
=== deepSleep is now known as Guest8209
lotuspsychjegood morning02:17
guivercskeleton/template at https://discourse.ubuntu.com/t/uwn-skeleton-template/39501   (it'll contain issues no doubt, but we can work/edit them away)05:40
guivercoops, sorry that was intended for a different room05:42
guivercthe instructions are mostly unchanged from https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuWeeklyNewsletter/IssueTemplate; some where altered (slightly)..   with the instructions becoming visible when you EDIT & look at code etc.05:45
guivercDoh !!!!!    wrong room again !05:55
* guiverc reluctantly reaches for his glasses05:56
lotuspsychje!no 23.10 is <reply> Ubuntu 23.10 (Mantic Minotaur) is the 39th release of Ubuntu and the current latest release – Download at https://ubuntu.com/download :: Release notes at https://discourse.ubuntu.com/t/mantic-minotaur-release-notes/3553416:54
hggdhlotuspsychje: updated, thank you16:57
lotuspsychjehggdh: welcome, 23.04 needs a little edito too, but i dont know howto put in words, regular/current?16:58
ubottuUbuntu 23.04 (Lunar Lobster) is the 38th release of Ubuntu and the current regular release – Download at https://ubuntu.com/download :: Release notes at https://discourse.ubuntu.com/t/lunar-lobster-release-notes16:58
lotuspsychjeits not the current anymore, but not yet eol16:59
ubottuUbuntu 22.10 (Kinetic Kudu) was the 37th release of Ubuntu, support ended on July 20, 2023. See !eol and https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/ubuntu-announce/2023-July/000293.html17:00
hggdhwhat about following this one?17:00
lotuspsychjewell we cant use 'was' yet and not eol17:01
hggdhUbuntu 22.10 (Kinetic Kudu) was the 37th release of Ubuntu, support ends on January, 2024. See !eol and https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/ubuntu-announce/2023-July/000293.html17:01
hggdhactually we can -- it, indeed, was the 37th release, it is just not yet dead17:02
lotuspsychjeUbuntu 23.04 (Lunar Lobster) was the 38th release of Ubuntu - 17:02
hggdhugh. Copy & Paste woes...17:03
hggdhupdated. I do not mind, at all, validation on the mess I usually do...17:05
lotuspsychjehggdh: it has the 22.10 paste on it17:06
hggdhyep. Just corrected it17:07
hggdhthank you for your patience17:07
lotuspsychjeis that a public channel you guys edit on hggdh ?17:08
lotuspsychjeor just from -ops17:09
hggdhfor me, nowadays, from -ops. My permissions allow me to edit factoids there (or used to, and this is what I remember)17:10
hggdhand... corrected AGAIN17:10
hggdhyour ! entries are forwarded to -ops, and we see them there17:11
lotuspsychjekk tnx17:11
lotuspsychjei did a lot of edits back on freenode with dax's help, too long ago to recall what he did17:12
hggdhwell, still wrong17:20
lotuspsychjewhats that hggdh 17:22
hggdhthe release notes were wrong17:23
hggdhalso changed 'was' to 'is' given the doubts (mine)17:24
ubottuUbuntu 23.04 (Lunar Lobster) is the 38th release of Ubuntu, support ends on January 2024 – Download at https://ubuntu.com/download :: Release notes at https://discourse.ubuntu.com/t/lunar-lobster-release-notes17:25
lotuspsychjenon lts gives a lot of work :p17:25
hggdhheh. *My* edits are a lot of work17:25
lotuspsychjeyou mixed up mantic and lunar hggdh 17:29
TheWebFoxactually, I think I only started using flatpak cause I came from Arch where Android Studio didn't work, but it turns out Android Studio, Discord, Firefox even Spotify are all on snap17:53
TheWebFoxcbreak, actually, I think I only started using flatpak cause I came from Arch where Android Studio didn't work, but it turns out Android Studio, Discord, Firefox even Spotify are all on snap17:53
cbreakhttps://ubuntu.com/blog/ubuntu-core-an-immutable-linux-desktop ... heh...17:53
cbreakI have half of that already with Ubuntu on ZFS Root17:54
TheWebFoxso, I think I'm gonna move to snap ... I think I was prejudiced against it, just like I've been prejudiced against LibreOffice cause I was too used to MS Office17:54
TheWebFoxI have no rational reason to be anti-snap\17:54
cbreakyeah, snap slack and so on is there... but it has problems17:54
cbreakcan't attach documents unless they're in my downloads folder or something similarly silly17:54
TheWebFoxflatpak packages have problems too 17:54
cbreakI use a bunch of snap packages and some more flatpack, but for firefox, it's bad.17:55
