[04:18] Bashing-om, does the Canonical releases Ubuntu 23.04 read okay to you? I don't like second sentence today (sorry I'm so late) [04:19] maybe "Along with details of the product, we're given links so we can download it" [04:26] guiverc: I look again - :D [04:29] guiverc: Agreed - does not read the best - lemme see what I can do with it. [04:29] focal updates 'felt' short to me, but I see nothing wrong on a quick check [04:30] looks good Bashing-om ; that ^ sentence is all that stood out to me (i explore my 'feeling' & see nothing wrong with that) [04:31] guiverc: How about we make it as " We are given details of this production, ..." [04:33] why production? details of this product? (or products given server/desktop etc.. production I'd need time with..) [04:34] what you reackon.. the current sentence is 'awkward'. [04:37] s/whatever/what ^ (my brain at times....) [04:37] I reckon "we're given links" addition is the better. [04:41] guiverc: Wiki not letting me log in - may take me a bit to finagle my way in again to make the edit :( [04:41] what was the sentence you were going to use? I can probably change it. [04:49] guiverc: What you suggest works well - I am in and will edit/save; see what you then think :) [04:53] guiverc: OK see now - addded to the list also. [04:57] yep I'm happy; though not sure what you meant by 'added to the list' (if it was that item, I can't recall what was there & my screen isn't long enough for it all to fit; on review my print size is larger than normal) [04:59] guiverc: Made it now " We're told of some improved security, the new app store, support for Raspberry Pi 5 and SiFive HiFive Pro P500 devices, network configuration, and a refreshed Docker." [05:00] okay & thanks... yep looks good. [05:01] guiverc: :D -- Logging out of WIKI - we call issue809 as bedded - ready to go :D [05:02] yep... did quick scan of whole page & looks good to me. thanks Bashing-om [05:02] sorry I was so late in review [05:05] guiverc: Had my difficulties getting the issue together - was rather late. Still a few oops that krytarik caught. [05:06] :) we get there in the end. [05:14] \o/ [18:26] -ubottu:#ubuntu-news- ::omg!ubuntu:: Ubuntu 23.10 Available to Download Again (Translations Issue Resolved) @ https://www.omgubuntu.co.uk/2023/10/ubuntu-23-10-available-to-download-again-translations-issue-resolved [19:09] UWN: I propose we include the latest articles on the resolution of that malicious translation incident. [19:13] Bashing-om: Yeah, I'd agree here. [19:23] krytarik: Saving - "WIP" also pulled. [19:54] UWN: Saved and will start the push soonest. [20:05] UWM: M/L is away - Post to the Forums next. [20:16] UWN: Forums posting done - doing Discourse next. [20:55] UWN: Discourse posting done - Re-directs next. [21:33] -ubottu:#ubuntu-news- ::omg!ubuntu:: How to Install GreenWithEnvy on Ubuntu (NVIDIA GPU Tool) @ https://www.omgubuntu.co.uk/2023/10/greenwithenvy-ubuntu-install-nvidia-gpu [21:34] UWN: re-direects completed - Making up a Mastodon blog next. [21:54] UWN: Blogged Mastodon - Pending now is release to the other Social Media platforms. [22:11] wow, sorry I'd forgotten it's Tuesday.. will go get my 'cup of tea' & start on return. [22:26] malicous & skystartrek links changed (fridge) [22:26] https://fridge.ubuntu.com/2023/10/16/ubuntu-weekly-newsletter-issue-809/ [22:27] guiverc: :D ^ ,,, I had rude before daylight start to my day - tough to get back into my normal routine. [22:29] fyi. i noted both budgie & ubuntu desktop are marked 'ready'... mantic release will complete soon (i hope) [22:30] Fridge: Spot check and all looks good. [22:30] thanks Bashing-om (I'll heart your discourse when I get to it; so far I've only 'stolen' the URL) [22:31] guiverc: Tine is on our side - I too still trying to catch up :P [22:31] time* [22:39] posted uwn 809 to twitter, telegram (mewe) [22:40] I like (just noticed) the update on ISOs available for desktop & ubuntu-budgie; thanks Bashing-om [22:42] also discovered https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/ubuntu-announce/2023-October/000296.html will ready it for fridge next 30 mins probably [22:44] guiverc: Was worth breaking protocol in this case /// Speaking of protocol - FaceBook; we still want the URL in the Subscriber section ? [22:47] I was considering going & looking for a new (cheap) phone today.. (again; 2fa for fb).. but i do like not having phone ringing so it's not high priority (if I run short of time, it rains I'll not go etc) maybe wait a day or two.. [22:50] guiverc: I have seen no flak from our readership in missing Facebook releases - So guess still not an issue if we can not post to FB ? [22:52] And NO! I am not going to be burdened with a cell phone ! [22:53] the more readership the better, krytarik noted fb gets views, so i suspect better with it than without. My phone is still ~useful; alas can't receive texts (2fa) or phone calls (nice!) [23:09] It just occurred to me.. did Wild Man anytime recently contribute to the newsletter still? This is wrt the contributor list, which we've kept stale for a while now. Also, the idea of us still posting to what's now become X makes me shudder. >_> [23:10] * guiverc has no issues with dropping twitter (i don't care; sorry I won't call it not-y) [23:12] I just noticed one cannot even view pages there anymore without being logged in? [23:20] i believe that's the case.. i don't use it [23:27] krytarik, ubuntu 23.10 on fridge is ready for review; I think good (all done locally in mousepad; just pasted to fridge) [23:29] sorry; one link is still not showing (i forgot to fix) [23:29] Alright, I'll go log in.. [23:30] i'll edit & repaste ; give me a few secs [23:30] guiverc: Clear now to wipe our evidence ? [23:30] yep scrub away Bashing-om [23:31] all good for review krytarik [23:31] doing ^ [23:35] guiverc: Lgtm! [23:36] thanks krytarik [23:36] https://fridge.ubuntu.com/2023/10/16/ubuntu-23-10-mantic-minotaur-released/ [23:42] Ouch! I Have been kicked from Google Docs ! >> " We're sorry. You can't access this item because it is in violation of our Terms of Service." / What now to do ? [23:43] Hah, that doesn't sound good indeed.. >_< [23:44] yeah I'm getting the same... we'll maybe have to work elsewhere.. I think Nathan was the owner & maybe required to fix (as in fight with oogle) that one. [23:47] Another option would be to continue as thought out and move to using Discourse as the primary platform including the preparation work. [23:49] discourse fine by me.. the fridge script creates from wiki index; do we put on wiki? or can fridge detail be gained easily from discourse? [23:50] on discourse (warts and all) may be appreciated by folks; faster to note, we may get more contribs etc [23:51] I don't remember creating a Discourse variant of the Fridge script earlier, but if we do switch to Discourse as the primary platform then we'd stop posting to the wiki too. [23:53] the fridge script I think was very reliant on wiki indexing; that would need to be an all new script i suspect