
TheWebFoxgsconnect wouldn't work after chrome caused a gnome crash, I had to dconf write /org/gnome/shell/disable-user-extensions false01:34
TheWebFoxgnome-extension disable extension-name, enable extension-name didn't work01:34
TheWebFoxor maybe it was gsconnect that crashed gnome01:35
EickmeyerThe gsconnect in the repos is incompatible with gnome in 23.10, TheWebFox. It didn't get updated upstream in time for release, so nothing could be done.01:55
TheWebFoxEickmeyer, but it works, I mean, I know it's technically not compatible, but I have a PC on which it never crashed once & I see my SMS01:56
EickmeyerThat's odd. It shouldn't even work at all.01:56
EickmeyerUnless Jeremy did something that I didn't (I help maintain that one from time to time)01:56
EickmeyerAh, he did.01:57
EickmeyerHe cherry-picked patches.01:57
TheWebFoxEickmeyer, I just installed it back on 23.04 and did gnome-extensions enable gsconnect@andyholmes.github.io01:59
TheWebFoxand it works on both my PCs with 23.10, then it crashed on one (my laptop) and I had to run that dconf write to reenable it 01:59
TheWebFoxbut rebooted & works flawlessly01:59
EickmeyerTheWebFox: That means it upgraded fine.01:59
TheWebFoxyeah, both upgraded fine, except my work PC which had to be reinstalled (my 3rd PC)01:59
TheWebFoxwhich now is running a clean reinstall of 23.10.1 02:00
TheWebFoxactually my work PC is property of company I work for, but they allow me to risk it, since I'm a Linux Certified System admin (LFCS)02:01
TheWebFoxplus, it helps other colleagues for me to experience all issues before they do02:02
EickmeyerOh, excellent.02:02
TheWebFoxI've used Arch for months, I've looked instability in the eye :'D it works fine most of the time, but when life is dearer, some library update or some system update, segmentation fault02:06
TheWebFoxbut maybe it was cause of my One liner in the Linux kernel, you see if you have a 04ca:3015 QCA 9377, it's thanks to my One Liner patch (which I wrote while I had an Acer Aspire E5-575G, that had an interesting issue, when you'd connect to bluetooth, wifi would lose connection and yield 0 Mbps)02:12
TheWebFoxAfter careful investigation, it turned out to be a simple issue of wrong driver loading & firmware not loading on the card. QCA 9377 is a QCA ROME device, but 04ca:3015 was not listed in btusb blacklist, so I fixed the issue, listed it :-)02:12
TheWebFoxit was years ago .... https://github.com/torvalds/linux/commit/0a03f98b98c201191e3ba15a0e33f46d8660e1fd02:14
-ubottu:#ubuntu-discuss- Commit 0a03f98 in torvalds/linux "Bluetooth: Add a new 04ca:3015 QCA_ROME device"02:14
TheWebFoxand I was glad to find the firmware for 04ca:3011 or 04ca:3016 work on 3015 02:15
EickmeyerI had a similar situation about 9 years ago with the Linux kernel with a regression that caused my Acer Aspire E1 to fail to boot. Had to bisect the kernel to find the problem. The guys at Intel had to fix it.02:15
TheWebFoxoh wow, that's nastier02:17
TheWebFoxas for the pulseaudio crash it didn't happen on what I used afterwards Ubuntu with mainstream kernel from kernel.org (till my handy-work got into the linux-oem or linux-generic)02:18
lotuspsychjegood morning02:19
EickmeyerMorning lotuspsychje!02:23
lotuspsychjeheya Eickmeyer 02:23
EickmeyerTheWebFox: The issue with my Acer, I was in direct contact with Linus Torvalds and Greg K-H themeselves.02:24
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=== Erich is now known as Eickmeyer
lotuspsychjefor those who want, we got a #techrss linux rss news feed running05:26
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=== Guest8621 is now known as EriC^^
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=== Guest5423 is now known as EriC^^
TheWebFoxInteresting bug in 23.10: When Chrome is playing music on bluetooth, and GNOME 45 is locked (with Super+L), it crashes GNOME16:39
daftykinssurely a WebFox would run Firefox and support freedom!16:40
TheWebFoxOct 19 19:42:35 ioanlaptop google-chrome.desktop[52338]: [52429:52429:1019/194235.870117:ERROR:vulkan_swap_chain.cc(409)] Swapchain is suboptima>16:45
TheWebFoxfucking geniuses, when did they plan to tell me that their browser uses hardware acceleration by vulkan16:45
daftykinsbest to be careful with the language in the Ubuntu namespace channels please16:46
TheWebFoxdaftykins, oh sorry\16:47
TheWebFoxdidn't know :-(16:47
EickmeyerTheWebFox: Yeah, the language thing is spelled out in !guidelines16:52
ubottuThe guidelines for using the Ubuntu channels can be found at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines16:52
EickmeyerAnd if we're really explicit about it...16:52