cbreakthey didn't manage to properly tune the isolation to not screw up 1password17:56
cbreakand other addons that need to communicate with the outside world17:56
TheWebFoxcbreak, I'm never gonna run my main browser in snap or in flatpak 17:56
TheWebFoxI only keep one for sites I don't trust 17:57
lotuspsychjesecurity wise a browser in a container is a good idea17:57
TheWebFoxI need FIDO2 to work with my Yubikeys, I need add-ons like ExpressVPN & 1Password to work17:57
TheWebFoxlotuspsychje, I can't critique the idea, the idea is good for 99.9% of users17:58
TheWebFoxit's my use-case that is the reason I can't have my main browser sandboxed17:58
lotuspsychjei also got an addon belgian EID not working on FF snap yet17:58
TheWebFoxoh, don't get me started on the tax office & their obsession with Adobe Reader for PDF17:59
cbreaklotuspsychje: too bad it makes it unusable17:59
cbreakI can sort of live with 1password not working right (even though it annoyed me)17:59
lotuspsychjetemp workaround with chrome to solve it on my side17:59
cbreakbut for work, we have some really braindead plugins that are required, like aspera for file transfer, or some weird vpn thing17:59
lotuspsychjebug #174107418:00
-ubottu:#ubuntu-discuss- Bug 1741074 in firefox (Ubuntu) "[snap] chrome-gnome-shell extension fails to detect native host connector" [High, In Progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/174107418:00
TheWebFoxGoogle Chrome is my main cause it works flawlessly with my Z Fold 518:00
cbreakso what I did there was to make an lxc container with proper ppa firefox :)18:00
TheWebFoxand my phone, Chrome Mobile is just faster than Firefox mobile18:00
TheWebFoxI'm sorry, it just is the way it is18:00
TheWebFoxand I like to send tabs to my phone18:00
cbreaksending tabs around works too with ff18:01
TheWebFoxyeah, but FF on Android runs slower18:01
TheWebFoxit's less "snappy"18:01
cbreakhaven't noticed that... (not that I tried chrome. I don't want to use google if I can avoid it...)18:01
cbreakthey seem to intentionally screw up even basic things, like add blocking, or tracking blocking18:02
cbreak.. unsurprisingly :)18:02
TheWebFoxmeh, I don't use ad blocker, it slows browser down 18:02
TheWebFoxI got Youtube Premium, I don't go to sites with ads18:03
TheWebFoxI mean, you really don't need ad blocker if you don't go to shady stuff18:03
Eickmeyercbreak: > can't attach documents unless they're in my downloads folder or something similarly silly >> simply "sudo snap connect slack:removable-media" will fix that. Really, any time you need to access something the file chooser won't let you in a snap, that's usually the culpret.18:03
EickmeyerMeans the snapper (the dev) didn't make that a default.18:03
TheWebFoxusually, for like browsers there isn't a reason to allow by default access outside Downloads18:04
cbreakTheWebFox: add blockers speed websites up in my experience :)18:06
cbreakno adds to load18:06
cbreakEickmeyer: removable media?18:06
cbreakmy media is not removable though18:06
cbreakwonder what that implies18:07
Eickmeyercbreak: I don't know why, it just works.18:13
EickmeyerTypically it mostly affects people with separate /home partitions or drives, so snaps might assume they're on removable media. idk.18:14
cbreakI have separate /data zfs datasets and a bunch of other things18:16
cbreakwell, thanks for the info though, I'll try it next time I suffer under snap :)18:17
TheWebFoxthere done, I uninstalled flatpak, purged all the .flatpak caches and configs18:18
TheWebFoxand moved everything to snap18:19
EickmeyerTheWebFox: I have both snaps and flatpaks, just depending on the application and need.18:19
TheWebFoxI don't need 2 container backends running, for just Spotify, Discord & Android Studio18:19
TheWebFoxand now I have 100% support in #ubuntu 18:20
EickmeyerAh, fair enough. Those are all 3 supported by their respective devs in snapcraft.18:20
TheWebFoxEickmeyer, yeah, I only was on flatpak cause I came from arch where there is no snap18:20
EickmeyerAh, that makes sense.18:20
TheWebFoxI gave arch up after I had pulseaudio segfault when connecting my bluetooth headphones18:21
TheWebFox(it wasn't misconfig, software was too new and had bugs in it)18:21
TheWebFox(Arch is unusable, too bleeding edge)18:21
