[19:05] Uh OH ! Appears the swever is down: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuWeeklyNewsletter/Issue809 - will another confirm "504 Gateway Time-out" is not related to my system. [19:05] sever* [19:11] Bashing-om: Site responds here now at least (empty page) [19:15] krytarik: Able to get in via alternate :) ... proceeding to make up the WIKI. [20:49] -ubottu:#ubuntu-news- ::omg!ubuntu:: VLC 3.0.19 Released @ https://www.omgubuntu.co.uk/2023/10/vlc-3-0-19-nvidia-super-scaling [22:46] UWN: Issue809 up for review and final edits: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuWeeklyNewsletter/Issue809 . [22:53] Bashing-om: Two links under "Please see" in LoCo Events aren't actual links, and the camelcase escaping at one of those is erroneous too. [22:54] Apparently you've missed the colon in the protocol prefix of those links. [22:56] Bashing-om: I'd leave the OMG Ubuntu article out of the ISO-pulled-due-to-malicious-translation bits. The discourse post is all people need to know and Joey has a bad habit of feeding speculation [22:57] And as I've stated before, OMG Ubuntu is a blog, not a news site. [22:58] krytarik: ack - pull the OMG Ubuntu article per Eickmeyer's suggestion ? [22:59] No, I don't agree with him there. [23:00] Which part? [23:04] Well, I don't feel like trying to narrow the peoples' view every time a more serious matter comes up. [23:07] UWN: The IssueTemplate updated to include mantic and LoCo events section edited. [23:07] When it's a matter of PR? When people are coming up with conspiracy theories that affect all of Ubuntu? Absolutely, krytarik . [23:08] UWN: Loco events links corrected - next edits ? [23:15] Bashing-om: Uhm, there is a stray doublequote in the Learn Linux TV title. [23:16] krytarik: Fixing :D [23:17] Eickmeyer: I'm about to do so, but did you read OMG's article on this and find any wrong statements? [23:19] krytarik: The article itself is fine, but the commenters certainly are not and Joey has a habit of fueling those from time-to-time in past articles. The comments are typically why I object to that website because it goes highly unmoderated. [23:20] However, he did close the comments this time, surprisingly, since people did start misbehaving. [23:20] " [23:20] I don't think there's much else to be "said" on this so, since things are taking a predictable turn down here, I'm closing comments. I'll update the post/mention when the new ISO is out :)" [23:21] Nope, still a whole bunch of horrible/misleading comments that I'd rather we didn't point to with a link. [23:22] And some comments are completely false.