ubottuPlease avoid any language that may be considered offensive, including acronyms and obfuscation of such - also see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines || The main channels are English only, for other languages, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/ChannelList16:52
TheWebFoxEickmeyer, I am really really sorry, you won't hear a bad word out of me in ubuntu channels again16:53
EickmeyerTheWebFox: Oh, I believe you and that you're sincere, I just wanted to let you know where to find the rules. :)16:53
TheWebFoxI was surprised to find the source of the crash, Chrome uses vulkan ... now I know why my fan whirrs while I watch youtube16:55
EickmeyerAcelleration go brrrr....16:56
TheWebFoxit crashes when I lock cause the laptop enters standby and turns off the GPU 16:57
TheWebFoxand it crashes all of GNOME 45 with it. Truly and utterly brilliant, using acceleration in the background16:57
TheWebFoxand if it can't crash via Vulkan, it causes a GPU stall via OpenGL Message (OpenGL, Performance, GL_CLOSE_PATH_NV, High): GPU stall due to ReadPixels16:58
EickmeyerFYI, you're not going to get much support for running Chrome since it's outside of the repos and not preinstalled. If you install something like Google Chrome and it does something like that, the blame is technically squarely on you since it's not guaranteed to work.17:01
TheWebFoxyeah, I realize17:02
TheWebFoxthat's why tomorrow, Chrome is going bye-bye17:02
TheWebFoxsnap Firefox instead17:02
TheWebFoxI see why browsers need to be sandboxed, you can't do something like this and not tell the user 17:02
TheWebFoxuggh, it's disgusting, using my computer resources in the background ... reducing my battery life and ruining my performance 17:03
EickmeyerI was just working with one of the Firefox devs who was running nightly and, due to the new HW accellerated video coming, we found a regression in the amdgpu drivers in the kernel.17:04
leftyfbwhat are you referring to exactly?17:04
leftyfb"using my computer resources in the background"17:04
TheWebFoxnope, snap firefox does not work with 1Password or ExpressVPN, I'm not gonna change my entire lifestyle, I'm gonna install it from a PPA unless there is a way to add an exception so it allows it to run from snap unsandboxed completely17:25
EickmeyerTheWebFox: You know, I get hate from people for what I run: Microsoft Edge.17:28
daftykinsinteresting choice17:30
leftyfbwhy on earth ...17:31
leftyfbEickmeyer: why?17:31
leftyfbTheWebFox: sudo snap remove firefox && sudo snap install --devmode firefox   # this will disable confinemnt 17:31
Eickmeyerleftyfb: For the same reasons as popey, funnily enough. His blog post echoed why I do.17:34
daftykinsdrat, now we have to dig up a blog post to find out the answer!17:34
Eickmeyerdaftykins: Stand by..17:35
daftykinshehe 17:35
* daftykins shouts snap17:35
leftyfbEickmeyer: so in the end, for you, chrome and firefox seem "unstable"? That seems to be the only legitimate conclusion he came to17:38
leftyfboh, besides FF not having the ability to easily manage multiple profiles the way he wants17:38
EickmeyerThe biggest reason for me is the web apps. FF can't do that.17:39
leftyfbchrome can17:39
leftyfbwhy edge over chrome?17:39
EickmeyerI don't like Google. Microsoft contributes directly to the Linux kernel and is one of the largest contributors, if not the largest, which is a whole lot better than Google can say.17:40
TheWebFoxleftyfb, I tried that, didn't work17:41
leftyfbnot sure if it's still in play, but google has providing the paycheck to 2 fultime linux maintainers to focus on security17:42
EickmeyerI mean, so is Microsoft.17:42
TheWebFoxI'll fix it tomorrow, now even the mozillappa version of firefox doesn't work17:43
TheWebFoxcurse these proprietary stuff17:43
leftyfbTheWebFox: I just installed the 1password extension on firefox snap just fine17:46
leftyfblogged in and all my passwords are there and will auto-populate as needed17:47
EickmeyerI suspect some snap connet firefox: magic needs to happen.17:47
leftyfbEickmeyer: I don't think I've done any custom configs of firefox17:49
Eickmeyerleftyfb: I meant TheWebFox, not you. He may have uninstalled it, therefore removing configs.17:50
leftyfbsudo snap remove --purge firefox && sudo snap install firefox. Then I reinstalled the 1password extension without issue. No further configs necessary17:55
leftyfb1password works with the firefox snap out of the box17:55
EickmeyerHmm.... 🤔 then I suspect TheWebFox has further issues.17:56

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