
src`$ lsb_release -a` I'm on ubuntu 23.04 but `$ sudo do-release-upgrade`-> no new release found (update-manager-core is up to date)00:10
srcis there not yet an upgrade path or am I doing something wrong here?00:10
Eickmeyersrc: upgrades to 23.10 are not available immediately after release, they usually take a day to a week, depending on upgrade issues to be sorted. If you want, you can use `update-manager -d` at your own risk.00:12
srcEickmeyer: 'upgrade to the development release'00:14
srcwould that even mean I'd be on 23.10 or on some ever changing current branch or something00:14
srcanyways I guess I'll wait, fuck, should have looked up before taking a long backup00:14
Eickmeyersrc: I said what I said.00:14
Eickmeyer!language | src00:14
ubottusrc: Please avoid any language that may be considered offensive, including acronyms and obfuscation of such - also see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines || The main channels are English only, for other languages, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/ChannelList00:14
EickmeyerThere's no development release right now, the new development branch hasn't opened yet.00:15
Eickmeyer23.04 wouldn't skip ahead anyhow.00:16
EriC^^src: you'd be on 23.1000:16
srcI'll wait then, I'll do an incremental backup when it's available, shouldn't need to run through the whole thing again00:16
srcanyways thanks00:17
EriC^^src: might be worth seeing what's in 'cat /etc/update-manager/release-upgrades'00:17
EriC^^for prompt=00:17
EriC^^in case it's set to lts by mistake or something00:17
srcEriC^^: set to normal00:18
EickmeyerEriC^^: If they're on 23.04 I highly doubt it would be set to lts as 1) it can't be set to that by default, and 2) it couldn't have been upgraded to 23.04.00:18
srcto be fair he said "might be worth seeing"00:18
EriC^^Eickmeyer: i know, yes ^00:19
Eickmeyersrc: Right, but illogical.00:19
srcyou never know what people do to their systems lol00:19
EriC^^i literally said 'by mistake'00:19
EriC^^Eickmeyer: there's nothing illogical about it, but your pedantic majesty wins \o/ feel good now00:20
EickmeyerEriC^^: I just don't like it when I'm trying to help someone and someone takes over, it's not helpful and gets under my skin, that's all.00:20
EriC^^Eickmeyer: it looked like you were done helping, i merely pointed out the off chance of prompt not being set, might be worth seeing is all00:21
srcyou guys need to chillax00:21
EickmeyerTo be fair, I'm probably a little on-edge, had an incident yesterday where I was harassed by a user. Sorry if it comes out sideways.00:24
TheWebFoxEickmeye_r, if you mean me, I'm sorry if I caused you distress a few days ago ...00:42
EickmeyerTheWebFox: No, wasn't you. :)01:10
MissingMinotaurIf the person asking about /etc/update-manager/release-upgrades was asking me, 'Prompt=normal'01:40
ooberbananajoin #thelounge02:02
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toddcRGN: do you need help just ask your question!03:39
kubuntuboican anyone help me on installing wl-clipboard-rs on ubuntu? i'd use wl-clipboard but the rs version actually fixes a copy bug in the regular package https://github.com/YaLTeR/wl-clipboard-rs03:45
kubuntuboithats what i said when i switched from arch, the aur really held my hand 😥03:47
kubuntuboii mean it was a lot easier since everything was just in it lol03:53
PeGaSuSprobably rust-wl-clipboard-rs?04:02
PeGaSuSI mean, libruw04:04
kubuntuboioh yeah i tried that appearantly thats just the source, what i primarly need is just wl-copyhttps://github.com/YaLTeR/wl-clipboard-rs/tree/master/wl-clipboard-rs-tools/src/bin04:05
matsamanthe source, from which you can build it04:06
kubuntuboiwell apparently i got it to build, git clone that repo, cargo build and the executable is in ~/wl-clipboard-rs/target/debug lol appreciate yall04:11
