that's what happened - we were running it with normal sudo or something and it was causing some weird (dbus-reladed?) start failure.15:55
lubot[telegram] <tsimonq2> I don't see why we couldn't use it here15:55
arraybolt3So yeah, if it works, shipit15:55
arraybolt3Speaking of which, I'm itching to actually *do* something now that I'm back, perhaps I should start fiddling with the idea of a Wayland session via a PPA...15:55
lubot[telegram] <tsimonq2> Also, I'm switching all of our sources.list files on install to deb822, right at the dawn of the cycle15:55
* arraybolt3 is unaware of a standard most likely15:56
lubot[telegram] <tsimonq2> Go for it :) also, we should have native theming for Qt 6 apps. That just needs a Qt 6 build of lxqt-qtplugin, which just needs packaging. I just don't know how it works with both installed at the same time15:56
lubot[telegram] <tsimonq2> LXQt won't be ready for full Qt 6 this cycle I don't think, but we should at least be theming individual components15:57
lubot[telegram] <tsimonq2> For example, Cala porting just finished like... yesterday15:57
arraybolt3Probably because of missing KF6 components I would ugess?15:57
arraybolt3(re: not ready for full qt 6 this cycle)15:57
lubot[telegram] <tsimonq2> Cala Qt6 fully functional, QML modules load, virtualkeyboard looks much better now : https://matterbridge.lubuntu.me/8475bd17/file_9999.jpg15:57
lubot[telegram] <tsimonq2> Yeah exactly15:57
arraybolt3oh fancy15:57
lubot[telegram] <tsimonq2> I've heard from some KDE Sources that they recommend we don't ship KF6 this cycle15:58
arraybolt3Yeah, don't "D15:58
lubot[telegram] <tsimonq2> https://repolib.readthedocs.io/en/latest/deb822-format.html15:58
lubot[telegram] <tsimonq2> https://discourse.ubuntu.com/t/spec-apt-deb822-sources-by-default/2933315:58
arraybolt3(I was still working with KDE while I was gone since that was part of my job, so I've been tracking some of the Plasma 6 ~~mayhem~~ progress)15:58
arraybolt3Oh wow so they entirely changed the whole file format for sources.list16:00
arraybolt3Now it looks more like a control file :P16:01
lubot[telegram] <kc2bez> we were using just `sudo` which was problematic. pkexec was the upstream preference so rather than buck the system... (re @tsimonq2: Side note, Cala looks 10x better with lxqt-sudo -E - why did we disable env var passing again? Something with theming? guiverc @kc2bez @arraybolt3)16:01
lubot[telegram] <tsimonq2> That makes sense, and to be clear, I agree with the logic that got us here (re @kc2bez: we were using just sudo which was problematic. pkexec was the upstream preference so rather than buck the system...)16:02
lubot[telegram] <tsimonq2> That being said, lxqt-sudo is meant to be a drop-in replacement for pkexec16:02
lubot[telegram] <kc2bez> And to be clear I like where you are going with it.16:02
lubot[telegram] <tsimonq2> Sounds good :)16:03
lubot[telegram] <kc2bez> Umm, where did the Calamares packaging repo go?16:15
arraybolt3https://git.lubuntu.me/Lubuntu/calamares-packaging ?16:24
lubot[telegram] <kc2bez> Yeah, that is a mirror though to the somewhat behind GitHub16:24
lubot[telegram] <kc2bez> I thought it was in LP16:25
lubot[telegram] <kc2bez> https://git.launchpad.net/~ubuntu-qt-code/+git/calamares16:25
lubot[telegram] <kc2bez> but obviously nothing there ^16:25
lubot[telegram] <kc2bez> Anyway, I was going to point out that we need to edit this patch https://git.lubuntu.me/Lubuntu/calamares-packaging/src/branch/ubuntu/kinetic/debian/patches/0001-replace-pkexec-by-sudo.patch16:36
tsimonq2bah this is better https://git.launchpad.net/~ubuntu-qt-code/+git/calamares-settings-ubuntu/commit/?h=ubuntu/future/nn&id=960bde6b67cdc0dcd64c26816de1f24ee51e180717:22
