Umeaboy | devslash: I think I have a solution that MIGHT work......... | 00:01 |
Umeaboy | sudo grub-install /dev/sda --force and then run sudo update-grub | 00:01 |
Umeaboy | Then reboot. | 00:02 |
Umeaboy | That MIGHT work. It's been talked about here: | 00:02 |
devslash | ok thanks. lol I did try --force but that made things slightly worse | 00:06 |
devslash | now it boots directly into memtest | 00:06 |
devslash | I did not do update-grub after doing grub-install | 00:06 |
devslash | so I have decided to reinstall Ubuntu from scratch | 00:06 |
leftyfb | devslash: I would recommend sticking with LTS | 00:07 |
devslash | I am in the process of flashing the iso to a usb | 00:08 |
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th34lch3m1st | Hi all | 01:18 |
gry | hi th34lch3m1st | 01:23 |
ruser | mmmm, why would debootstrab be failing with different erros, when i try to install it on a RaidZ1 :/ but when i point it to a subdir, no issues. the errors are usually either unpacking a tar file or creating a softlink :/ | 01:27 |
ruser | verbose is not useful either | 01:30 |
ruser | I want to poke around the system via live ISO and see how it marks things up for a disk. I'm booted via a live iso, what's a good VM that i can run to try the intaller | 01:41 |
rbox | huh? | 01:42 |
ruser | rbox: i did a manual setup for luks/zfs for 22.04 via LiveISO, however debootstrap is failign with wierd errors. I want to run a VM to try to install 22.04 with installer into the VM so I can compare what i did by hand vs what installer does. What's a good VM manager to do that. | 01:44 |
rbox | virtualbox | 01:44 |
ruser | is it normal that key signing key is from 2016 for virtualbox? | 01:45 |
rbox | sounds like a question for oracle | 01:45 |
toddc | it should download a current key | 01:46 |
ruser | toddc: 2016 appears to be the current key | 01:51 |
toddc | it could be Its been a while since i checked | 01:52 |
Square | I thought Wayland was the default setting in 22.04 but apparently I was wrong. | 03:03 |
toddc | Square: depends on video drivers ---nvidia? | 03:06 |
Square | yep | 03:07 |
Square | I'm starting to realize nvidia and linux aren't best of friends | 03:07 |
toddc | then X11 for those altho there are some new drivers that claim to work but pretty new so try at your own risk and only for certain cards | 03:08 |
Square | toddc, oh. Do you have any search terms finding those drivers? | 03:11 |
toddc | I think it was CUDA | 03:13 |
Square | Oh, i thought CUDA was only for GPU interaction. Like for computation | 03:17 |
toddc | Square: no idea I do not need much resolution in a terminal | 03:19 |
Apachez | any of you who have a ixgbe network card with 3rd party transceivers? How do you properly load "options ixgbe allow_unsupported_sfp=1" on newer kernels? Is it supposed to work by adding to the grub or must the initramfs be rebuilt for it to work? | 03:45 |
rbox | what do you mean "on newer kernels"? | 03:46 |
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Square | It's a bit confusing. First ubuntu base settings has some "theme" settings. Then "Tweaks" has yet another theme setting. Then a lot of application seems to have some theme capabilities (hexchat, terminal, etc...). | 04:26 |
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devslash | when I run os-prober it shows no output. I have Windows on /dev/sda and Linux on sdb. At the moment, I see a grub prompt that only has 1 entry for Ubuntu which boots fine | 05:13 |
Bashing-om | devslash: Just a thought - Windows boots UEFI - is ubuntu also installed in that mode ? | 05:15 |
=== cyber is now known as Guest9916 | ||
webchat23 | wow, the new 23.10 iso still isn't available? how hard can it be to swap out some text | 07:22 |
SwedeMike | webchat23: what don't you do that, then? | 07:32 |
tomreyn | webchat23: The Ubuntu desktop release is done by Canonical. They have (sound, and common) policies in place not to do releases on Fridays or the weekend. And business hours just started in UK (and not everyone involved in the release will work by UK time, I assume). This said, I don't see how it has a major impact. | 07:35 |
DumbLDoor | Hi All! I am upgrading to 23.10 and I see text in a script that I do not recognize | 07:39 |
tomreyn | DumbLDoor: do you want to provide more information? | 07:40 |
DumbLDoor | tomreyn - I can put a screenshot on pastebin | 07:40 |
tomreyn | would work | 07:41 |
tomreyn | or a textual copy on a dpaste | 07:41 |
DumbLDoor | tomreyn : | 07:49 |
