
=== Eickmeyer is now known as Erich
=== Erich is now known as Eickmeyer
hydro-bHi there. I'm trying to install ubuntu with autoinstall in a IPv6 only environment. This used to work fine with d-i / preseed, but I'm trying to convert it to the newish autoinstall way of life. There is a ISC dhcpv6 server active (configured simlarly to https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UEFI/SecureBoot/PXE-IPv6). IPv6 RAs also working. I made a first attempt on a user-data cloud-init config09:44
hydro-b(https://pastebin.ubuntu.com/p/Vvx7HxGKgw/). I can see in the webserver logs that the file (and meta-data / vendor-data, both empty files) are downloaded. However, the autoinstall does not start. The installer stops with a prompt: "choose type of install". Note, I have added the kernel cmdline option "autoinstall": https://pastebin.ubuntu.com/p/TnJC4CvYf5/.09:44
hydro-bSo I'm running into a few issues actually. 1) I would like to avoid "ip=dhcp" ... or hint that the live-server skips trying dhcpv4 ... and only uses dhcp6. However, dhcp6 i not recognized (ISC dhcp client will give an error about this)09:46
hydro-bcurrently it takes 5 minutes for the first round of DHCP timeouts09:46
hydro-bThen an attempt is made to actually load the iso ... which works fine (over IPv6) ... then another round of DHCPv4 timeouts ... and after that the installer is started and cloud-init config files are downloaded09:48
hydro-bSo, one question I have, where can I check if the cloud-init config file that is downloaded is actually parsed / used?09:50
hydro-bI've learned that after a manual install, a "/var/log/installer/autoinstall-user-data" should be created. Hence I thought I would try a manual install. But then I run into some other issues ...09:51
hydro-bThe first is network configuration. The installer lets me configure dhcpv6 (and disable dhcpv4), which is great. However, although it succesfully managed to get an IPv6 address, has working IPv6 internet connectivity, resolving does not work. So in the next step (Configure ubuntu archive mirror) it fails to resolve the mirrors. Sidenote: I found in the installer logs that a geoip check is tried, but09:57
hydro-bit is not working either, as geoip.ubuntu.com does not have a quad A record set. I know for sure the DHCPv6 server hands out a nameserver (it works fine with dhclient in an initramfs). So the systemd stub-resolver is not configured to try lookups via IPv6 (haven't checked the config, but that is what I suspect).09:57
hydro-bthat's easy to configure by removing the symlink to the stub resolver and manually enter the nameserver entry in /etc/resolv.conf ... resolving works ... up to the next step09:57
mwhudsonhydro-b: to check if the autoinstall / cloud-init config is found, looking in /var/lib/cloud-init.log would be a good start09:57
hydro-bmwhudson: ah, I will check right away09:58
mwhudsonthe name resolution stuff sounds like a bug, i don't have much experience in ipv6-only environments09:58
hydro-bmwhudson: I'm used to find IPv6 only bugs ;-)09:58
mwhudsonhydro-b: we are going to try to make it more obvious when cloud-init has issues09:58
hydro-bthat would be great. There has been a lot of advancements in this area (cloud-config, autoinstall, their interaction). It probably works awesome if you know all the moving parts work10:00
hydro-b/var/lib/cloud-init.log <- this file does not exist10:00
hydro-bI think I found it10:01
mwhudsonsorry /var/log10:02
hydro-b/var/log/cloud-init.log does exist10:02
mwhudsonit is late here :)10:02
hydro-bhaha, appreciate your time10:02
hydro-b023-10-19 09:24:29,167 - util.py[WARNING]: Failed loading yaml blob. Invalid format at line 34 column 16: "mapping values are not allowed here10:05
hydro-b  in "<unicode string>", line 34, column 16:10:05
hydro-b      late-commands:10:05
hydro-bI used the "autoinstall-generator" to convert from preseed ... but apparently it's inserting statements that are not allowed10:06
hydro-bI'll try to strip it down to bare minimum for now10:06
hydro-band try again10:08
hydro-bAnd I'll file a bug for the nameserver resolving issue10:08
mwhudsonhydro-b: yeah that kind of error is what we need to expose in the ui10:12
hydro-bmwhudson: is there a way with the intaller to configure UEFI partitions (vfat)? I seem to only be able to choose ext4, btrs, xfs, swap10:35
bdrung@pilot in11:01
=== ChanServ changed the topic of #ubuntu-devel to: Archive: Mantic Final Freeze | Devel of Ubuntu (not support) | Build failures: http://qa.ubuntuwire.com/ftbfs/ | #ubuntu for support and discussion of Focal-Mantic | Patch Pilots: slyon, bdrung
ahasenackcoreycb: hi, I'm about to release cinder into lunar, and was wondering about your test results in https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/cinder/+bug/2037319/comments/413:17
-ubottu:#ubuntu-devel- Launchpad bug 2037319 in cinder (Ubuntu Lunar) "[SRU] antelope stable releases" [High, Fix Committed]13:17
ahasenackyou say you used 2:22.1.1-0ubuntu1~cloud0, but that's from the cloud archive I suppose, not lunar-proposed13:17
ahasenackcoreycb: could you please confirm in the bug if lunar-proposed is verified, or just cloud-archive?13:18
coreycbahasenack: thanks for taking a look. it should have results for lunar above that (including package version from lunar-proposed). let me know if it needs clarification.13:20
ahasenackcoreycb: ah, you are right, I skimmed to the end of the comment and only saw the UCA version13:20
ahasenackbut in the middle of the comment you also mentioned the lunar version13:20
ahasenackmy bad13:20
ahasenackall good13:20
bdrung@pilot out16:35
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amikhalitsynDear friends, I need advice regarding fixing the LXC package in Ubuntu Jammy. I've filled a bug https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/lxc/+bug/2039873 but as far as I understand I need someone from the SRU team to make that. And nobody in my team (LXD) do not have enough permissions to update packages.17:14
-ubottu:#ubuntu-devel- Launchpad bug 2039873 in lxc (Ubuntu) "liblxc-dev was built with LXC_DEVEL=1 in Ubuntu Jammy/Kinetic" [Undecided, New]17:14
kanashiro@pilot in17:57
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kanashiro@pilot out21:59
=== ChanServ changed the topic of #ubuntu-devel to: Archive: Mantic Final Freeze | Devel of Ubuntu (not support) | Build failures: http://qa.ubuntuwire.com/ftbfs/ | #ubuntu for support and discussion of Focal-Mantic | Patch Pilots: slyon

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