-ubottu:#lubuntu-devel- Commit 960bde6 in ~ubuntu-qt-code/+git/calamares-settings-ubuntu "Finish the prototype for pkgselect, which stores the values in GlobalStorage for later usage by a contextualprocess ubuntu/future/nn"17:22
tsimonq2Now, the biggest hurdle will be grabbing the snap preseed logic from livecd-rootfs...17:43
* Eickmeyer watches tsimonq2 reinvent the wheel for reasons17:46
tsimonq2Yeah, that's right, unfortunately >_<17:46
arraybolt3Sorry for leaves/joins, having network problems influenced by a problematic NVIDIA setup18:08
tsimonq2arraybolt3: You're good, I have them hidden anyway.18:57
tsimonq2(And I would suggest you do the same, maybe except for the support channel :) )18:57
tsimonq2This script... actually works. Problem is twofold though:18:57
tsimonq2 A) Let's say firefox depends on core22. In a few years, it will depend on core24, but there is *nothing* telling snapd "hey, there's no more connections here, remove the old snap".18:58
tsimonq2 B) There is *no* dependency resolution. Which means we'll have to hack it together ourselves.18:58
tsimonq2Those are existing problems we already face; in livecd-rootfs it's simply worked around.18:59
tsimonq2I mean, if I want to get weird, I could add a snap autoremove in l-u-n >:P19:00
tsimonq2(I'm sure I'd hear some choice words from the snap team ;) )19:00
Eickmeyertsimonq2: The way it's done, snaps are frozen in releases, meaning firefox in 23.10 will always be firefox release/stable/ubuntu-23.10, so whatever was released with it. The core22 requirement would never change. Any changes in the next release need to be done in the seed. For LTS, that also won't change as release/stable/ubuntu-22.04 will always19:03
Eickmeyeruse core20, even in point releases.19:03
EickmeyerEverything is done in the seed, and cala shouldn't have to handle it.19:04
tsimonq2Except if Calamares is installing new snaps (with a disclaimer!!!!!) that are *NOT* already pre-seeded.19:05
tsimonq2I'm imagining like, an LTS to LTS upgrade. Those old snaps won't be removed, will they?19:05
EickmeyerThat would go against TB guidance (which they would tell you).19:05
tsimonq2Where are the docs?19:05
tsimonq2Last I heard, TB said it was fine with a disclaimer.19:05
EickmeyerLTS to LTS, snaps are handled by ubuntu-release-upgrader.19:05
tsimonq2In this case, it's not much different than allowing the users to install snaps via, idk, Discover.19:06
tsimonq2Opt-in, with a disclaimer, with trusted snaps, on the existing snap store.19:06
tsimonq2What's the problem?19:06
EickmeyerThey simply do "snap --switch {new target}" via ubuntu-release-upgrader.19:06
EickmeyerThat's for seeded snaps.19:07
EickmeyerWhat's the use case for Cala installing snaps?19:07
tsimonq2Let me ask again: show me the money :)19:07
tsimonq2Where's the policy?19:07
* Eickmeyer looks for it19:07
Eickmeyertsimonq2: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1apUKR4gtOrfPGCWmtoebaQUhoy-fG8Cyo3VKJyhnpD0/edit#19:09
tsimonq2"If a user explicitly chooses to opt in to some other software source and is reasonably informed or is otherwise reasonably expected to understand that this choice means that Ubuntu is not responsible for software installed from this source, then this policy does not apply. "19:10
tsimonq2You were saying?19:10
EickmeyerScroll down to Appendix C, but I've been given hard NACKs by vorlon.19:11
EickmeyerAlso, I was told to remove the PPA enablement of the Ubuntu Studio Backports PPA from ubuntustudio-installer by vorlon because it goes against that doc.19:12
tsimonq2Again, doesn't apply if they're "reasonably informed"19:12
EickmeyerYeah, they were reasonably informed, and still got the hard NACK.19:12
