
=== Kuraokami is now known as IchabodCrane
=== Guest1124 is now known as ogra
ogratomreyn, Eickmeyer, OOPS ! sorry, i was on vacation and actually managed to keep AFK for two weeks ... seems my bip intsnace had a re-connect10:52
Guest88did u guise get that list i [as me as us] sent ayn offtopic to get those banned ayn #ubuntu-offtopic ? brb gonaa get drink13:21
Guest88Eickmeyer: i guess it might be u i [as me] am talking to13:27
EickmeyerGuest88: I don't know what you're talking about, but you're not banned in #ubuntu-offtopic. What do you need?14:23
Guest88I need..14:24
Guest88I [as me] needs...14:24
Eickmeyer ¯\_(ツ)_/¯14:24
EickmeyerBTW, not identified, but that was user9d.14:25
tomreynthat chat didn't make a lot of sense :)17:36
tomreynogra: thanks for gettig back to me, and congrats on the computer break!17:37
Eickmeyertomreyn: A lot of what user9d says doesn't make any sense.17:48
tomreynI [as me] concur.17:56
Eickmeyer🤣 tomreyn17:56

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