[00:24] Quick question. There are a few Ubuntu packages where the lib* version is packaged but lib*-dev is not. Is that a bug or a software request, and where should I request the -dev variant? [00:24] example? [00:25] The one that's bugging me at the moment is libpdal-plugin-e57 [00:25] The headers aren't installed. [00:25] maybe part of libpdal-dev ? [00:26] Nope. [00:26] The normal PDAL headers are installed just fine with libpdal-dev, but the headers for the plugins are not. [00:27] you may need to enable the source package lists and use apt-rdepends to see how it was built === deepSleep is now known as Guest8209 [00:28] apt-rdepends --build-depends libpdal-plugin-e57 [00:29] that really only shows libpdal-plugin-e57 itself [00:31] https://p.haxxors.com/control.txt [00:32] this is the control file. looks like the plugins build from the pdal package as binary [00:32] https://github.com/PDAL/PDAL/tree/master/plugins/e57/io [00:32] Need those header files. [00:38] So if I can repeat my question: Is this considered a bug or a software request, and where should I request it? === monoob1 is now known as monoob [00:56] sight it happens again, audio stuttering even with just one sink. i begin to lose all hope for linux audio, it seems its very design architecture is flawed in a way that does not allow for stable undisturbed playback of a single source into a single sink at constant volume === monoob1 is now known as monoob === diceLibrarian2 is now known as liceDibrarian === sixecho2 is now known as sixecho [02:51] Is there a "gnome restart" of sorts for wayland. Like in X11 i could do Super+F2 which showed a prompt i could type "r" in. [03:39] I wonder if I can ever run wayland on my nvidia 1030. Suspend/Resume doesn't seem to work. Graphics gets totally messed up after it. [03:40] Anyone know if there is active work done nvidia/wayland issues or has nvidia support been completely dropped? [03:40] done on* [04:28] \help === zofrex2 is now known as zofrex [05:36] mm, so I have this laptop & desktop that used to run 23.04, and I did do-release-upgrade -d on them on the 12th, I heard 23.10.1 is out my PCs are on 23.10.0, how do I get to .1, it doesn't say .1 in /etc/lsb_release, despite apt-get update && apt-get dist-ugprade [05:37] does it say .1 on fresh installs? [05:55] TheWebFox: 23.10 had a delay/issue after release and halted but as of today should be availible 9 months support vs LTS that I use [06:07] TheWebFox: sudo apt update && sudo apt upgrade && sudo apt dist-upgrade [06:07] i'm not sure whether the version number will change (I suspect not so). [06:17] tomreyn, 0 upgraded [06:17] on both apt upgrade U& it's actually apt-get dist-upgrade not apt dist-upgrade [06:22] TheWebFox: it does not matter whether you use apt or apt-get there, the effect would be the same. [06:23] E: Invalid operation dist-upgrade␏ [06:23] oh it copied some unicode "␏" at the end [06:24] if the command series did not quit with an error (which may be spelled as "E:") or there were and warnings (which may be spelled as "W:"), then you're good, no need for any upgrades. [06:24] yep [06:24] no need for upgrades [06:25] the package versions in 23.10(.0) and 23.10.1 are probably exactly the same, I expect that only the installer snap was upgraded, and that won't be installed on your system anyways. [07:06] hi. I tried to enable kvm_amd, but got "ERROR: could not insert 'kvm_amd': Operation not supported". CPU has flags svm and svm_lock in cpuinfo, so shouldn't it work? [07:07] or is it even needed? kvm seems to be loaded, is it enough? [07:08] check sudo dmesg [07:09] it should say why the modprobe failed [07:09] is this bare metal or in a VM? [07:11] is it an amd cpu? [07:11] Cursarion: ^, also which ubuntu version is this? [07:12] ah, "kvm: disabled by bios" [07:13] one of the LTS ones, maybe 22.04 [07:14] as the message says, you'll need to edit your bios settings [07:14] enabling AMD-V [07:14] alright [07:16] or possibly "SVM Mode" [07:18] thanks [07:19] (and it's pretty suspicious that you say you don't know which ubuntu version you have but know that 22.04 is the latest LTS release) [07:19] other than that, you're welcome. [07:19] I didn't know actually [07:20] cat /etc/os-release [07:20] if you would like to check (no need to report it) [07:21] ok. I can try to remember that. I only remember uname -a, but it doesn't contain the exact release data. :( [07:21] my apologies for making a bad faith assumption. [07:22] and I generally pick a LTS release every once in a while and go with it until it expires, or something forces me to reinstall OS and I pick the latest one available. [07:23] great. it's