EickmeyerI saw it as no different from `add-apt-repository` and was still told NACK.19:12
tsimonq2"We are NOT responsible for these packages, install at your own risk" that clearly falls under the exception19:13
tsimonq2Doesn't Ubuntu MATE do this?19:13
EickmeyerYeah, I tried that too. Ubuntu MATE is being told NACK and ignoring it.19:13
EickmeyerNotice Ubuntu MATE doesn't exactly participate in Ubuntu much anymore.19:13
tsimonq2If this is the policy text, I'll go by the policy text, unless the TB has resolved to amend the policy text.19:14
EickmeyerHere's the thing: they're writing one thing and certain members are saying another. It's really confusing.19:15
EickmeyerAnd the AAs can't agree either.19:15
tsimonq2In this case, I think I'll be asking for forgiveness instead of permission.19:16
tsimonq2The policy clearly gives it an exception.19:16
EickmeyerI think these are feathers you don't want to ruffle.19:16
tsimonq2Remember when I refused to ship snapd for several releases in Lubuntu? I have ruffled these feathers before.19:16
lubot[telegram] <kc2bez> It has had some heavy discussion19:16
EickmeyerI was explicitly told, in no uncertain terms, to remove the code from ubuntustudio-installer.19:16
EickmeyerIt's part of the reason we're sunsetting our backports PPA.19:18
lubot[telegram] <kc2bez> Different sheriffs in town now. (re @lubuntu_bot: (irc) <tsimonq2> Remember when I refused to ship snapd for several releases in Lubuntu? I have ruffled these feathers before.)19:18
tsimonq2Eickmeyer: Give me some logs so I can prepare my defense, please.19:20
EickmeyerIt was while I was trying to put together edubuntu-installer for similar purposes minus the backports PPA and vorlon admonished me.19:21
tsimonq2Let me see what I can do.19:25
lubot[telegram] <kc2bez> It was also discussed at one of the flavor meetings, I don't think we have any logs for that.19:25
Eickmeyertsimonq2: https://irclogs.ubuntu.com/2023/01/12/%23ubuntu-release.html#t19:1619:35
EickmeyerSpecifically: vorlonhopefully not too much like ubuntustudio-installer which afaik has been out of compliance with TB guidance around third-party repositories for years19:35
EickmeyerThat implies it needed to be removed even though there was a warning.19:36
EickmeyerI was remembering incorrectly about being explicitly told.19:36
tsimonq2Eickmeyer: See PM19:39
tsimonq2arraybolt3: Hey, yo, did you save SVGs for those slideshow images?20:10
arraybolt3tsimonq2: Sadly, never made SVGs.20:19
arraybolt3The source files are and always have been XCFs.20:19
tsimonq2So uh, what's that? XD20:19
arraybolt3XCF = GIMP's native raster file format20:20
tsimonq2Ah, cool.20:20
tsimonq2I almost wonder if we could do something to generate those more dynamically. You know, for locales and all that.20:20
arraybolt3I belive I sent the files earlier, but I can resend them if desired.20:20
tsimonq2Please :)20:20
arraybolt3But now that I'm here I can maybe do more slideshow and wallpaper work :)20:20
arraybolt3One moment, gotta wash a spatula20:20
tsimonq2No worries :)20:20
arraybolt3ZIP payload coming in hot!20:23
lubot<system> file Archive.zip too big to download (3021194 > allowed size: 1000000)20:24
lubot[matrix] <arraybolt3> Archive.zip20:24
arraybolt3lubot doesn't like it, but it's on Matrix.20:24
arraybolt3Hmm, the locales stuff sounds interesting.20:24
arraybolt3Also I can try and make the next slideshow SVG-based since it sounds like that's the preferred file format in these parts.20:25
tsimonq2I mean, whatever works, to be honest.20:25
lubot[telegram] <kc2bez> We have the images in their native format in a repo21:17
kc2bez@tsimonq2 arraybolt3 https://git.lubuntu.me/Lubuntu/art-sources21:18
