
=== Kuraokami is now known as IchabodCrane
=== wodencafe is now known as wodencthulhu
=== diceLibrarian2 is now known as liceDibrarian
dreamhawkHello! Im just curious! Whats the great thing about kubuntu over ubuntu? When there's a new release, theres tons of reviews on youtube about ubuntu. But i rarely see none about kubuntu. I really like KDE over Gnome. But there's not even release information about 23.10 on Kubuntus website. Is it dying or is just Ubuntu having such a larger userbase? Asking of curiosity :)06:54
tuxanahello, i think its maybe ubuntu is more popular06:55
tuxanakubuntu will be releasing 23 soon06:55
dreamhawktuxana: oh... so the 23.10 i isntalled this morning is not the "final release"?06:57
tuxanaups sorry think it is06:59
dreamhawkhad to install it using do-release-upgrade -d06:59
dreamhawkwhich surely is a "devel-release" but...06:59
tuxanaah ok so its not the lts edition07:00
dreamhawkah no, lts is in april07:00
dreamhawk(i guess... :D )07:00
tuxanabecause i looked on the kubuntu webside and there is only 23.04 as a beta07:00
dreamhawkah yeah, 22.04 is stable iirc.07:01
guivercdreamhawk, Kubuntu 23.10 is stable & a released product. It's normal for `-d` to be be required shortly after release; I wrote an answer here that may explain why `-d` is required  (it's the same for main Ubuntu & all flavors)07:10
guiverchttps://askubuntu.com/questions/1489169/cant-upgrade-from-ubuntu-23-04-to-23-10/1489215#1489215   (sorry I forgot link)07:11
guivercfyi:  if we were talking about 24.04 just released (and upgrade was from 22.04.4); it would required `-d` until AFTER the release of 24.04.1, and even then for days (or week or two) after release of 24.04.107:12
lordievaderIndeed, "do-release-upgrade" never upgrades to a .0 release, always to a .1 release (unless the -d flag is given).07:44
dreamhawkguiverc: but what i miss is like, "the news" .. 23.10 released 3 days ago and still theres no info on kubuntu.org about it, whilst ubuntu.com flashes big about 23.10 :/07:49
dreamhawkguiverc: good post about the command on SO! :)07:52
guivercdreamhawk, I can't help with kubuntu.org details sorry; I have no details there  but please note 23.10's release is still officially occurring.. I've not posted any 23.10 release to fridge.ubuntu.com either (release is currently on 'hold' whilst ubuntu-desktop-installer ISOs are underdoing QA prior to release continuing)08:07
dreamhawkguiverc: i see... so why is it (ubuntu) posted as a "release" when its not really a release, it sound like its more of an RC? :S08:18
guivercthe release was happening; the Ubuntu Release team had told the flavors we could release (ie. release was official taking place; mirrors had sync'd etc) .. then in following hours problem with the malicious translation was detected which halted anything not yet completed...  all ubuntu-desktop-installer ISOs were deleted & those were back to RC state (which includes Ubuntu Budgie desktop).. the release process was stalled though officially still08:20
guiverc'in progress'08:20
guivercit will continue when the Ubuntu Desktop (main ISO) & Ubuntu Budgie ISOs are deemed by Project Managers to be suitable.. I included a link to the iso.qa tracker in my 'answer' on askubu08:22
guiverckubuntu's ISO uses ubiquity (with qt5 skin) so isn't impacted08:22
dreamhawkguiverc: Oh okay! Yeah i read about the translation... Then i see... Thanks for clarifying! :)08:24
TomTomHi, has the kubuntu 23.10 installer also support for the TPM2 enabled full disk encryption support?11:23
BluesKajHi all13:21
dreamhawkDo anyone have a suggestion on a program thats functions with iPod (that runs stock os) ?14:26
FeuerAuroraMy ,config is not writeable14:27
FeuerAuroraSeveral warnings show up in my screen14:27
FeuerAuroradolphin doesnt start as sudo and setting group permission doesnt work.14:27
FeuerAurorapermission for owner and adv permissions show rwx for all files14:27
FeuerAuroraBut group permission shows r--14:28
FeuerAuroraWhen I restart the PC, I know I have to reinstall the whole system to get it back to work14:29
FeuerAuroraI cannot sent the problem report from the update error message.14:42
FeuerAuroraSteam doesnt start btw. This will probably also affect firefox when I quit it.14:43
FeuerAuroraI really need to fix this problem and need help with that . thx if you listen to this chat14:44
=== david_ is now known as turbor_
rambutanI was attending church at St Patricks in Maple Ridge, and the priest Fr. Matthew To said that the most important parts of the physical body is the brain and the heart.  These indeed are the most powerful tools that we all can easily agree.  But for whatever reason or purpose, we may need to find out.  For the brain, it is easy to deal with. They said that the average CEO reads 65 books a year.  So just invest time by reading many books then we21:21
rambutanmakes most out of our brain.  So that responsibility is easily taken care of.  But the heart is very puzzling.  It seems more important than the brain even if it just pumps blood over the body, because without the heart, life will stop immediately.  But life will still go on even if brain is damaged or not functioning properly biologically.  So the core of the human body is the heart even it's function is less important than the brain. Why is21:21
rambutanthis so maybe will find out later on for possible reason.21:21
rambutanI also realized later on that planets at the very center has a core also.  Isn't the heart and the core of the planets share the same feature, e.g., without the core, the planet won't exist in the first place as it is responsible for the gravity to accumulate the dust materials to form and grow.  Now we know that the life of stars occurs in stages: accretion or initial formation, then once it reached critical mass, ignition of the nuclear21:21
rambutanreactor so stars starts to shine, and finally, death when it runs out of fuel.  Isn't this bear a semblance to the stages of life of human being?  E.g., when stars explodes or dies, what is left is a dark dense core.  Isn't if human being dies, we just left behind skeletal bones that remains for thousands of years?21:21
rambutanOf the different stages of the life of the stars, the most important aren't the first and last phase, but the middle phase when stars starts to shine.  It is because of this stage that it gave light in the sea of darkness for us humans to see and admire.  So in our human life, it could be true that we are very selfish creatures, but I hope we can use our hearts and brains to shine light too for fellow human beings and the future generations21:21
=== paulo is now known as Guest7572

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