
=== Kuraokami is now known as IchabodCrane
ajdhas anyone here ever tried getting cloud-init working with buildroot? (i realise that buildroot is normally something one uses for the exact opposite of the cloud, but i've got a very niche use case where i want to use buildroot to generate images for VMs i'm running in openstack, so i might try wiring up cloud-init...)02:28
Akilahi, autoinstall + cloud-init handles OS installation and OS parameter customization in Ubuntu..Do we have such autoinstall kind of option with RHEL & SLES that works with cloud-init05:58
caribouHello, long time no see :)14:49
caribouWe may have identified an issue with the Network-Manager renderer (tested on Jammy's 23.3.1-0ubuntu1~22.04.1).14:49
caribouWhen rendering a v2 yaml config, with mixed IPv6 and IPv6, the IPv6 route ends up in the IPv6 section of the *.nmconnection file.14:49
caribouWhen using other renderers the routes are in their correct section.14:49
caribouYou can find an example here : https://pastebin.mozilla.org/s20gvnuE14:49
caribouTL;DR : The cloud-init-eth0.nmconnection has :14:49
minimalcaribou: I've seen the same behaviour in the past with the ENI renderer15:10
minimalI started to investigate it but other things got in the way and so I never tracked down the cause15:10
caribouwell, just tested it and it's working fine here15:11
caribou(i.e. ENI)15:11
caribouI'll try to take some time to look at it15:12
minimalhmm, let me retest. It has been a few months since I last looked at this15:12
cariboubtw I'll be more than happy to file a bug on this one if needed15:16
minimalcaribou: yupe, still behaves that way with eni15:23
caribouI don't see it with the config.yaml that I posted in the pastebin15:23
cariboubut doesn't mean it's not failing15:23
minimalhave "pre-up route add" and "pre-down route del" entries in the "iface eth0 inet static" section for IPv6 routes rather than in the "iface eth0 inet6 static" section15:24
minimalthis is with my own pre-existing v2 network config15:24
minimalcaribou: testing with your YAML also behaves the same with ENI15:32
minimalcaribou: https://tpaste.us/D7PO15:36
caribouDoing a bit of online debugging we found that here : https://github.com/canonical/cloud-init/blob/c84369ac4fb91c9a32af28d47771d07631e2f3bc/cloudinit/net/network_manager.py#L25715:38
caribouLooks like the renderer is expecting a v1 structure and it gets a v2, so the test never returns an 'ipv6' family15:38
minimalI should have raised a bug for this when I first noticed it but I thought I'd be able to track down the problem and raise a PR with the fix.....but it took some time to debug and (from memory) another unrelated network rendering bug appeared around the same time that I got distracted by15:39
minimalcaribou: it's been a while since I looked at this code15:42
caribouyeah, I suppose15:42
caribouIt's getting near EOD here, I'll give it a closer look tomorrow morning15:43
caribou& create a bug for it15:43

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