good to know how to check for your version info, though, because it can help tremendously when you ask a question here. [07:26] yep, it's pretty important [10:19] Hello Ubuntu I'm trying to install wine32 on 20.04 and the only instructions I can find are simply "dpkg --add-architecture i386" update and off you go. That's not working even after adding the i386 arch and confirming it's in the list there are no 386 packages? === Rhys is now known as Guest4731 [10:44] jwhitmore, sudo apt-get install wine32 [10:54] TheWebFox, E: Package 'wine32' has no installation candidate [10:55] hmmm [11:09] According to all I can find online adding the i386 arch and update is all it should take but that doesn't appear to add 386 packages === pah is now known as pa [12:34] jwhitmore, do you have universe enabled in your package sources ? wine32 surely exists in the archive and should be found [12:35] !info wine32 [12:35] wine32 (8.0.1~repack-3ubuntu2, mantic): Windows API implementation - 32-bit binary loader. In component universe, is optional. Built by wine. Size 260 kB / 723 kB. (Only available for i386, armel, armhf.) [12:35] one needs to add archtecture i386 first [12:36] indeed ... [12:50] ogra, thank you didn't have Universe, now have that added and a target for wine32 but it depends on libc:i386 (but it is not installable) & libwine:i386 (but it is not going to be installed) Tried "--fix-broken" but apparently I have "held broken packages" Have to figure out what packages are the problem. Thanks for your help, it's progress [12:51] jwhitmore: use a !paste if you like to share your apt output, so volunteers can have a look for you [12:51] jwhitmore, add-architecture i386 and run updates again [12:54] https://wiki.debian.org/Multiarch/HOWTO#Setting_up_apt_sources [12:55] When I install pip packages they end up in ~/.local/bin, which isn't in my PATH by default. Is it ok to add this dir to PATH? [12:57] tennisanders, echo $PATH [12:57] it should be there, standard [12:57] so yes, add it. [12:58] tennisanders, https://www.omgubuntu.co.uk/2023/04/pip-install-error-externally-managed-environment-fix [12:58] * in .bashrc [12:59] oh, good find, ioria [13:00] oerheks: Hm it simply isn't included and it's a pretty freshly installed system (Ubuntu 22.04). Cant remember removing it myself either [13:04] tennisanders, do you have pipx installed ? === Szadek15988 is now known as Szadek1598 [13:28] "dpkg --print-foreign-architectures" >> "i386" "apt update" "apt install libc6:i386" >> "E: Package 'libc6:i386' has no installation candidate" [13:29] jwhitmore, did you see my paste above ? https://wiki.debian.org/Multiarch/HOWTO#Setting_up_apt_sources [13:31] ogra, oops no sorry going through it thanks === VlA is now known as V1A [13:51] hi all, I've got a problem with DNSs: I have a dhcp server that sends me nameserver address to use, with windows client they seems to use all the dns received from the dhcp server, but ubuntu clients seems to only use one. can anyone help me with this matter? [13:53] tlink: first, you really don't need multiple configured nameservers. And I hope you're using either 2x public namervers or local nameservers with forwarding which can both resolve the exact same queries. Otherwise, you're doing it wrong [13:53] tlink: second, how are you determining which/how many nameservers the linux client is configured for? [13:55] good talk [13:55] leftyfb I came here because I thought something was wrong with the settings [13:56] tlink: ok, lets start with the "why". Why are you configuring multiple nameservers? [13:57] basically I have a dns that resolve .local domains, then I have a dns that resolve .lan domains for a network connected trough a vpn [13:57] ok, then you're definitely doing it wrong [13:58] i told to the local dns server to go to the vpn ones to resolve .lan querys but seems that it doesn't work [13:58] tlink: first, .local is not a "domain". It's mDNS/avahi which is basically broadcast to everyone and everyone figures everything out. Pick a different TLD [13:58] tlink: second, you need to set 1 as a stub domain or slave as the other [13:59] clients do not failover multiple configured nameservers. Not the way you think [13:59] actually windows clients do, but it's windows... i know [13:59] if a client asks a nameserver to resolve something and that nameserver doesn't know what you're talking about. The query fails and you get nothing. Your client does not attempt to send the same query to another nameserver [14:00] the failover only happens when 1 nameserver is completely dead/inaccessible, then it will query the other nameserver [14:00] tlink: They really don't, Windows