matsamanlolol rust04:16
pickanickpardon, please disregard07:00
oerheks!info thunar08:00
ubottuthunar (4.18.7-1, mantic): File Manager for Xfce. In component universe, is optional. Built by thunar. Size 334 kB / 1,091 kB08:00
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Lvl4SwordWhat's the recommended way of fixing this? .. ALSA lib pcm.c:2666:(snd_pcm_open_noupdate) Unknown PCM cards.pcm.front09:05
tomreynwhich hardware, which ubuntu release?09:11
Lvl4Swordtomreyn, Wrong channel, sorry09:21
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lovskaGuys please help me12:19
jeremy31We don't know what is wrong12:19
lovskaOct 15 18:03:35 ubuntu subiquity_event.3286[3286]: subiquity/Early/apply_autoinstall_config12:20
lovskaOct 15 18:03:35 ubuntu subiquity_event.3286[3286]: subiquity/Early/apply_autoinstall_config12:20
lovskaOct 15 18:03:35 ubuntu subiquity_event.3286[3286]: subiquity/Reporting/apply_autoinstall_config12:20
lovskaOct 15 18:03:35 ubuntu subiquity_event.3286[3286]: subiquity/Reporting/apply_autoinstall_config12:20
lovskaOct 15 18:03:35 ubuntu subiquity_event.3286[3286]: subiquity/Error/apply_autoinstall_config12:20
Louiex1322Hello all, I can't install Ubuntu, can anyone help?12:24
jeremy31Louiex1322: Why can't you install?12:25
Louiex1322I don't know12:25
Louiex1322Therefore, I ask you for help12:26
lotuspsychje!details | Louiex132212:27
ubottuLouiex1322: Please elaborate; your question or issue may not seem clear or detailed enough for people to help you. Please give more detailed information; for example, we might need errors, steps, relevant configuration files, Ubuntu version, and hardware information. Use a !pastebin to avoid flooding the channel.12:27
Louiex1322I'm currently trying to install Ubuntu 23.04 next to my Windows 10 installation.12:28
Louiex1322I am ready to provide what you ask12:28
lotuspsychje!dualboot | Louiex1322 start here12:29
ubottuLouiex1322 start here: Dual boot instructions: x86/AMD64: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DualBoot/Windows - Macs: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MacBookPro https://help.ubuntu.com/community/YabootConfigurationForMacintoshPowerPCsDualBoot12:29
lotuspsychje!uefi | Louiex1322 see also12:30
ubottuLouiex1322 see also: UEFI is a specification that defines a software interface between an operating system and platform firmware. It is meant as a replacement for the BIOS. For information on how to set up and install Ubuntu and its derivatives on UEFI machines please read https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UEFI12:30
Louiex1322При установке выдаёт сбой и установка не продолжается12:30
Louiex1322The installation fails and the installation does not continue.12:30
lotuspsychjeLouiex1322: try to catch the error you are getting and copy into a !paste so the volunteers can try to debug your issue12:32
ubottuFor posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use https://dpaste.com | To post !screenshots use https://imgur.com | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.12:32
Louiex1322I can only provide this12:34
Louiex1322Is there something about my problem?12:46
conOct 15 18:10:37 ubuntu subiquity_log.3286[7322]: rsync: [sender] read errors mapping "/tmp/tmpogs2pk9b/mount/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libcamel-1.2.so.64.0.0": Input/output error (5)12:50
jeremy31Louiex1322: I would download Ubuntu 22.04 and see if that installs12:50
conThat seems to be the origin of the failure, which implies that some storage media involved is faulty.12:50
Louiex1322con: How to check12:51
conBest way I can think of is to look at the Windows Event Log for events that would indicate issues accessing the disk.12:56
