[13:05] Fresh install of Ubuntu MATE 22.04.3... and I load up Firefox, download a file... and it ends up in ~/snap/firefox/common/Downloads and *can't* be seen in... ~/Downloads [13:05] this a known bug? [14:13] call it a feature [14:14] Containerization strikes again. [14:14] I don't use firefox any more due to this junk, librewolf wtf. [14:14] It's not a firefox issue. It's an an ubuntu issue. [14:15] They chose to distribute a container based version of firefox instead of actually putting a real installation of firefox in. [14:16] You can always download a real copy of firefox yourself and run it. [14:57] as a component of Ubuntu MATE 22.04 (even if you choose 'Minimal' install)... it's a UX bug :P [14:57] user can see a 'Downloads' folder as they browse their home directory... but nothing they downloaded is in it lol [14:58] surely that should be blocking? i.e. don't release until resolved lol [14:59] irrelevant of the distribution issues firefox is bloated and not what i want OOTB, having a better fork with it's own proper deb repo is my solution. [15:01] even if the first thing someone does with firefox out-of-the-box is grab the .deb for chrome... they'll still be wondering where the heck it is :P [15:01] you could install without package manager or use ppa but why should you need to... [15:01] use the downloads menu from within firefox [15:01] oh yeah I know all about the ppa that is out there... just shocking to find a more recent iso of 22.04.--3-- having this issue still :P [15:07] Yes. The Containerization of ubuntu has pretty much ruined it. I switched to Debian. I only have old installs of Ubuntu. [15:08] If Canonical ever stops shooting themselves in the foot I'll try it again. [15:08] My advice would be to try Debian with MATE desktop instead. [15:09] yeah but then you get firefox with flatpak... and whilst I like flatpak's more than I do snaps... it still screws up stuff like keepassxc-browser [15:10] i did try debian with mate for a little while - was going to give it a re-try with debian 12... but i do find it handy that the ubuntu installer now lets you join AD during the install (handy on my work pc)... even if it is buggy as crap [15:11] tbh i'm more likely to find a mozilla or ubuntu affiliated packaged copy of firefox as an apt repo (e.g. a ppa) in the ubuntu world (rather than some unknown 3rd party packaging it).... than I am to find a mozilla or debian affiliated packaged copy of firefox as an apt repo meant for debian [15:23] I won't be going back to firefox for the foreseeable. LW has all of the junk is striped out, so much more responsive, firefox have made just as questionable choices as canonical recently. [15:23] sixwheeledbeast, you don't keep at least one firefox around for stupid bank websites, etc? [15:24] I too use FF forks that don't suck, but I do keep a copy of FF around. Even on ubuntu where I install it manually. [15:25] nope, not required. infact firefox is worse for those. [15:25] from a UX POV [16:20] sixwheeledbeast: well I like the look of this librewolf ... didn't know about it until you talked about... any other firefox forks I should be aware of? [16:21] tbh i hate that pocket thing anyway - and I usually try my best to regress of firefox's supposed "improvements" in about:config furiously lol [16:22] exactly and LW has a menu for the most common ones. [16:33] just looked through all the firefox forks that wikipedia has listed... looking at 'Pale Moon', 'Waterfox' and 'GNU IceCat' as well [16:34] 'Pale Moon' and other stuff based on it might be handy for any legacy npapi stuff - but not really a contender for replacing modern firefox I'd say [16:36] I'd be tempted by watefox/icecat if the waterfox team and/or GNU actually made it available as an apt repo - but it seems sadly no [16:36] which makes librewolf the winner :P [16:54] I use Pale Moon. I don't like multi-process browsers. [16:54] At this point it's more Firefox than Firefox.