included. They'll round-robin between configured DNS servers. If the first server it tries returns NXDOMAIN, that counts as a response and it won't try another. [14:00] that was what I thought before seeing windows clients just working fine :) [14:01] tlink: that's called you getting lucky that windows just happened to randomly pick the right nameserver for the query [14:01] Anyway... Do not use .local. [14:01] RFC 6762. Use .intranet, .internal, .private, .corp, .home, or .lan [14:01] uhm.. is that the problem? [14:01] it is A problem, not THE problem [14:02] ^ [14:02] ok [14:02] though, it kinda helps Windows a bit. Since .local doesn't really use the configured nameserver, it's probably successfully just using mDNS for the .local queries and ignoring the nameserver completely [14:03] contributing to your assumption that things are working on Windows [14:03] either way, there's several ways to accomplish what you're trying to do. [14:04] with bind9 named, you can setup a zone to forward requests for a particular domain [14:04] that's the easiest [14:05] ok, so, my namespace has to change from, let's say tlink.local to something like tlink.home and the tlink.lan on the vpn network is just fine, right? [14:06] As a first step, yes [14:06] then I have bind9 on the dns in the vpn network, in the local network I use pfsense and told him to query the vpn dns for tlink.lan queries [14:07] using forwarding for the zone, yes [14:08] setting a "Domain Overrides" for the domain "tlink.lan" [14:08] uh [14:09] I don’t follow there [14:09] it says: "Enter any domains for which the resolver's standard DNS lookup process should be overridden and a different (non-standard) lookup server should be queried instead. Non-standard, 'invalid' and local domains, and subdomains, can also be entered, such as 'test', 'nas.home.arpa', 'mycompany.localdomain', '1.168.192.in-addr.arpa', or [14:09] 'somesite.com'. The IP address is treated as the authoritative lookup server for the domain (including all of its subdomains), and other lookup servers will not be queried. If there are multiple authoritative DNS servers available for a domain then make a separate entry for each, using the same domain name." [14:11] yeah, I don't know pfsense and how it's settings translate to actual dns configuration and zone records [14:11] I think you solved a problem that i didn't know I had, but for this one I'll probably have to ask in #pfsense [14:12] tlink: for bind, it's as simple as this https://serverfault.com/a/718162 === tlink is now known as REz === REz is now known as _REz_ === _REz_ is now known as LucaREz [14:30] how risky would it be to install 23.10 now? By making do-release-upgrade -d? (since there's no real 23.10 upgrade available yet) [14:37] cbreak: 23.10.1 is out [14:38] the upgrade path is not [15:25] cbreak, well, I've done it on 2 of my PCs [15:25] and both of them work fine [15:25] my only advice, Disable any PPA & if you have installed firefox / thunderbird from mozillateam PPA remove it & the PPA or it will fail like my 3rd PC (my work laptop) [15:25] hmm :( [15:26] the moz firefox is so much better than the snap one :( [15:26] cbreak, you can reinstall it after you upgraade [15:26] it doesn't have to be permanent, just while you do "do-release-upgrade -d" [15:27] after you reboot and are on 23.10 you enable the PPA again & remove the snap firefox & install the un-sandboxed one [15:27] cbreak, you do not even lose your profile from firefox or browser history [15:28] you just sudo apt-get remove firefox thunderbird, then sudo do-release-upgrade -d then reenable the PPA and reinstall firefox & thunderbird [15:28] cbreak, understand? [15:28] /home/user/.mozilla is not deleted [15:28] yeah, that's quite clear [15:29] I'll give it a try later. If it breaks I zfs rollback to now :) [15:30] if you're upgrading from 23.04 it won't break [15:30] did you have to disable ppa only or also uninstall FF? [15:30] also uninstall [15:30] alright [15:30] firefox is provided by ubuntu and when it tries to install it'll conflict with the mozilla version [15:30] I had it happen to me from 23.04 to 23.10 on work laptop [15:31] (I wanted both my personal laptop, my personal desktop & my work laptop to all be on 23.10) === stenno is now known as Guest881 === chao is now known as stenno [15:33] It's generally recommend to remove/uninstall any PPA or third party repository that you have when upgrading. Not just the Mozilla one. [15:33] cbreak, also, 23.10.1 only exists as iso, but still displays 23.10, so if you upgrade don't get worried you do not see 23.10.1 [15:33] Client: HexChat 2.16.1 • OS: Ubuntu "mantic" 23.10 • CPU: AMD Ryzen 7 6800HS Creator Edition (400MHz) • Memory: Physical: 14.5 GiB Total (8.7 GiB Free) Swap: 3.9 GiB Total (3.9 GiB Free) • Storage: 93.4 GB / 491.1 GB (397.6 GB Free) • VGA: Advanced Micro Devices, Inc. [AMD/ATI] Rembrandt [Radeon 680M] @ Advanced Micro Devices, Inc. [AMD] Family 17h-19h PCIe Dummy Host Bridge • Uptime: 2d 0h 10m 12s [15:34] as for software, my 1password works, my google chrome works, all my flatpaks work [15:34] (even if not supported by canonical :p) [15:46] flatpak is supported just fine. [15:47] con, I was told by ubuntu members to not recommend it [15:47] since Canonical offers no support for it [15:48] ubuntu members of what form? People in this channel? [15:48] I know it works on ubuntu ... that's not what they mean by not supported con [15:49] I'm aware of what support means. To tell people not to use it because of 'canonical support' is beyond idiotic. [15:49] they mean, if you send your technical issues to Canonical they only offer assistance for systems with snaps [15:49] Assuming you PAY for such support. [15:49] I agree, con, I was like "I don't need Canonical's support" [15:49] If you don't, you get community support, which is exactly what flatpak receives. [15:50] not here it doesn't [15:50] that's the point of not recommending it here [15:50] we can't support it [15:50] leftyfb, wait, so I can't help people here who ask about flatpak? [15:50] That's nonsense. [15:51] TheWebFox: it's more appropriate in #flatpak [15:51] Also nonsense. [15:51] If _you_ don't want to help, then don't. But to say that running flatpak makes it off-topic for this channel is BS. [15:52] con: flatpak's have nothing to do with Ubuntu, therefor are not an Ubuntu support topic [15:52] leftyfb: I repeat the previous, and that stance is not going to change. [15:52] leftyfb, you kidding me? Ubuntu is Linux, flatpaks belong to Linux [15:52] !discuss [15:52] Want to talk about Ubuntu, but don't have a support question? /join #ubuntu-discuss for non-support Ubuntu discussion, or try #ubuntu-offtopic for general chat. Thanks! [15:52] TheWebFox: ok, then ask for support with flatpaks in #linux [15:52] If you're running flatpak on Ubuntu, and you're looking for community assistance for people that do the same, this is exactly the channel for it. [15:52] lotuspsychje: piss off. [15:53] leftyfb: Same to you. [15:53] !language | con [15:53] con: Please avoid any language that may be considered offensive, including acronyms and obfuscation of such - also see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines || The main channels are English only, for other languages, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/ChannelList [15:53] Furthermore to what leftyfb is saying, this is a community support channel, not commercial support. [15:53] leftyfb: Piss off. [15:53] !CoC | con [15:53] con: The Ubuntu Code of Conduct is the document that spells out etiquette in the Ubuntu community | http://www.ubuntu.com/project/about-ubuntu/conduct | For information on how to electronically sign the CoC, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SigningCodeofConduct | Watch http://static.screencasts.ubuntu.com/videos/2010/12/22/004-SigningCoC.ogv [15:53] leftyfb: Piss. Off. [15:54] con, I have to warn you they're mods ... [15:54] !ops | con Code of Conduct violations [15:54] con Code of Conduct violations: Help! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) - CarlFK, DJones, el, Flannel, genii, hggdh, ikonia, krytarik, mneptok, mwsb, nhandler, ogra, Pici, popey, sarnold, tomreyn, Unit193, wgrant [15:54] Eickmeyer: And community support is exactly what's being stated, here. [15:54] con: You can leave anytime. [15:54] TheWebFox: if I make a really poor python script and upload it to github, should I expect anyone here to support me with it? [15:54] Jesus. No wonder the Ubuntu community has such a bad reputation. [15:54] Eickmeyer: You can piss off, too. :) [15:55] leftyfb, this is just what Microsoft does, telling people what they can / can not run on their PCs [15:55] TheWebFox: We don't support anything from outside of the Ubuntu repositories here. Full stop. [15:56] TheWebFox: nobody here is telling you what you can and can't run. But This channel is for Ubuntu and it's packages. We cannot be expected to support every single random application that might or might not work on "linux" [15:57] #flatpak is a more appropriate place to get support with Flatpak's. #linux is a more appropriate place for general linux questions. #ubuntu is more specific to the Ubuntu distribution and the packages that are available in it's repositories [15:57] leftyfb, that's how it