conSince you already have Windows installed.12:56
tomreynin case they'll return: these look like *read* errors from the *installation media*, so this may be bad (not the target media). was the checksum verification at boot skipped? did they verify the downloaded iso checksum?13:15
BluesKajHi all13:23
pickanickOn shutdown: "A stop job is ?waiting? for session 3 of user ..."  Does session 3 mean a terminal emulator like Konsole in graphical session? Or virtual terminals (which are no longer accessible)13:42
ice9I'm compiling an app that requires pygtk-2.0 but this package doesn't exist, what should I do?14:07
samba35i am not able to boot system while boot it say libzstd.so pakage not found went into initramfs prompt where i cant find ssd14:15
samba35how to repair it or reinstall package ?14:16
cbreaksamba35: you could boot to a USB install medium14:45
cbreakand from there, chroot into your normal boot environment, and reinstall it14:46
cbreakany idea why it's not found though?14:46
samba35yes i am able to boot with usb but how do i fix /reinstall package14:47
samba35how do i run chroot ?14:49
JoeBksamba35, type 'man chroot'14:54
ravagesamba35: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RecoveryMode14:56
ravageor https://help.ubuntu.com/community/LiveCdRecovery if that does not boot anymore14:57
EriC^^samba35: https://pchelp.youtubextras.com/topics/how-to-setup-a-chroot15:05
EriC^^samba35: if you're booted in the live usb then you want to follow from the very last section, "mount binding .."15:06
paul424Hello, hello how do I downgrade to particular kernel version of 5.18 ?15:11
conpaul424: Any particular reason?15:16
paul424390.151 (5.18+) and the card 525M nvidia15:17
paul424which needs this15:17
paul424but the site says it would work with 5.15 as well ....15:17
paul424" install linux-generic " ???15:19
ravagewhat is the problem with the nvidia-driver-390 package?15:19
paul424it's obsolate no more upgraded for years15:20
paul424so someone smart is preparing the binaries himself15:20
ravagethe repo says it updates support for kernel versions15:20
ravagethere are no updates to the driver itself15:21
ravageit is proprietary code15:21
paul424what ? O.O ?15:21
paul424look here https://github.com/MeowIce/nvidia-legacy/tree/390.15115:21
ravageyes thats exactly what i said15:22
ravageit patches support for kernel versions15:22
ravageNOT the features of the driver at all15:23
ravageactually the 390 driver in the repos is newer. nvidia-driver-390/jammy-updates,jammy-security 390.157-0ubuntu0.22.04.2 amd6415:23
leftyfbpaul424: so you want to downgrade your kernel to one that is EOL and unsupported, which will most certainly introduce security and stability risks because you want to use an EOL an unsupported driver developed by some dude all because because you think the incremented number in said project will somehow improved your currently non-broken system?15:26
paul424well I have tried his patch on several occasions ( other laptops ) and I am fine with it15:26
paul424becuse IT Seems I have no other choice for nvidia binary drivers on Ubuntu15:27
leftyfbpaul424: 390 is a perfectly fine choice15:28
paul424https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/jammy/+source/nvidia-graphics-drivers-390 this ?15:28
leftyfbpaul424: what release of ubuntu are you running?15:28
paul424Ubutnu 22.04 LTS15:29
leftyfbpaul424: sudo apt install nvidia-driver-39015:30
paul424Is it so simple ? will try it now15:30
* ravage sighs15:31
paul424>>The Linux 390.* legacy driver series is the last to support GF1xx ("Fermi") GPUs. Support for new Linux kernels and X servers, as well as fixes for critical bugs, will be included in 390.* legacy releases through the end of 2022.15:38
paul424 <<15:38
