=== Rhys is now known as Guest4731 === kenoba5 is now known as kenoba === kenoba1 is now known as kenoba === kenoba0 is now known as kenoba === chris14_ is now known as chris14 [18:24] Guys, I'm getting this error on "apt dist-upgrade -y" See screenshot here: https://ibb.co/y5zpd41 Problem is that causes my ansible task to hang forever. For some reasons it cannot auto confirm. Any ideas? [18:39] why are you using the gui? [18:55] patdk-lap, actually I just executed this command on terminal: "apt dist-upgrade -y" then this "gui" appeared [18:58] DEBIAN_FRONTEND=noninteractive, place this before that command [18:59] DEBIAN_FRONTEND=noninteractive apt dist-upgrade -y [22:29] hello [22:30] is there some way to debug an ubuntu-autoinstall that doesn't print anything to screen? [22:30] it's just stuck on a black screen [22:40] a7x: /var/log/installer/subiquity-server-debug.log may have some clues