=== monoob1 is now known as monoob === monoob1 is now known as monoob [17:40] I have a question, I heard 24.04 will give up snap? https://news.itsfoss.com/ubuntu-ditch-snap/ [17:40] what will exactly replace it? is it true? [17:46] Nevermind, I just read the date the article was published [17:56] "💩 If you are arriving at this page now, let us clarify that it was a humorous post on the occasion of April Fool." - I wonder if this was there before they asked too.. >_< [18:56] krytarik: Interestingly enough, I just had a long conversation with them in #ubuntu-discuss about snap vs ppa for a project of theirs. [18:57] Ah, that's unexpected indeed.