paul424leftyfb, ravage uhhh my castle of bricks is falling because of the script I have used ( the MeowICE one ) -- that is the nvidia driver doesn't start up :( no errors in /var/log/Xorg.0.log How do I reinstall the kernel 6.2 afresh  ?15:49
paul424and it's dependencies ?15:49
leftyfbpaul424: sudo apt install --reinstall linux-image-generic-hwe-22.04 linux-headers-generic-hwe-22.0415:50
paul424also I should mention that it is the dual graphic card laptop model15:50
paul424maybe that it is causing so much trouble -- the INspiron N711015:50
leftyfbpaul424: that 3rd party script is more than likely causing your issues15:51
paul424yeah I see that 's why I am reinstalling kernel15:51
paul424well it almost works , but a low resolution cannot be changed with nvidia-settings16:12
paul424it has no such label ....16:12
paul424what to do ?>16:12
John_Ddo people get flicker of app center window?16:21
John_Ddo you use xorg or wayland?16:28
paul424John_D,  ????16:35
paul424I do use Xorg16:35
John_Doh ok. when I was trying ubuntu 23.10 live it got horrible flicker of the app center window. even on youtube video saw same behavior. so been wondering about this issue16:36
John_Dthought maybe this issue is related to flutter based applications16:37
ice9"netfilter-persistent save" doesn't save rules on Ubuntu 23.10, any idea?17:40
jonny6782232Hello, does anyone know how I can set a port for the DNS server entry in the nmtui (network manager)?18:14
leftyfbjonny6782232: a port?18:15
jonny6782232@leftyfb yes18:19
jonny6782232i want to set a dns entry like
leftyfbjonny6782232: why not disable systemd-resolve and run your 2222 dns server on 53?18:21
Kad1Hey all. I'm trying to get Ubuntu to simultaneously output the same audio to 2 HDMI outputs. I can mirror the display with 2 clicks, but getting audio working seems to require a first-born sacrifice. I've tried paprefs, but it seems to only output to one of them. `pactl list short sinks` gives me the stereo out + HDMI out, always the same18:30
Kad10000_00_1f.3 regardless of which HDMI out I choose in Settings. What am I doing wrong?18:30
Kad1(22.04.3 LTS, just installed on an Intel NUC machine)18:31
stennoif you have a question, you should just ask it19:01
jpmhwe had a program that created a HUGE number of files, by accident.  We have removed the files but it seems that the index/directory is still in trouble and an ls takes forever.  This is an ext4 file system.  Is there some way to clean up this mess?19:26
dob1hi, firefox bugs have to be reported via bugzilla ?19:26
ravagedob1: https://support.mozilla.org/en-US/kb/file-bug-report-or-feature-request-mozilla19:26
coz_try brave browser nightly19:27
catphishi've just downloaded "Ubuntu Base 23.04", i tried to boot it, but it doesn't seem to have an init. is is called something else, or am i misssing steps required to turn base into a working system?19:30
jpmhcatphish: systemd is what is now used19:30
catphishjmcgnh: i assumed it was, any idea where that is?19:31
John_Dcatphish what are you trying to accomplish?19:32
catphishJohn_D: i have an arm64 router with a functional kernel but no userspace yet, i want a copy of ubuntu arm64 userspace that i can extract onto the device and boot19:34
John_Doh. sounds like rocket science to me : D19:35
catphishi tried to install ubuntu-base-23.04-base-arm64.tar.gz but it doesn't seem to have an init binary19:35
catphishit's been a slog getting tht thing to boot, and i'm nearly there, kernel boots, just need an actual OS on top now19:35
catphish*the thing19:35
John_Dyou are on your own lol19:36
John_Dthis support channel doesn't seem to be helpful. people just keep silent in here19:36
catphishwill get even less help if i don't ask :)19:36
John_Dtrue that. you've tried19:37
John_Dmaybe askubuntu will be more of a help?19:38