lubot[matrix] <arraybolt3> kc2bez: ah, thought that was around here, thanks!21:20
lubot[matrix] <tsimonq2> I do believe we hide the SVG for Lubuntu due to some ongoing issues21:21
kc2bezFair. I think we can probably do that, it is our own git.21:22
kc2bezIt shouldn't be visible but you should still have access. I made it private.21:24
kc2bez404s if I am not logged in.21:25
lubot[telegram] <tsimonq2> Cool. The Lubuntu logo is what I'm worried about.21:25
kc2bezVersion control and branches are nice though :P21:26
kc2bezIf we had an art team we could delegate access too.21:27
lubot[telegram] <teward001> @tsimonq2 @kc2bez i would wait until Ubuntu Core switches to deb822 before standardizing it in Lubuntu because there could be Problems if its not done for all flavors simultaneously21:45
lubot[telegram] <teward001> core being the core components of Ubuntu21:45
lubot[telegram] <teward001> not the snapped Ubuntu Core version21:45
lubot[telegram] <tsimonq2> Why should that matter if deb822 support is fully baked?21:46
lubot[telegram] <teward001> saw 822 on this cycle but Foundations is in charge of that stuff21:46
lubot[telegram] <tsimonq2> I already talked with juliank :)21:46
lubot[telegram] <tsimonq2> He's doing it this cycle21:46
lubot[telegram] <teward001> @tsimonq2 on-upgrade tasks in d-r-u, etc.21:46
lubot[telegram] <teward001> just sayin21:46
lubot[telegram] <tsimonq2> *shrug*21:46
lubot[telegram] <teward001> also go take a day off you overwork yourself.21:46
lubot[telegram] <tsimonq2> they call it alpha for a reason XD21:46
lubot[telegram] <tsimonq2> nah I don't need one yet21:47
lubot[telegram] <teward001> *puts tsimonq2 in the sleep chamber&21:47
* kc2bez wonders about this sleep thing and thinks it might be nice to try it sometime.21:47
kc2bezIt does seem prudent to plan for it. It seems to have a high likelyhood to happen in the NN cycle. The email thread starts here - https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/ubuntu-devel/2023-September/042791.html21:52
lubot[telegram] <tsimonq2> Having it on default install in an alpha is what we're going for, not force-migrating anyone XD21:53
kc2bezSeems like exactly the time to test21:53
tsimonq2apt-get -y --purge remove snapd vlc plasma-discover muon transmission-qt quassel 2048-qt featherpad noblenote kcalc qps zsync partitionmanager qapt-deb-installer picom qlipper qtpass libreoffice*21:57
tsimonq2That's minimal install right now.21:57
tsimonq2Any suggestions/tweaks/additions welcome.21:57
arraybolt3Install only what's necessary rather than installing everything and removing what's unneeded?21:58
arraybolt3I know that's probably impossible but...21:58
tsimonq2That would require squashfses, which do technically exist.21:58
arraybolt3because the installer just clones the squashfs which is a non-minimal install21:58
tsimonq2*layered squashfses21:58
tsimonq2arraybolt3: Yeah, so I'd check to see if the main desktop ISO has layered squashfses, they might21:58
arraybolt3That's probably a bit much to ask from the live CD build infra people21:58
arraybolt3I don't have it downloaded at the moment... er...?21:59
arraybolt3wait I do21:59
tsimonq2Nah, it's a few lines of ancient, fragile bash that powers the whole build system XD21:59
kc2bezXubuntu seems to get away with it21:59
tsimonq2wait a sec tho :)21:59
tsimonq2OOOOOOOOH they do21:59
arraybolt3well would you look at that21:59
arraybolt3not just layered, but layers and layers and layers looks like22:00
arraybolt3holy smoke, last I looked inside one of these there was just one squashfs.img22:00
arraybolt3now it looks like someone sneezed into the ISO :P22:00
arraybolt3I wonder if this is a consequence of Subiquity that it's done like that now?22:01
