
caribouminimal: FYI the bug for the issue is https://github.com/canonical/cloud-init/issues/451812:49
-ubottu:#cloud-init- Issue 4518 in canonical/cloud-init "ENI and Network-Manager renderers create wrong IPv6 routes" [Open]12:49
caribouminimal: oops, didn't notice that you weren't there : FYI the bug for the issue is https://github.com/canonical/cloud-init/issues/451814:00
-ubottu:#cloud-init- Issue 4518 in canonical/cloud-init "ENI and Network-Manager renderers create wrong IPv6 routes" [Open]14:00
minimalyeah saw your msg in the logs, thanks14:33
caribouMy impression is that _add_route() does not take into account the fact that IPv4 and IPv6 routes are mixed together as does _add_nameserver() right below it 15:51
minimalcaribou: _add_address appears to act in the same way as those other 2 functions yet it seems to result in v4 and v6 addresses being kept separate16:06
caribouI'm just testing adding the bits from _add_nameserver() into _add_route() and it looks like it is DTRT16:07
minimalactually _add_nameserver doesn't take "family" as an argument whereas _add_route and _add_address do16:07
minimalso as long as "family" is correctly set then _add_route should call _add_numbered with the correct family and _add_numbered should then put the route in the relevant IPv4/IPv6 section16:11
caribouThe problem is the family = "ipv6" if subnet_is_ipv6(subnet) else "ipv4" at the start of the for loop set family as ipv4 for all the routes even if one is v4 and the one pointed to by 'gateway' is 616:15
minimalcaribou: that's assuming all the routes in a "subnet" section are of the same type (v4 / v6)16:48
minimalso the question is why then does a subnet have mixed v4 / v6 data?16:49
fabiomirmar@noahm, is there any work in progress or plans to update debian's ec2-net-utils wiht what you have upstream?18:46
fabiomirmar@noahm, we noticed that the postinst file was removed a while ago by Commit 908d2ef9 and we wanted to have it in Ubuntu, so instead of maintaining a bunch of SAUCE stuff in Ubuntu, it would be nice if we can just sync from debian18:47

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