ice9"netfilter-persistent save" doesn't save rules, any idea?19:38
dob1I don't like bugzilla it doesn't hide your email address19:43
dob1it's a privacy issue19:43
ravage!ot | dob119:44
ubottudob1: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!19:44
dob1it's not OT if I have to use this bad tool to fill a bug report for a software installed on ubuntu19:44
ravageit is19:44
ice9there are so many "DENIED" log in dmesg from apparmor from many apps like nautilus, firefox and others; shouldn't that break their functionality?19:45
catphishi think i've answered my own question - using this mechod i can install arm64 to a directory on my x86 machine https://digriz.org.uk/tutorials/foreign-debootstrap20:01
KadiganIn case anyone had any ideas, I was the guy with the "send audio to both HDMI outputs at the same time" issue.20:33
KadiganFor now I've settled for the "switch via Settings", but that's not a great solution.20:34
kubuntuboiso i was having a bug with screen flickering on certain programs so i wanted to try the latest mesa, installed https://launchpad.net/~oibaf/+archive/ubuntu/graphics-drivers but that didn't fix it so i wanted to revert the changes, using sudo ppa-purge ppa:oibaf/graphics-drivers and updating, vainfo still shows i'm using it20:47
kubuntuboi23.3~git2310150600.8b6b40~oibaf~m for AMD Radeon Graphics (rembrandt, LLVM 16.0.6, DRM 3.54, 6.5.0-9-generic)20:48
ninunincan someone help me how to block from search somethin on youtube?20:59
ninunini am using adblock20:59
bedde25hi, i installed ubuntu kde 20.04 on mi 2 in 1 dell 5290 but i cannot get the camera to werk, can anyone help me?21:15
shankaraHello. I'm a new user of Ubuntu: (Maybe its a silly thing but... patience)21:31
shankaraI have an old Toshiba p45 / i5 /2.30ghz.21:31
shankaraInstalled Ubuntu. Touchpad didn't work.21:31
shankaraI went to a forum on Ubuntu webpage.21:31
shankaraAbout the problem. I did what they said.21:31
shankaraAnd Now I have this error:21:31
conshankara: You're triggering the flood prevention in the channel by sending many short messages in quick succession. Don't use the enter key as punctuation.21:33
shankaraIm sorry first time here too21:33
bedde25hi, i installed ubuntu kde 22.04 on mi 2 in 1 dell 5290 but i cannot get the camera to werk, can anyone help me?21:34
shankaraHello. I'm a new user of Ubuntu: (Maybe its a silly thing but... patience)21:40
shankaraI have an old Toshiba p45 / i5 /2.30ghz.21:40
shankaraInstalled Ubuntu. Touchpad didn't work.21:40
shankaraI went to a forum on Ubuntu webpage.21:40
shankaraAbout the problem. I did what they said.21:40
shankaraAnd Now I have this error:21:40
shankaraWell I suppose there is no Support today. Thanks anyway. I'll finish my ubuntu experience here. Arrivederci.21:47
jeremy31shankara: Is there a FN combo to enable touchpad?21:48
jeremy31shankara: Where is your forum post?21:50
shankaraand a small button over it21:50
shankarahold a sec21:50
shankaraNot mine... i just look for one...21:52
jeremy31shankara: post URL from terminal for> xinput|nc termbin.com 999921:52
shankaraI used to have linux mint and i didn't had this problems... but this one is driving me crazy21:52
jeremy31shankara: that is odd as Mint has no special settings for touchpad..I use Mint and Ubuntu21:53
bedde25can anyone help me too? i installed ubuntu kde 22.04 on mi 2 in 1 dell 5290 but i cannot get the camera to work21:53
toddcbedde25: look at https://askubuntu.com/questions/1091320/getting-webcam-to-work-on-dell-latitude-5290-2-in-1  also see https://www.dell.com/support/kbdoc/en-us/000129819/a-guide-to-webcams-on-dell-notebook-and-desktop-pcs-with-ubuntu-operating-systems21:57
toddcbedde25: the first link ( a bit old) but dell says there are no drivers for linux on that camera  but both have guide to get more info that might help us22:00
