Bashing-om | If any help in migrating - I do have a template saved of Gdoc. | 00:03 |
krytarik | Oh right, I *did* look into converting the script at the time too, but realized that Discourse doesn't offer direct links to the topics like the wiki does.. so we could either just put the issue topics there without them being links, which I think I'd prefer, or drop the topic list completely. | 00:03 |
guiverc | being on fridge without the links is fine with me krytarik | 00:14 |
Bashing-om | In the mean time -- do we use the WIKI to prep for the 810 issue directly ? | 00:21 |
guiverc | I'd opt for it on discourse; I think that maybe easier (though discourse can get slow on larger docs; that is PC/browser specific I suspect) but at least it's a 'nicer' & 'larger' window. we could use another gdoc (temporarily anyway) from your template Bashing-om until decision is made | 00:24 |
guiverc | I'm writing email to nathan; FYI mostly (I believe he was owner of doc) | 00:25 |
guiverc | email send to nhaines; copy also sent to you bashing-om | 00:34 |
Bashing-om | guiverc: Ack - looking. | 00:36 |
guiverc | & yeah I do think I recall you giving options for fridge back-whenever (script change).. | 00:37 |
guiverc | krytarik, ^ | 00:37 |
krytarik | So I've just adjusted the Fridge script to work with Discourse, except I noticed that currently the license reference at the bottom of the post on the latter doesn't include the link as usual.. if it did similar to the wiki then the script also works in this regard - it'd be formatted like this: "...licensed under a [](Creative Commons ... | 00:44 |
krytarik | ... Attribution ShareAlike 3.0 License)" followed by the image. | 00:44 |
krytarik | Seeing how on the Fridge the image is left of the text, it'd be nice though if the same would be possible on Discourse too. | 00:48 |
krytarik | Uhm, while one doesn't see this in the rendered page on the wiki nor on Discourse, I just noticed that in the current UWN issue a few list headers aren't followed by an empty line, which results in it looking crappy on the forums. | 01:04 |
krytarik | Same with links that are followed by additional links in a list. | 01:05 |
krytarik | Also there are summary headers with the same issue, though this should look the same on the forums - but not in the email. | 01:07 |
Bashing-om | krytarik: Looking at the Forums post :( | 01:14 |
krytarik | guiverc: I just updated the 'discourse' branch of the UWN repo with the added Discourse variant of the Fridge script, but also a slight oversight fix wrt the license part to the generation of the forums post. | 01:26 |
krytarik | Bashing-om: If you've ever pulled from said branch yet, this is also for you. | 01:27 |
guiverc | thanks krytarik | 01:28 |
Bashing-om | krytarik: A simple " git pull origin discourse ; git checkout discourse " will do ? | 01:38 |
krytarik | Sounds good, unless you did pull previously already - then an overwrite will be necessary. | 01:41 |
Bashing-om | krytarik: Sometime back I did have to revert >> "git checkout wiki2forum/". I did not note the date. | 01:45 |
krytarik | Yeah, that's unrelated though. | 01:46 |
Bashing-om | krytarik: Great then - doing that pull ad checkout for discourse | 01:47 |
Bashing-om | krytarik: Ungood on my part: git pull origin discourse >> " fatal: Need to specify how to reconcile divergent branches." . No idea of what is required here. in spite of the hints provided. | 01:52 |
krytarik | Bashing-om: Try "git checkout discourse" followed by "git reset --hard origin/discourse" - and sorry for the inconvenience. >_> | 01:57 |
Bashing-om | krytarik: Can not blame you for me not knowing what I am doing . The git world is an unknown to me. | 01:59 |
Bashing-om | krytarik: Oh my - My plot thickens. git checkout discourse >> Already on 'discourse'; Your branch and 'origin/discourse' have diverged,; and have 1 and 1 different commits each, respectively.; (use "git pull" to merge the remote branch into yours). // At a loss now as to how to proceed:( | 02:03 |
krytarik | The second command should work here, did it not? | 02:04 |
Bashing-om | krytarik: trying that 2nd command now :) | 02:06 |
