
luna-anyone had any luck installing 23.10.1 tried to install it over 23.10 but it failed, trying to install it again in a fresh Virtualbox VM now06:14
luna-that worked better06:24
seb128lissyx, hey, what do you mean by -EPERM?11:56
seb128doing ./vainfo in the snap run shell wfm11:56
lissyx$ ./vainfo 11:57
lissyxbash: ./vainfo: Permission denied11:57
seb128ls -l vainfo?11:57
lissyx$ ls -hal vainfo 11:57
lissyx-rwxr-xr-x 1 root root 31K Oct 17 13:54 vainfo11:57
seb128chown username:username vainfo ?11:57
lissyxok, chown to the rescue worked11:58
seb128it's weird, I could have expected the original cp to the userdir to set the right user permissions11:58
lissyxVA-API is higher in snap than host11:59
lissyxbut also mesa 23.0.4 vs mesa 23.2.111:59
seb128lissyx, yes, we build a recent libva/intel-media-driver from source in the gnome sdk12:01
lissyxseb128, fun15:03
lissyx23.10, with mozilla tarball, caps are not working for e.g. ç é15:03
lissyx23.10 with snap, I cannot even input ç or é15:03
lissyxseb128, bandali, https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=185958415:11
-ubottu:#ubuntu-desktop- Mozilla bug 1859584 in Firefox Build System "Wayland unable to input some chars on Ubuntu 23.10" [--, New]15:12
seb128lissyx, https://bugs.launchpad.net/bugs/1946769 is a bit similar15:20
-ubottu:#ubuntu-desktop- Launchpad bug 1946769 in firefox (Ubuntu) "[snap] [' + c] produces 'ć' instead of 'ç' with US intl. layout" [Low, Confirmed]15:20
lissyxseb128, in my case the issue is not limited to snap, I think it's rather around wayland16:17
lissyxseb128, ok, I reproduce in GNOME Text Editor16:18
lissyxxev shows correct chars16:21
lissyxÉÉ and it works under xwayland16:28
seb128lissyx, ok, well that's something if for once that's not a snap issue :p16:32
lissyxbut it's system-wide :(16:32

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