
=== ubuntu is now known as Guest3451
xu-irc61whi, how do i get support on here ? Do I just ask my question:)23:11
xu-irc61wIve installed latest Xubuntu 23.10, im trying to copy backed up game files, music and documents from an external wd elements hdd back onto my system, but Thunar or the kernel will crash(system freezes) when copying files either straight away or a after a little time. In Thunar ive changed - transfer files in parallel to 'always'. My system keeps23:19
xu-irc61wfreezing though and I am having to hard reboot. Ive not experienced this issues on 23.04. any ideas how id go about fixing this issue? (ive checked external hdd file system and its fine)23:19
xanguahow big is the external HD?23:19
xu-irc61w2tb in size23:20
xanguaI believe i've read somewhere about thunar crashing on big external HD23:22
xanguacan't find it in my history23:23
xu-irc61wive used ssds as external drives on 22.04 and 23.04 with no issues23:24
xu-irc61wive looked in dmesg and journal but they dont show anything at time of or just before system freeze/crash23:24
xanguawith xfce? no idea them, I just have a 1TB HD23:25
xu-irc61wxfce yes23:25
xu-irc61wjust latest xubuntu 23.10 im having problems23:26
xu-irc61wany ideas how top troubleshot this issue?23:31
xu-irc61wsent thunar crash logs, hopefully will get fixed23:50

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