toddcrare for a camera not to work on ubuntu but there are a few22:01
bedde25can i give you more info?22:05
bedde25maybe you need some command to identify my cam?22:05
toddc!paste | bedde2522:06
ubottubedde25: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use https://dpaste.com | To post !screenshots use https://imgur.com | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.22:06
bedde25what command do you need?  "lsusb" ?22:07
toddcthat would be a good start22:07
bedde25something wrong i cannot see my webcam into this devices... or am i missing something?22:15
toddcbedde25: I did not see it in the list hang around a bit in case some with more skills has a better Idea22:16
bedde25i think my webcam is not usb22:16
bedde25so i do not see the device there for this reason22:16
toddcbedde25: also check for a hardware switch or Fn+ to turn on the camera22:16
bedde25the enable is in the bios and i already enabled it22:17
toddcsome have mutible on of switches22:17
bedde25i do not understand how to get more info22:20
bedde25i do not understand how to get more info22:20
bedde25i have no switch, my keyboard is detacheble one22:21
=== kostkon_ is now known as kostkon
bedde25ill try libcamera22:29
bedde25seems to be the solution22:29
bedde25i have to go now, very late at my side. thank you so much ....22:30
toddcbedde25: near as I can tell att his point noone has found a driver to make it work22:30
peenkanyone able to help a noob install a tar.gz?22:42
ravagea tar.gz is a compressed archive22:42
ravageyou unpack it. it is not an installer22:42
leftyfbpeenk: what is the name of the program you are trying to install?22:43
peenki had to move my desktop computer to the laundry room where the ethernet and modem were because ubuntu didn't pickup my wifi dongle on install22:43
peenkso i redid the install completely with ethernet and made sure to install all 3rd party and drivers. still not working.22:44
peenkthis is the link to my wifi dongle22:45
ravagethe link is broken22:45
ravagelooks like this is the driver you need22:46
jeremy31peenk: If it is USB post URL from terminal for> lsusb|nc termbin.com 999922:46
peenkim going to try that ravage sent22:47
ravageif not ask jeremy3122:47
ravageit is his post :)22:47
jeremy314 year old post22:47
ravagetry his command22:47
ravagemaybe there is an up to date solution22:48
leftyfblooks like the rtl8812au-dkms package might work as well22:48
leftyfbsudo apt install rtl8812au-dkms22:48
jeremy31leftyfb: The last I knew was that dkms was broken on that since 201622:49
leftyfbyep, looks like the version for the package hasn't changed since22:50
peenk2hey guys im on the ubuntu machine now, i tried ravage and lefty, still nothing right now23:00
peenk2i have  the tar gz but i haven't a clue on how to actually get it installed.23:01
peenk2i could be overlooking something.23:01
jeremy31peenk2: post URL from terminal for> (mokutil --sb; lsusb)|nc termbin.com 999923:02
peenk2this is lsusb: Bus 002 Device 005: ID 1038:160e SteelSeries ApS SteelSeries Apex 100 Gaming Keyboard23:03
peenk2Bus 002 Device 004: ID 046d:c08b Logitech, Inc. G502 SE HERO Gaming Mouse23:03
peenk2Bus 002 Device 003: ID 0bda:0811 Realtek Semiconductor Corp. Realtek 8812AU/8821AU 802.11ac WLAN Adapter [USB Wireless Dual-Band Adapter 2.4/5Ghz]23:03
peenk2Bus 002 Device 002: ID 8087:0024 Intel Corp. Integrated Rate Matching Hub23:03
peenk2Bus 002 Device 001: ID 1d6b:0002 Linux Foundation 2.0 root hub23:03
peenk2Bus 001 Device 002: ID 8087:0024 Intel Corp. Integrated Rate Matching Hub23:03
Eickmeyer!paste | peenk223:05
ubottupeenk2: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use https://dpaste.com | To post !screenshots use https://imgur.com | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.23:05