Bashing-om | krytarik: Yup --- output looks good :D | 02:07 |
krytarik | \o/ | 02:08 |
Bashing-om | krytarik: Pulled in "" :D | 02:10 |
krytarik | And mooore, yes! :P | 02:12 |
krytarik | We still need to solve the issue of links on its own under summaries that link to Discourse or the Ubuntu blog being previewed there instead of simply showing the link - we could use special Discourse markdown for this, but then they'd look crappy in the email, otoh it currently looks crappy and duplicated on Discourse.. | 02:27 |
guiverc | I don't mind how it looks currently; if I need to search for something I'm happy to ^F & get there myself... (though aesthetics isn't something I value that highly so my view isn't always helpful) | 02:30 |
Bashing-om | krytarik: Me no help there - been years since I did Job Control Language stuff. | 02:31 |
krytarik | Heh, I just noticed things like "X.Org" now get rendered as links on Discourse too. >_< | 02:34 |
Bashing-om | krytarik: I did notice on Discourse - X.Org, but could not see a way to escape :( | 02:41 |
* guiverc just had a few quick tries; also failed to achieve it | 02:42 | |
-ubottu:#ubuntu-news- ::planet:: Ubuntu Blog: Ubuntu AI podcast: What is Generative AI? @ | 02:45 | |
-ubottu:#ubuntu-news- ::planet:: Scarlett Gately Moore: KDE: Debian: Hopefully a short goodbye for now. @ | 02:45 | |
-ubottu:#ubuntu-news- ::planet:: Ubuntu Blog: A call for community @ | 02:45 | |
-ubottu:#ubuntu-news- ::planet:: The Fridge: Ubuntu Weekly Newsletter Issue 809 @ | 02:45 | |
-ubottu:#ubuntu-news- ::planet:: The Fridge: Ubuntu 23.10 (Mantic Minotaur) released @ | 02:45 | |
-ubottu:#ubuntu-news- ::planet:: Kubuntu General News: Kubuntu 23.10 Mantic Minotaur Released @ | 02:45 | |
krytarik | guiverc, Bashing-om: Uhm, I just noticed that I made a mistake wrt link markdown there, so that will need an update.. | 02:48 |
Bashing-om | krytarik: update there meaning " git checkout discourse " ? | 02:50 |
krytarik | Not done yet, but then it'd be "git fetch origin discourse; git reset --hard origin/discourse" while checked into the discourse branch. | 02:54 |
krytarik | It's now up! | 03:10 |
Bashing-om | krytarik: Ack - fetching :D | 03:11 |
guiverc | thanks (once again) krytarik ! | 03:13 |
krytarik | Hilariously though, I based the relevant changes on an "issues/773/" I still got lying around from my previous tests, but as it turns out the link markdown there wrt the license was reversed I think because it was prior to fixing the reformat script in this regard and I didn't update the file afterwards.. >_< | 03:19 |
Bashing-om | krytarik: My faith never waivered for even a moment :P | 03:23 |
guiverc | :) Bashing-om, where do we want to create & store a discourse skeleton; i like discourse as its easy to find, alas public (won't be noticed by many except when its changed & jumps to top) or elsewhere; I'll help set it up (we can comment instructions in it too etc if you're not aware); any thoughts? | 03:27 |
Bashing-om | guiverc: Discourse will work for me - Given time I will learn the ropes. If you start it - I will begin to fill it in :P | 03:29 |
Bashing-om | guiverc: I do like that we work from a platform that the news team controls :D | 03:30 |
guiverc | okay... I'm going to walk dog (+ me, as soon as i can) & got a few domestic things to start/do, so for me to start it maybe a few hours | 03:30 |
Bashing-om | guiverc: Good enough - in a bit I be headed off to bed. | 03:32 |
guiverc | :) | 03:32 |
guiverc | skeleton/template at (it'll contain issues no doubt, but we can work/edit them away) | 05:43 |
guiverc | the instructions are mostly unchanged from; some where altered (slightly).. with the instructions becoming visible when you EDIT & look at code etc. | 05:55 |
-ubottu:#ubuntu-news- ::fridge:: Ubuntu Weekly Newsletter Issue 809 @ | 07:41 | |
-ubottu:#ubuntu-news- ::fridge:: Ubuntu 23.10 (Mantic Minotaur) released @ | 07:41 | |
-ubottu:#ubuntu-news- ::omg!ubuntu:: Xubuntu 23.10 boasts refinement – lots of refinement @ | 16:54 | |
-ubottu:#ubuntu-news- ::omg!ubuntu:: Installing Deb Packages in Ubuntu 23.10 is Harder Than It Should Be @ | 21:47 |
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