
=== Kuraokami is now known as IchabodCrane
tomreyngood early morning, desktop'ers. two separate users who have apparently run (unsupported) "do-release-upgrade -d" on 23.04 (to 23.10) have run into a broken character encoding issue during the upgrade: https://launchpadlibrarian.net/692134367/IMG_20231012_221459_621.jpg - there is bug 2039394 on this.07:59
-ubottu:#ubuntu-desktop- Bug 2039394 in ubuntu-release-upgrader (Ubuntu) "Minotaurien language taking over. Bug or feature?" [Undecided, New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/203939407:59
lissyxseb128, I guess recovering from being sick is the best excuse to upgrade to 23.1010:45
schopinHi there! Out of curiosity, did gnome-shell change stuff regarding keyboard input handling? I've hit this this weekend after upgrading to Mantic on my gaming rig: https://github.com/ValveSoftware/Proton/issues/3706#issuecomment-176334511410:50
-ubottu:#ubuntu-desktop- Issue 3706 in ValveSoftware/Proton "Mount & Blade II: Bannerlord (261550)" [Open]10:50
=== Guest1124 is now known as ogra
lissyxunfortunately, GNOME 45 still gives the focus to the wrong desktop.11:47
lissyxoh noes11:51
lissyxit's fixed11:51
lissyxit's bug https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/gnome-shell-extension-desktop-icons-ng/+bug/1969598 now11:51
-ubottu:#ubuntu-desktop- Launchpad bug 1969598 in gnome-shell-extension-desktop-icons-ng (Ubuntu) "Desktop Icons NG steals keyboard focus from apps after workspace switch" [Undecided, Confirmed]11:51
lissyxseb128, bandali FTR we might want to focus a bit on that: https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=185929112:46
-ubottu:#ubuntu-desktop- Mozilla bug 1859291 in Firefox Build System "Snap package does not support hw decoding of H264 and VP9" [--, New]12:46
lissyxI dont know the root cause obviously12:46
seb128lissyx, https://people.canonical.com/~seb128/codecs.png for me12:52
seb128lissyx, is an edge regression? I'm using stable12:52
lissyxseb128, there's a bug then12:52
lissyxsame on stable12:52
lissyxrunning on the same laptop12:52
lissyxfreshly upgraded to 23.1012:52
lissyxseb128, can you run "MOZ_LOG=PlatformDecoderModule:5 snap run firefox" and collect the output?12:53
seb128might be depending of the version of intel-media-drivers or mesa cf your intel gen?12:53
lissyxAMD system12:53
lissyx$ grep H264 pdm_snap_edge.log 12:53
lissyx[Parent 200565: Main Thread]: D/PlatformDecoderModule Broadcast support from 'Utility Generic', support=H264 SW, VP9 SW, VP8 SW, AV1 SW, HEVC NONE, Theora NONE, AAC SW, MP3 SW, Opus SW, Vorbis SW, FLAC SW, Wave SW12:53
lissyx[Parent 200565: Main Thread]: D/PlatformDecoderModule Broadcast support from 'RDD', support=H264 SW, VP9 SW, VP8 SW, AV1 SW, HEVC NONE, Theora SW, AAC SW, MP3 SW, Opus SW, Vorbis SW, FLAC SW, Wave SW12:53
lissyxnightly tar is from today, as well as the edge12:54
lissyx$ grep H264 pdm_nightly.log12:56
lissyx[Parent 202836: Main Thread]: D/PlatformDecoderModule Broadcast support from 'Utility Generic', support=H264 SW HW, VP9 SW HW, VP8 SW, AV1 SW, HEVC NONE, Theora NONE, AAC SW, MP3 SW, Opus SW, Vorbis SW, FLAC SW, Wave SW12:56
lissyx[Parent 202836: Main Thread]: D/PlatformDecoderModule Broadcast support from 'RDD', support=H264 SW HW, VP9 SW HW, VP8 SW, AV1 SW, HEVC NONE, Theora SW, AAC SW, MP3 SW, Opus SW, Vorbis SW, FLAC SW, Wave SW12:56
lissyxnightly tar is using libavcodec 60 vs snap using libavcodec 5812:58
seb128lissyx, https://people.canonical.com/~seb128/codecs.log13:58
seb128lissyx, but perhaps it's that ffmpeg 58 works my hardware and you need a newer version on your machine?13:58
seb128I've a some years old intel i513:58
lissyxi've been told it might also be more related to va-api versions13:59
seb128lissyx, could be...14:01
bandalihey lissyx, any comments from Mozilla (esp. Rob) about jamesh's latest replies on the native messaging portal PR? e.g. point (1) of https://github.com/flatpak/xdg-desktop-portal/pull/705#issuecomment-168625750919:12
-ubottu:#ubuntu-desktop- Pull 705 in flatpak/xdg-desktop-portal "webextensions: add a portal for managing WebExtensions native messaging servers" [Open]19:12
bandaliin the mean time, i'll look into the other parts of the PR and needed changes and see about getting them done (myself and/or jamesh)19:13
lissyxbandali, sorry I'm not qualified, you should needinfo/ping rob directly19:23
bandalilissyx, ack will do, thanks :-)20:07

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