jeremy31peenk2: run the commands at https://gist.github.com/jeremyb31/38db945423ccec718802d0a56ee0f95823:06
jeremy31Secure Boot has to be disabled, check >  mokutil --sb23:06
peenk2ok running it now23:09
peenk2thanks for the help btw23:09
jeremy31Des Moines, IA?23:10
jeremy31Not far from some relatives of mine in Calhoun County23:11
peenk2a little nw from where im at23:11
jeremy31peenk2: Have fun23:12
devslashI updated from Ubuntu 23.04 to 23.10 and it worked fine. I then installed an update and it removed my grub entries and now boots to a grub prompt23:13
peenk2still not seeing my wireless connection23:13
devslashI can boot from grub but it goes to an initramfs prompt23:13
jeremy31peenk2: what result from terminal for> mokutil --sb23:13
devslashwith an error "No root device specified. Boot arguments must include a root= parameter". I did set root=(hd1,gpt2) at the grub prompt so this is not correct23:14
Umeaboydevslash: Can you ssh into your machine?23:14
peenk2not sure how to find that out jeremy3123:15
devslashit wont boot23:15
jeremy31peenk2: open terminal with ctrl + alt + t, then paste the command in23:15
UmeaboyRun a live Ubuntu system using the iso and see if you could run sudo update-grub2 && sudo grub-install /dev/sda if sda is the prefered for grub.23:17
UmeaboyOtherwise then just reinstall grub.23:17
peenk2ya just says EFI not supported23:17
UmeaboyI don't know if Ubuntu have it, but in Mageia we have a program called fwupdate. I think that looks for updates of each firmware.....23:19
UmeaboyI could be wrong though.23:20
jeremy31peenk2: Did you reboot?23:20
peenk2lemme reboot again23:20
peenk2how can i disable secure boot?23:20
jeremy31peenk2: try my commands at https://gist.github.com/jeremyb31/38db945423ccec718802d0a56ee0f95823:20
peenk2if that is what is causing my issues23:20
jeremy31peenk2: Secure Boot doesn't work without UEFI23:21
devslashany ideas23:22
peenk2do i want to enable it or disable it23:22
peenk2i can do it from BIOS now23:22
Umeaboydevslash: Boot the iso and choose (Try before installing) option.23:22
jeremy31peenk2: You don't have to worry about Secure Boot23:23
UmeaboyThen try do the changes from inside that system.23:23
peenk2ill reboot23:23
devslashok thanks23:23
devslashbasically id need to mount my linux partition, do chroot on it and grub-install right ?23:24
peenk2i ran those codes again, it said it was installed23:26
devslashUmeaboy grub-install isnt working23:26
devslashit says cannot find a boot device for /boot/grub23:26
Umeaboydevslash: What does your fstab look like? Pastebin it.23:27
devslashmy network connection isnt working23:28
devslashim going to have to type it all out23:28
Umeaboydevslash: Is grub2-common installed?23:28
jeremy31peenk2: run the 2 commands at https://gist.github.com/jeremyb31/a2bee9856d8c13f42f1835bc31bf9480 in terminal and post the termbin URL after the second command is done23:29
UmeaboyThat is the package holding the grub-install command.23:30
devslashi dont have anything that starts with grub223:30
devslashi have grub-instal23:30
devslashwhen i do grub-install /dev/sdb2 now i get an error that filesystem ex2 doesnt support embedding and says error: wont proceed without blocklists23:31
UmeaboyIs sb2 where Ubuntu usually installs the bootloader? It's been a while since.......23:32
devslashwhere sdb2 is my linux partition23:32
devslashi think so23:32
devslashi have an efi partition on sdb223:32
devslashi have an efi partition on sdb123:32
UmeaboyLeave out the 2. Try that.23:33
devslashsame issue23:33
devslashsays it will not proceed without blocklists23:33
UmeaboyWhat happens if you type grub-install /dev/sda ?23:34
peenk2jeremy31 would it be fruitful to switch to a live distro like fedora? (if we can't get it to work)23:34
