
=== chris14_ is now known as chris14
=== chris14_ is now known as chris14
bdrungDo we want to have https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/nvidia-open-gpu-kernel-modules in Ubuntu?14:01
xnoxbdrung: probably never, as we already have all of them14:09
xnoxbdrung: we compile -open variants already and ship them both as dkms & lrm signed, in restricted14:10
xnoxbdrung: as it requires proprietary firmware blob and unusable without it.14:10
bdrungxnox, so remove the package and block the Debian sync?14:10
ograwow, really ? i thought it was a straight nouveau replacement just made by nvidia 14:12
ogra(i.e. not requiring the prop. firmware)14:13
-ubottu:#ubuntu-kernel- Launchpad bug 2039688 in nvidia-open-gpu-kernel-modules (Ubuntu) "RM: unused in ubuntu / packaged separately" [Undecided, Triaged]14:23
xnoxogra: no, it is not.14:23
bdrungxnox, thanks14:24
xnoxogra: it is basically their existing proprietary driver; doesn't have the proprietary functions implemented in kernel code; and requires graphics cards that support the large firmware blob; and everything is done by said firmware blob14:24
ograwow, evil 14:25
xnoxand even then the open driver doesn't support all the functionality, even on latest gen cards via the open driver alone14:25
xnoxbecause not everything is yet implemented in the firmware blob14:25
xnoxogra: apperantly propietary .ko is bad; and propeitary fw file is good for upstream kernel. And in ubuntu we think otherwise and ship both still in -restricted14:25
ograyeah 14:25
xnoxbecause moving .ko code to fw blob is more or less the same shit14:26
ograright, and we prefer full functionality i guess14:26
xnoxogra: i mean we have like 13 different nvidia driver options in jammy; and like 9 in mantic covering desktop, server, open variants of thereof as are available on amd64 and arm6414:43
xnoxso we prebuild and make available everything that there is14:43
xnoxand yes, none of them support all cards, and all features14:43
xnoxone has to pick and choose to compromise14:43
xnoxit's that crap14:43
ograyup ... owning an nvidia card myself i know the pain 14:44

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