ravage | i think you need to translate that to almost everyone here | 07:50 |
DumbLDoor | Looked like Greek script to me initially but then... I think the cyclical symbol is to restart, hope it is. | 07:51 |
ravage | if that is not the language you use on your system that is a bug | 07:51 |
webchat23 | Looks like an encoding issue to me | 07:52 |
DumbLDoor | ravage: this started midway during the upgrade - it is quite annoying. | 07:52 |
tomreyn | did you already report a bug on this? | 07:52 |
DumbLDoor | Nope! Don't know what happened here. Yes, you are right on encoding, it does not seem like a valid script. | 07:53 |
DumbLDoor | I guess I am going to restart using the 1st button. | 07:54 |
ravage | google translate cant make anything useful out of it | 07:54 |
tomreyn | there is bug 2039394 | 07:54 |
-ubottu:#ubuntu- Bug 2039394 in ubuntu-release-upgrader (Ubuntu) "Minotaurien language taking over. Bug or feature?" [Undecided, New] | 07:54 | |
tomreyn | see the screenshot on the bottom, i assume you are running into the same issue. | 07:55 |
ravage | language seems to be a thing with 23.10 :) | 07:55 |
tomreyn | note that release upgrades aren't available yet unless you choose to circumvent it | 07:56 |
DumbLDoor | Yeah, i see the same on launchpad | 07:57 |
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DumbLDoor | Hello! I am back - restart fixed everything. All cool for now, ty all. | 08:14 |
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ice9 | I set DNS servers in systemd-resolved but when I do it's using the servers I set plus the ISP DNS server too; how is that? | 09:05 |
jailbreak | ice9: stick around someone might know. Or try the forums. Asking a question then leaving isn't good; at all. | 09:07 |
jailbreak | Swear ice9 you have been asking the same question for days now...... | 09:08 |
webchat23 | ice9: is that a desktop? | 09:10 |
jailbreak | webchat23: he asks a question then leaves. Tomorrow he will do the same... | 09:12 |
webchat23 | he seems to be still here | 09:12 |
jailbreak | Yes, that's what he does. | 09:12 |
webchat23 | well, then it's just pure spam | 09:12 |
jailbreak | He's already been k-lined from Libera. | 09:13 |
jailbreak | lol | 09:13 |
jailbreak | We're going offtopic now. Sorry. | 09:13 |
ice9 | jailbreak, I don't leave, why are you saying so? | 09:15 |
jailbreak | ice9: you've been asking the same question for days now...... | 09:15 |
webchat23 | ice9: i have some ideas, if you're willing to poke around a few things.. is this on some desktop edition or is it a server? | 09:16 |
ice9 | jailbreak, I have been asking another question not that for days because I got no replies, today's question is different btw; and most of the people when they reply, they don't mention the nick so their message is lost as I don't get notification; btw I use IRC bouncing service so I try to follow the replies when I was offline | 09:19 |
ice9 | webchat23, it's a desktop | 09:19 |
webchat23 | does it use networkmanager? | 09:19 |
jailbreak | Yawn. Anyway, back to support... | 09:20 |
ice9 | webchat23, yes | 09:20 |
webchat23 | ice9 | 09:20 |
webchat23 | oops | 09:21 |
webchat23 | check in /etc/netplan for a .yaml file that has a line with "renderer: NetworkManager" | 09:21 |
webchat23 | see which nameservers you have on there | 09:21 |
ice9 | webchat23, I think this one should overrides DNS /etc/systemd/resolved.conf | 09:23 |
webchat23 | you're using networkmanager, so check there first | 09:24 |
webchat23 | see if the dns servers there match the ones that you get on your dnsleaktest | 09:25 |
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madmax | ice9, i will run nm-connection-editor select my network connection and edit go to ipv4 and add my dns servers there | 11:02 |
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gebbione | hi folks i just run a smart test and it says failed, the ux doesnt seems to have an option to export it to a file and I realise the disk is very old hence the problem. Anyhow is there a way to understand why it is failing? I see a bunch of numbers but would like a better understanding than | 12:34 |
mozambique | GCC 14-20231015 Snapshot | 13:02 |
BluesKaj | Hi all | 13:21 |
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boris5581 | 1 | 14:03 |
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Guest67 | hamburger | 15:12 |
Guest67 | ubnutu | 15:13 |
Guest67 | linus | 15:13 |
coconut | need a drink too Guest67? | 15:13 |
Guest67 | i dont drink alchohol | 15:13 |