devslashby the way before doung chroot, i bound /dev , /sys and /proc to the location where i mounted my linux partition23:35
Umeaboypeenk2: Try Arch. :)23:35
EickmeyerUmeaboy: None of that here.23:35
devslashsame error with /dev/sda23:35
UmeaboyEickmeyer: OK. Sorry.23:35
Umeaboydevslash: Have any of the previous Ubuntu versions worked before?23:36
devslashup to 23.1023:37
jeremy31peenk2: I don't think Fedora would help23:37
devslashafter i instlaled an update in 23.10 it did all of this23:37
peenk2anything i can do at this point jeremy3123:37
peenk2try a new wifi adapater23:37
Eickmeyerpeenk2: Was this an upgrade to 23.10?23:37
peenk2@eick no, fresh LTS install and wifi dongle not working after various attempts23:38
EickmeyerOh, weird.23:38
peenk2usually ubuntu is seemless.23:38
peenk2that is why i went with it.23:38
jeremy31peenk2: post URL from terminal for> dkms status|nc termbin.com 999923:38
EickmeyerI was just asking as upgrades aren't supported yet, peenk2. :)23:39
Umeaboydevslash: If I were you I'd stick to 22.04.3.........at least until the issue is fixed.23:39
Eickmeyerdevslash: Was yours an upgrade to 23.10?23:40
devslashthats not the issue here23:40
devslashI was on 23.0423:40
devslashI upgraded to 23.10. All was fine at first23:41
devslashI did the regular system updates then it rebooted and this happened23:41
Eickmeyerdevslash: This is precisely why 23.10 upgrades are "at your own risk" right now. that "-d" flag overrides it. Upgrades aren't ready yet, because things like what you're experiencing can go wrong.23:41
Eickmeyerdevslash: That said, what you have gotten yourself into is an unsupportable situation.23:42
devslashthat doesn't really help me right now23:42
Eickmeyerdevslash: Nor is it anybody's responsibility to help you.23:42
devslashyea Ubuntu isnt as stable as it used to be23:42
Eickmeyerdevslash: But the upgrade wasn't ready, but you decided to do this against recommendation.23:43
devslashwhy wasnt it officially released ?23:43
EickmeyerIt's officially released for clean installs, not for upgrades yet.23:43
jeremy31peenk2: in terminal> sudo apt remove rtl8812au-dkms23:43
EickmeyerOtherwise it would've been offered, devslash .23:43
jeremy31peenk2: sudo dkms uninstall 8812au/4.2.3 --all23:44
UmeaboyI hate to say this but Eickmeyer has a point.23:44
peenk2jeremy31 alright, did both of those commands23:45
devslashso im basically SOL?23:45
jeremy31peenk2: Now run the commands at https://gist.github.com/jeremyb31/38db945423ccec718802d0a56ee0f958 and reboot23:46
UmeaboyWhat's that an abbreviation of?23:46
devslashyea. Sh!t outta luck23:46
Umeaboydevslash: You could ask in #linux23:46
Eickmeyer!language | devslash23:47
ubottudevslash: Please avoid any language that may be considered offensive, including acronyms and obfuscation of such - also see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines || The main channels are English only, for other languages, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/ChannelList23:47
peenk2Error! DKMS tree already contains: 8812au-4.2.323:48
peenk2i just did, ill reboot again23:48
peenk2jeremy31 https://ubuntuforums.org/archive/index.php/t-2440741.html maybe this23:51
leftyfbdevslash: which one of your filesystems is ext2?23:54
jeremy31peenk2: That version isn't right for the commands I gave,23:55
jeremy31peenk2: Can you post this on ubuntuforums.org and I or chili555 can help you there, it is time for me to grab something to eat and then go to bed23:57
peenk2ok sounds good thanks for the help23:57
peenk2im going to try fedora apparently it's an issue with my wifi dongle and ubuntu23:58
peenk2i dont think it's something that is solveable right now with this kernal23:58

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