arraybolt3But at any rate, if we can take advantage of that, I would love that.22:01
arraybolt3One disadvantage of a full install that is then pared down to a minimal one is that you have to have eough disk space to *do* a full install even if you only *want* a minimal one.22:01
tsimonq2Fun fact: a base install of Lubuntu with that "minimal install" is only like... 4.5 GB22:02
arraybolt3Another one is that as nice as apt purge is, it doesn't always really remove *everything*22:02
arraybolt3especially when snapd is in the picture22:02
tsimonq2I mean, since snaps are pre-seeded and snapd has never actually *launched*, that should be fine.22:02
arraybolt3(I once stripped snapd and Firefox out of a rather cramped machine to save space. The amount of leftovers from the process was... a lot. I had to go through and clean up so much)22:02
arraybolt3oh that's a good point22:02
arraybolt3oh, one more point of input, I wouldn't remove Featherpad from a minimal install.22:03
arraybolt3Vim probably takes up more space, is less-used, and most users will want to at least edit plain text even on a minimal machine.22:03
tsimonq2We are not removing Vim ever and that's final XD22:04
arraybolt3I know we all love Vim around here but for our general userbase... perhaps...22:04
kc2beznano is there too22:04
tsimonq2That's it! Remove nano22:04
arraybolt3nano is hidden from the user22:04
arraybolt3Vim is at least somewhat visible but...22:04
arraybolt3Even if we keep Vim, I'd still say keep Featherpad in a minimal install. It's far too valuable for the average user.22:05
kc2bezI thought nano was the default on a fresh install22:05
arraybolt3If I booted up Windows and Notepad was missing I'd be a bit dismayed :P22:05
arraybolt3also... kcalc?22:05
arraybolt3Minimal != skeletal :D22:05
kc2bezI am good with that22:06
kc2bezLubuntu 💀 edition XD22:08
arraybolt3I dunno, I guess I'm viewing a minimal install as if it were for a standard user, whereas that's what the standard install is for. The minimal one is for people who want to build from zero, so starting from zero makes sense.22:09
kc2bezYou have a desktop environment :P22:09
tsimonq2Only keeps openbox, no theming or DE XD22:10
arraybolt3In that instance, do we need the file archiver?22:10
arraybolt3How about ImageMagick, LXImage, and Skanlite? Qpdfview?22:10
tsimonq2Some of those need to be demoted to recommends in the seed first.22:10
tsimonq2Or, if we go the layered route, a separate seed entirely.22:11
kc2bezImagemagick gets pulled in with something else22:11
arraybolt3VLC could be removed too.22:11
tsimonq2Also https://git.launchpad.net/~ubuntu-qt-code/+git/calamares-settings-ubuntu/commit/?h=ubuntu/future/nn&id=7435b14ef183971e8ce30ea271fa16a1d94f754c *COUGH*22:11
-ubottu:#lubuntu-devel- Commit 7435b14 in ~ubuntu-qt-code/+git/calamares-settings-ubuntu "Completely finish the backend for pkgselect ubuntu/future/nn"22:11
arraybolt3Must be a Recommends of something since Lubuntu is happy to let me strip it out22:11
tsimonq2Looks like it's time for some deb822 ;)22:11
arraybolt3(re Imagemagick)22:11
* tsimonq2 ducks22:11
* arraybolt3 tosses tsimonq222:11
arraybolt3you can't duck when you are the projectile22:11
* kc2bez runs22:12
arraybolt3Anyway, those are my opinions. Either minimal should be just barely enough to be usable (so add back the text editor and calculator), OR we should take same route that former Xubuntu Core took and strip out *everything* except for the absolute minimum.22:13
arraybolt3Give the user a DE, a file manager, a terminal, and the desktop settings and call it a day.22:13
arraybolt3I personally would far prefer to see the latter happen.22:15

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