works in many other distros channels. I used to run Linux Mint for instance, there I'd get support for anything I'd install, since my PC ran Linux Mint, now it runs Ubuntu, of course people will come here expecting support for whatever they run on Ubuntu, from steam to geological software to python scripts they write themselves [15:58] they can ask. we can say no. [15:58] TheWebFox: this is not to say that you can't get help here, but it's not expected. And there are probably more appropriate places to get help with very specific things. [15:59] we have a well defined and documented scope for this channel [15:59] leftyfb, I've done nothing but recommend flatpak cause I think it's better than snap. [15:59] TheWebFox: the point is to provide you the best support. For something like Flatpak, that isn't this channel. #flatpak would provide better support for that [16:00] okay, okay, I drop it [16:00] TheWebFox: that would be your opinion and not a reflection of the support provided in this channel [16:00] yes, okay, fine ... I understand, I won't recommend flatpak or snap either [16:01] I'll stay neutral [16:14] leftyfb, I looked into it and it turns out flatpak is in the Ubuntu universe repo, so we do not support stuff in the universe repo? [16:15] Section: universe/admin [16:15] Origin: Ubuntu; Bugs: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+filebug [16:16] TheWebFox: we would support issues with installing the flatpak package. Individual flatpaks being run on top of it would be better served in #flatpak or their respective maintainer [16:16] ok [16:17] so my system has flatpak & flatpaks installed in place of snap firefox. Do I lose support for non-flatpak areas like if I have a problem with a printer? [16:17] and printing from Ubuntu? [16:17] why would you think that? [16:19] okay, then it's fine :-) it's okay, thanks for explaining [16:25] Hi. Is there a good how-to on adding Radius-based authentication for non-local users to Ubuntu? The only articles I can find seem to be out-of-date as they reference hand-editing the PAM files, but I believe that recent releases use pam-auth-update to avoid that instead... === chris14_ is now known as chris14 [16:47] q/rep con [17:26] Hi guys [17:26] welcome S0NiC [17:41] TheWebFox: I'd expect flatpack FF to be just as bad as snap ff [17:41] 1Password never worked well with the snap version, despite waiting for over a year, so I switched to the bare-metal normal FF, where it worked out of the box [17:42] cbreak, I'll be honest, I use Firefox only for what doesn't work with bare-metal Chrome [17:43] so not for 1Password, I installed it on flatpak cause I have Android Studio, VS Code, and other solutions installed via flatpak and only have in snap the default required packages [17:44] Yeah... I see no reason to use chrome [17:44] but I doubt 1pass would work with chrome either if it was inside one of those package thingies [17:44] since they seem to blindly isolate everything even if it breaks basic functionality [17:45] I just took a look at snap-store and I think I'm gonna uninstall it ... App center, unlike ubuntu software can only manage snaps? [17:45] and snaps are going bye bye pretty soon, April 2024? [17:45] the new 23.10 store thingie? [17:46] I read it can do both snap and deb, but haven't tried it yet [17:46] (the one in gnome ubuntu) [17:46] I haven't heard of snaps going away [17:46] please use #ubuntu-discuss or offtopic cbreak TheWebFox [17:47] wasn't there even an ubuntu sub-distro that only ships snaps, for everything? [17:47] snap is not going away, turns out that article was 1st of April 2023 .... [17:48] https://ubuntu.com/core [17:48] anyway, I'd be really interested to know if App Center 1.0.0-alpha can install apt packages [17:51] cbreak, let's talk in #ubuntu-discuss [19:03] What are the downsides of using `do-release-upgrade -d` to upgrade before it officially rolls around to me? I am on 23.04, all packages updated [19:04] sem: There could be some breakage. We've seen some breakage with grub not upgrading correctly which can cause the system to be unbootable. Other risks are there, so using "-d" is at your own risk. [19:04] thanks [19:05] yw [19:09] Is there somewhere I can read about the issues? I don't see them here: https://discourse.ubuntu.com/t/mantic-minotaur-release-notes/35534#heading--known-issues [19:20] sem: That's the place, not sure why you're not seeing it. It shows up for me. [19:20] sem: Unless you mean the upgrade issues? [19:26] sem: It appears that the main blocker at the moment is here, the grub issue might be done: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/ubuntu-release-upgrader/+bug/2034986 [19:26] -ubottu:#ubuntu- Launchpad bug 2034986 in ubuntu-release-upgrader (Ubuntu Mantic) "some text became unreadable during a distribution upgrade" [Critical, In Progress] [19:51] so why dosnt ls do anything in my ubuntu server [19:52] Empty directory? [19:52] well i just installed some days ago [19:52] but when i do ll, then i see some stuff [19:53] im at root btw [19:53] ll is not a command [19:55] ravage: it is for me [19:55] it lists stuff like [19:55] it may be preinstalled on the server ok [19:55] .bash_history .bash_logout .bashrc .cache ..... [19:56] see my answer above. you are in an "empty" directory with only hidden files [19:56] theres also .dotnet there, which i instaled using apt-get i think [19:56] hmm [19:56] ls does not list hidden files by default [19:56] ah i see [19:56] "ls -a" does [19:57] ah i see, that lists the same stuff [19:57] so somehow, my ubuntu server has ll=ls -a [19:58] alias ls='ls -a1F' [19:58] yes it exists on a server installation i have too [19:58] *ll [19:58] i may have just tinkered with my local file [19:59] ravage: so it all my package downloads going to be installed here = [19:59] ? [19:59] sorry for noob queitsions [19:59] no [19:59] im asking since .dotnet is there which i installed some days ago [19:59] the /root directory is just the home directory of the root user [20:00] mhm [20:00] that are config file of software you run as root [20:00] not the software itself [20:00] oki [20:01] https://linuxhandbook.com/linux-directory-structure/ [20:01] tnx [20:07] i was thinking of making a dotnet core 6 webapi, and deploy it to my laptop with linux [20:07] ...make the api in a windows desktop that is. dotnet 6 is suppose to work right out of the box in linux environments as well [20:08] any idea how i can deploy stuff from a windows machine to the linux laptop [20:08] only the binaries [20:09] actually scratch that. would be cooler if i could setip a pipeline in github [20:09] to push binaries to my linux pc === anotheryou is now known as adarkeryou [21:22] so my systemd-network-wait-online.service is hagning up, which i believe has something to do with a .network or .netdev file (re my research in the man) [21:23] but there's a ton and i'm not sure how to maybe see which "interface link" is hurting [21:31] might have to start using the forums [21:33] ayjay_t, networkd or NetworkManager (basically, ubuntu server or ubuntu desktop?) if networkd, "networkctl list" might show which link is haning [21:42] so, I installed 23.10, and it seems to have mostly worked, but I got errors regarding configuring network-manager [21:42] in particular, dpkg --configure network-manager spits out errors about not finding a connection profile [21:42] how can I find out what exactly this configure script tries to do? [21:42] I'm using netplan with the networkmanager renderer [22:00] How would I upgrade ubuntu wigh an ISO? [22:00] rm /etc/NetworkManager/system-connections/NetworkManager-USRP fixed my problem... I think :) [22:00] *With [22:09] bray90820: you dont. [22:10] ravage: WHy not [22:10] because there is no such option [22:10] Ok [22:11] Currently would "do-release-upgrade -d" upgrade me to 23.10 [22:11] yes it would [22:11] The stable release? [22:12] yes. but there may be bugs [22:12] I just did that, and I got 23.10... no idea which subversion [22:12] so on your own risk [22:12] minor problems with network manager [22:12] and maybe more I haven't found yet [22:12] Thanks [22:12] there are some open bugs with grub upgrade and strange language switches [22:14] I only use english so that's not a problem for me [22:14] hmm... one of my steam games doesn't seem to work... weird [22:14] hi [23:10] Holy smokes how can i just see the dang folders I shared to Everyone read/write from Windows 10? [23:11] "Windows Network" folder is empty [23:12] nvm connecting w/ ip worked in the box : smb://192.168.FOO.BAR [23:12] Wait, how to open it as a guest? [23:19] Is it normal that unattended-upgrades is using a lot of CPU resources? [23:19] taylan: it is if its installing updates [23:19] And my syslog is full of "The maximum number of pending replies for ... has been reached" with reference to "/usr/share/unattended-upgrades/un"? [23:20] trying to figure out whether it's actually installing anything. I install updates manually relatively frequently. [23:24] holy hell, these log messages have been repeating non-stop since 9 hours [23:24] I think it got stuck in a loop or something [23:25] how can I tell if it's actually doing anything meaningful? [23:26] It will populate /var/log/dpkg.log if it installs something, yes? === Vercas8 is now known as Vercas