lotuspsychje | keep it ontopic please Guest67 coconut | 15:14 |
Guest67 | hamburger walpaper ubnutu | 15:14 |
Guest67 | that better | 15:14 |
Guest67 | ? | 15:14 |
Guest67 | ubnutu kool | 15:16 |
coconut | !support | Guest67 | 15:16 |
ubottu | Guest67: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks! | 15:16 |
respawn | Guest67: this is ubuntu help channel | 15:16 |
Guest67 | (y) | 15:16 |
Guest67 | how do i put burgher as ubnutu walpaper | 15:17 |
Guest67 | ? | 15:17 |
Guest67 | is dis the arch linux support chanel | 15:18 |
respawn | no | 15:18 |
Guest67 | oh | 15:18 |
mrkubax10 | probably troll | 15:18 |
Guest67 | who | 15:18 |
respawn | obviously | 15:18 |
mrkubax10 | Guest67: you | 15:19 |
Guest67 | oh | 15:19 |
Guest67 | what did i do | 15:19 |
leftyfb | Guest67: | 15:19 |
leftyfb | Guest67: this is how you set a wallpaper in ubuntu | 15:19 |
Guest67 | i dont know what that means | 15:19 |
ztane | I wonder why my firefox resets local storages, extensions etc all the time... history still intact, yes, this is snaf^Hp | 15:57 |
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ztane | why oh why, snap changes says firefox was *predownloaded* yesterday... | 16:14 |
ztane | I try sudo snap refresh, it says all up to date. My firefox has older version than the one announced as stable | 16:14 |
toddc | ztane: did you close the firefox snap for a few minutes for it to update? version no? 118.0.2 is my current | 16:37 |
strk | any idea why would I need LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/usr/local/lib when `ldconfig -v` shows /usr/local/lib is already scanned ? | 16:46 |
fweht | will there be ubuntu sway remix for 23.10? | 17:07 |
leftyfb | fweht: it would make more sense asking that in here: | 17:08 |
fweht | leftyfb: thanks! | 17:08 |
leftyfb | fweht: it's linked to on the front page of | 17:08 |
rfm | strk, perhaps the binary is linked wrong? -rpath or LD_RUN_PATH needs to be set. | 17:15 |
Bombo | hi | 17:16 |
Bombo | i got two monitors connected, they work, i get one 4:3 and right to it a 16:9, DVI-I-1 connected 1280x1024+0+0 and HDMI-0 connected primary 1920x1080+1280+0, then i got a qterminal, and view an image with 'qiv foo.jpg' but it always lands on the first monitor, not the 16:9, so i got to drag the image, is there a way to tell it to use the second, primary? | 17:20 |
muxtracrdt | Breaking News! Evil Disney pedophile Mickey Mouse gets busted by Chris Hansen! | 17:40 |
JoeBk | I'm trying to install 23.10.1. It been sitting on a "Preparing Ubuntu" window for 5 minutes. Is that normal? | 18:39 |
JoeBk | has anyone installed 23.10.1 desktop? It fails for me. | 19:07 |
ioria | JoeBk, try again | 19:36 |
PereP | hi! I searched ad-nauseam for an ubuntu whetstone and dhrystone package but no success... can anyone recommend me a reliable way to make those commands available on my machine? | 19:54 |
Habbie | PereP, what do you expect those commands to be? | 19:58 |
Habbie | (i recall they are benchmarks, but what software would they come from?) | 19:59 |
armadefuego | I don't know if there _should be_ a package for them. IIRC they are _the best your compiler can get your machine to do. | 20:49 |
armadefuego | Isn't the code public? | 20:49 |
con | I've only ever compiled it by hand, and it's also relatively ancient by this point. | 20:54 |
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pere_ | Habbie, I already sorted it out; thanks for helping! :D | 21:15 |
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sixecho2 | ...patiently awaiting the 23.10 arm64 release updates to drop (even though the .iso is out)... | 21:47 |
mybalzitch | do-release-upgrade doesn't work? | 21:52 |
ravage | patience. or use -d on your own risk | 21:53 |
angelubuntu | hello i try ubuntu 23.10 for the moment is the best of the last Lts | 21:55 |
leftyfb | angelubuntu: 23.10 is not an LTS release | 21:55 |
jeremy31 | 22.04 is the latest LTS | 21:55 |
angelubuntu | I know it's not an LTS but for now it's much better than the 22.04 | 21:57 |
ravage | enjoy | 21:57 |
con | angelubuntu: That's a highly subjective statement. | 21:59 |
JoeBk | I could not get qbittorrent to work under 23.10.1 | 22:06 |
rollappuser | hey | 22:07 |
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fweht | anybody else has the issue that after suspending the three-finger-tap doesnt work anymore? restarting the driver `sudo modprobe -r psmouse` works... | 23:20 |
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