[01:08] hi [01:09] i am trying to update to kubuntu 23.10 is it released yet [01:09] I have 23.04 installed [01:09] and updated [01:10] however when i try to upgrade it says not available [01:11] any comment would be welcome [01:27] It is available, you might try the cd or live image. [03:39] hello [03:39] is anyone awake? [03:41] sysRPL, if you have a support question, just ask it & people will respond as they're able ot. [03:48] great. i have a laptop that is old, but ought to be good enough. it has a NVIDIA GeForce 8600M GT GPU, but the propriety drivers app does not recommend anything [03:49] and the i have no idea which pakcages from the list of available nvidia-xxx drivers works [03:49] i installed 290 and lost the ability to boot to the desktop, so i had to purge my installed nvidia packages to get back to a desktop [03:49] * 39 drivers [03:50] 390 [04:03] how can i find a driver that works other than through a lot of trial and error? [04:16] sysRPL: lean on other people's trial and error? [04:18] There's a simple command line app that will do it: `ubuntu-driver install`. That will automatically select the best driver for your system based on what's available. === diceLibrarian2 is now known as liceDibrarian [07:51] Hmm, can someone explain what happened? :D I've installed KDE on a UBUNTU machine, and all is fine. So i decided to install a login-screen through the settings-app -> SDDM. But alas, im using GDM3. So i "switched" over to SDDM, and whilst i got my shiny new login-screen, i seemed to have popped in in some LXQt desktop environment... Uhm, how? :D [08:04] greetings, is the upgrade from 32.4 to 23.10 ready yet? [08:04] 23.04 to 23.10 === alice_ is now known as alicethefemme [10:43] iomari891, yes and no; 23.04 users will not be offered it yet (as is normal) but it can be forced as mentioned in the release notes if you don't want to wait until the upgrade is deemed stable [10:43] iomari891, release notes & announcements provided a link to https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ManticUpgrades which tells you how [10:44] dreamhawk, sddm is used by Kubuntu, Lubuntu & as I understand it Ubuntu Studio; so LXQt will **NOT** be dragged in ; eg. read https://packages.ubuntu.com/mantic/sddm and look for any reference to LXQt/Lubuntu packages - there are none [10:45] (you didn't specify a release that I saw; so I assumed latest stable; ie. mantic or 23.10) [11:09] guiverc: latest yes :) . Well, after i logged in, i was met with a DE with a debian wallpaper, a few icons, and no "start menu", a right click gave me the terminal and other options, and at the bottom of that rightclick-menu, it showed "About lubuntu" ... :D [11:11] that doesn't sound like LXQt to me; you may have had a WM only (thus no start menu.. I wonder if you were seeing openbox) [11:12] On a Lubuntu system the about only mentions LXQt (for me it's LXQt Version 1.3.0 & details about what LXQt is) [11:14] guiverc: LXQt was just a guess :) but ls /usr/share/xsessions/ gives me "lxqt.desktop", "plasma.desktop, "ubuntu.desktop" and "ubuntu-xorg.desktop", can it be that SDDM was defaulting to lxqt and i panic since ... well its not my recognized DE? :D [11:15] the lxqt.desktop would imply YES you've pulled in lubuntu packages before; I don't believe with the SSDM, it's just you're noticing them now using SDDM... and maybe you were seeing LXQt; but I can't work out why you saw "About Lubuntu" [11:16] guiverc: well, nevermind... I guess i can try and switch from GDM3 back to SDDM again, and make sure that KDE (Plasma) is the default DE for the session. [11:16] My system is a multi-desktop one; I have Ubuntu Desktop (thus GNOME), Lubuntu Desktop (LXQt, Openbox etc), Xubuntu Desktop (Xfce) etc.. my guess is you've installed extra packages from & thru depends rules installed more than you wanted [11:16] guiverc: hmm, i fumbled with xrdp once... maybe that has installed lxqt for me? [11:16] if you logout of your current session; at SDDM you can select any other option BEFORE you press enter when you enter your password (how I select what session I want to use) [11:18] I don't see it at https://packages.ubuntu.com/mantic/xrdp ; you could search you /var/log/apt/history.log & look for lubuntu packages & see what caused them to be installed maybe. [11:21] guiverc: well, not in the recent history.log. but doing dpkg --list | grep lxqt, gives me a few packages, like lxqt-config, lxqt-panel. But i cannot recall ever installing LXQt, Its a ubuntu-machine with a quite recent install of KDE-desktop. [11:22] dpkg --list | grep lubuntu* [11:22] just fyi.. I'm using Lubuntu and `dpkg -l |grep lxqt |wc -l` gives me 35 packages (if i used lubuntu I get 8) [11:22] oerheks: gives nothing [11:23] guiverc: 24 here .. :D [11:23] 75 kde , 74 gnome [11:24] i'm betting you've got parts, but not all of it (fyi: `dpkg -l|grep gnome|wc -l` gives me 87) [11:24] * guiverc doesn't mind a 'bloated' system [11:29] guiverc: in a while, i might change back to sddm and check the session. Im almost sure it was set up to another DE... Which i dont know how it got installed in the first place :D [11:30] my sddm (i prefer this) defaults to whatever was last used; if you change the session to KDE Plasma (Kubuntu or whatever .session you mentioned before) you'll find it may become the default next time. [11:34] guiverc: here you can see , probably the culprit :D https://imgur.com/a/mEcnIw3 [11:35] if you have autologin; you can still logout NOW, change the setting & login again... you'll then autologin next time using whatever you choose.... that's the behavior I expect with autologin & QA test for with Lubuntu systems. [11:46] guiverc: I guess sddm defaulted to lxqt since its the first one in the list. And i havent used any other since then. But i'll try now! [11:48] guiverc: yepp, that was the issue, sddm had defaulted to LXQt and i freaked out since i didnt see it ^^ :) [11:50] fyi: the lxqt.desktop session lets you experience the upstream LXQt desktop without Lubuntu configs (the lubuntu session will have Lubuntu configs added; but you didn't appear to have that option in your sessions) [11:56] guiverc: so yeah, i unziped all of the history.logs and ... there's no trace of ever installing lxqt-packages [11:58] * guiverc has no ideas on how... though I recall lubuntu dailies one cycle included GNOME desktop too during alpha stage.. but that was well before beta & well before release.. [12:01] guiverc: this computer is not fresh installation. First dist was 20.04.3 Focal Fossa [12:02] guiverc: alot of schtuff has happened since then :D [12:04] yep. my prior box was 17.10/artful install upgraded every six months.. PSU died end-2022 thus I was forced to replace box & finally re-install [12:11] guiverc: i take it that its safe to "apt-get purge --auto-remove lxqt-session " and get rid of lxqt once and for all. Since its a mystery how it got there in the first place :D [12:16] I believe so, I'd for sure not use `-y` in your option, and read whatever it says this will remove (esp. given we don't know what caused it's install; I don't think you mentioned your release either) [12:16] * guiverc is away from keyboard; and only returns when I can (thus can be delay) [12:27] guiverc: thanks for your wisdom! :) === paulo is now known as Guest2297 [13:04] Hi all [14:02] huomenta === szymon is now known as Guest466 === Guest466 is now known as szymon === david_ is now known as turbor_ === calvin is now known as pingin