
=== Kuraokami is now known as IchabodCrane
=== Guest1124 is now known as ogra
bdmurrayI see 0 canidates on the agena16:01
bdmurraywow, candidates on the agenda16:02
rbasakThere have been only two replies to "Mailing list only appliations for Contributing Developer"16:03
bdmurrayFrom what I remember of the email I was a +1 on it16:06
rbasakCould everyone who has not already please reply to the thread?16:08
rbasakHow about we vote on it at the next available meeting if we don't get enough +1s on the thread before then?16:08
bdmurrayIs the next meeting when we are in Riga?16:12
seb128can't we vote now?16:12
seb128we have enough members here no?16:12
bdmurraysil2100 and I are still busy with 23.10.1 right now so not 100% here16:15
seb128also we are hanging here for 15 min there for content we could have covered in 3 min, unsure how we make things better on that front :/16:15
sil2100I can vote, I read the proposal some time ago and was +1 in general16:15
sil2100I can follow up via e-mail now16:16
rbasakThat's four +1s then, so no more votes strictly required16:17
rbasakI'll update the documentation when I can16:17
rbasakI don't see anything else that needs action today, but if someone wants to formally run through it then feel free.16:18
seb128I don't16:19
seb128well, I proposed have a rotating chair (as the TB is doing for example) but I  don't think we have enough focus (me included) today to have the discussion16:21
seb128maybe I should rather email the list about it16:21
seb128having someone in charge might help to make those meeting more dynamic16:21
seb128it feels like we are wasting everyone's time by being idlely around for 20 min like today16:22
rbasakFWIW I'd be happy to chair on a rotation if the rotation were planned in advance.16:22
seb128if we did alphabetical order from the launchpad team would that be good enough for you?16:23
utkarsh2102late but here16:47
utkarsh2102but I guess nothing's happening today?16:47
utkarsh2102pretty sure we don't have much going, will hop to do release bits. :)16:52

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