TheWebFoxhaven't used it since, something went wrong in pulseaudio-module-bluetooth and it caused the whole thing to crash LOL18:22
TheWebFoxand other issues like that, something always goes wrong on arch 18:22
cbreakI doubt the bloat from packages come from the container backend :)18:23
cbreakit comes from having multiple copies of every system lib in memory18:23
cbreakand on disk18:23
EickmeyerThe newest PipeWire's Bluetooth support is amazing.18:23
cbreakand how relevant that overhead is nowadays... who knows18:23
TheWebFoxEickmeyer, yeah, pipewire is better18:25
TheWebFoxanyway, I like Ubuntu it's like a middle road, not too old like Debian stable18:25
TheWebFoxand not too new like Arch or the worse Arch (Tumbleweed)18:25
TheWebFoxdon't get me started on Tumbleweed, I tried it once, couldn't get the installer to start, due to some error in some python script (and yes, I checked the hash)18:26
cbreakdon't forget the best thing about ubuntu: It comes with ZFS Kernel module :)18:29
EickmeyerI used Tumbleweed 6 years ago until I left that to rescue Ubuntu Studio.18:29
TheWebFoxI tried it the first month when it released18:30
TheWebFoxI think I was too early adopter18:30
EickmeyerYeah. Haven't turned back from Ubuntu since, except the short stint with both Ubuntu and Fedora.18:30
TheWebFoxoh, I tried Fedora, but rpm 18:30
TheWebFoxrpm is a pain18:30
TheWebFoxEickmeyer, by the way, I used to host an AUR for Arch Linux for my app: FiSSH (Fingerprint identification for SSH), anyway, I need your expertise, should I, set up a ubuntu repo on my own server or just use a PPA?18:32
EickmeyerYeah. I'm too deeply-entrenched in Ubuntu now, deeply involved in two flavors, one of which I'm the leader the other I'm the technical leader, and mentor another flavor, and advise on audio for everything else.18:33
TheWebFoxhttps://aur.archlinux.org/packages/fissh <- I'm thinking of getting this to be installable on ubuntu ... 18:33
EickmeyerTheWebFox: Just use a PPA. Free.18:33
EickmeyerIt's easy if you know how to package.18:34
TheWebFoxyeah, they're both equally easy18:34
TheWebFoxactually you're right PPA is easier for the end-user cause he can add it easier18:34
TheWebFoxhe/she 18:34
EickmeyerRight. Just make a PPA. And if you want to get even more clever, if it's a single app, make it a sap.18:35
TheWebFoxyeah, and will it then be listed in App Center? 18:35
EickmeyerYeah, if you want it to.18:36
EickmeyerI have https://snapcraft.io/freeshow18:36
EickmeyerNot my app, but I maintain the snap.18:36
TheWebFoxit doesn't have any dependencies ... the point is it's a terminal utility18:36
EickmeyerYeah. There's a lot of terminal utils that are snaps.18:36
Eickmeyerhtop for instance.18:36
TheWebFoxoh I have that, I use that a lot, but I just installed it from apt18:37
EickmeyerYep. Either or, makes no difference there. snaps are easier to maintain because you upload it once and it goes to anyone who has it installed, whereas a PPA has to be uploaded with different version numbers in the changelog for different Ubuntu releases.18:38
TheWebFoxEickmeyer, yeah, I've done PPAs from Linux mint when I was like 1518:39
EickmeyerYeah, so you understand.18:39
TheWebFox:-) published my own version of snake in SDL18:39
TheWebFox"retrosnake 0.1"18:39
EickmeyerHa! Nice18:39
TheWebFoxsome day I'm gonna remake it :-D 18:39
TheWebFoxanyway, can a snap open a port in strict confinement?18:42
TheWebFoxor do I have to go with classic for that?18:42
EickmeyerI'm not 100% sure on that one. ravage knows more, he has a few snaps (I'm being conservative with "few" XD)18:43
TheWebFoxyeah, you see my app has to listen for a TLS connection on a socket port18:43
TheWebFox> 1024 (non-root port)18:43
EickmeyerI have installed snaps that listen/open ports, so I don't see why not. Take TheLounge for instance.18:44
EickmeyerOr even Nextcloud.18:44
TheWebFoxbut is it classic / strict 18:44
EickmeyerI run both on my server.18:44
TheWebFoxanyway, I'll research it more tomorrow, it's like 10 pm and I have work tomorrow 18:44
TheWebFoxmaybe I'll even finish this weekend with a stable build :'D18:45
EickmeyerSounds good. Have a great evening. :)18:45
TheWebFox(I already have the app written, I just need to package it in snap & test it)18:45

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