
=== Kuraokami is now known as IchabodCrane
tsimonq2If anyone is looking for a documentation task (I guess this defaults to @lynorian but I'm not particular), this page needs cleanup: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats13:34
tsimonq2TODO: cala shows hwclock not being found, replaced by systemd, we need an appropriate fill-in14:28
-ubottu:#lubuntu-devel- Commit 9f6b8f8 in ~ubuntu-qt-code/+git/calamares-settings-ubuntu "Migrate to deb822 sources, removing the sources.list file pre-populated by livecd-rootfs. Main and Universe deb sources are enabled by default, Restricted and Multiverse are opt-in via the installer checkbox. ubuntu/future/nn"14:39
tsimonq2...I don't think Ubiquity prompts with the Microsoft EULA when installing ubuntu-restricted-extras, does it?15:13
tsimonq2I think, instead of screwing around with a EULA message, if they don't have it, we don't15:13
Eickmeyertsimonq2: That's because ubiquity doesn't install ubuntu-restricted-extras, it installs ubuntu-restricted-addons which doesn't include the fonts, so no need for eula.15:23
tsimonq2What's the difference?15:23
EickmeyerOne includes the fonts, the other doesn't.15:24
tsimonq2Depends: ubuntu-restricted-addons15:24
tsimonq2Recommends: libavcodec-extra, ttf-mscorefonts-installer, unrar15:24
tsimonq2If only we had an Ubuntu Studio guy here to educate me on what the first package does, hmm we should get someone here >:P15:24
EickmeyerHold on... I just looked at that.15:25
tsimonq2I guess what I'm asking is: what does it mean for the end user?15:25
EickmeyerNo need to accept the eula if all you're doing is installing ubuntu-restricted addons? Recommends: gstreamer1.0-libav, gstreamer1.0-plugins-ugly, gstreamer1.0-vaapi15:26
tsimonq2I originally had extras but I just substituted that out. I'm wondering if libavcodec-extra is worth keeping.15:27
EickmeyerIt means they get the codecs, but not the fonts.15:27
EickmeyerAnyhoo, just thought I'd help out.15:28
lubot[telegram] <tsimonq2> @Eickmeyer Thank you! Sorry, we stopped for a min (otw back home)15:55
lubot[telegram] <tsimonq2> Could you shed some light on whether libavcodec-extra is worth having?15:55
lubot[telegram] <Eickmeyer> Yeah, lemme see.15:55
lubot[telegram] <Eickmeyer> Hmmm... huge *MAYBE*. GIves a few things like libx264, libx265, libspeex1, and libmp3lame0 that might be of interest, but typically get pulled-in as dependencies of other applications as needed. One could also recommend that they get installed later (ubuntu-restricted-extras to get the fonts as well), but I'm not sold on how necessary it is considering even *I* forget to install it. 😅16:00
lubot[telegram] <tsimonq2> Roger that, thanks again!16:05
lubot[telegram] <Eickmeyer> @tsimonq2 Ok, I just saw the + version on plasma-distro-release-notifier. 💀16:28
lubot[telegram] <Eickmeyer> (your patch)16:28
lubot[telegram] <tsimonq2> bahahahahahahahaha16:29
lubot[telegram] <Eickmeyer> At first I was like, "Is that a commit hash" and then saw it was referring to actual hash.16:29
lubot[telegram] <tsimonq2> LMFAOOOOOO16:29
lubot[telegram] <tsimonq2> It's safe to say that I'll be taking the rest of the day off :) travel tiredness18:21
lubot[telegram] <tsimonq2> My next step is probably finishing the final touches on the installer stuff, then the upgrade notifier needs some work to grab new release details right from the Python library18:22
lubot[telegram] <tsimonq2> I'll organize all my progress etc. for the meeting on Thurs18:22
lubot[telegram] <Eickmeyer> @tsimonq2 Test is good. I'll begin writing-up the SRU and start uploading soon. : https://matterbridge.lubuntu.me/3d79fb46/file_10003.jpg20:40
lubot[telegram] <teward001> *I will be shutting down and rebooting the server that runs Discourse and a bunch of our sites and services.*  This is a requisite reboot because we are at 99% swap usage, which is never a Good Thing(TM) so, gonna fix it.21:06
lubot[telegram] <teward001> This includes our relay bots temporarily.21:06
lubot[telegram] <Eickmeyer> @tsimonq2 Uploaded. Covers 2 SRUs. LP: #2039497 and LP: #203949221:50
-ubottu:#lubuntu-devel- Launchpad bug 2039497 in plasma-distro-release-notifier (Ubuntu) "[SRU] plasma-distro-release-notifier looks at incorrect release" [High, In Progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/203949721:50
-ubottu:#lubuntu-devel- Launchpad bug 2039492 in plasma-distro-release-notifier (Ubuntu) "[SRU] plasma-distro-release-notifier gets EOL data from git.launchpad.net" [High, In Progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/203949221:50
lubot[telegram] <teward001> Emails for our Discourse *should* hopefully deliver now, because I set up a new mail server with proper tracing, admin interface, etc.  Not attackable from outside.22:04
lubot[telegram] <teward001> includes SPF and DKIM changes that're pending on the RT side with Canonical22:05
arraybolt3teward: How on earth did we end up with 99% swap usage :O22:14
arraybolt3Massive memory leaks?22:14
Eickmeyerteward breaks the world22:30
lubot[telegram] <kc2bez> Chaotic Evil22:49
lubot[telegram] <Eickmeyer> Perfect description of @teward001 . (re @kc2bez: Chaotic Evil)22:52

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