=== Eickmeyer is now known as Erich === Erich is now known as Eickmeyer [21:15] ** topic needs updating? or dev version just isn't 24.04 yet ? [21:17] enyc: 24.04 isn't open for development, therefore daily images aren't spinning, so 24.04 which doesn't even have a codename yet, doesn't exist. So, can't update the topic until then. [21:22] ok =) [21:23] somewhere there was some page once explainnig when/how fork from debian / deltas applied / etc [21:23] when in cycle etc [21:23] Debian is not Ubuntu. [21:23] Different ways of doing releases. [21:23] Eickmeyer: indeed but ubuntu sync with debian changes as part of the 'new release generation' aiui [21:24] take upstream new pkgs, apply ubuntu deltas updated/merged, ....... [21:24] Yes, but different ways of doing releases. For instance, Ubuntu doesn't have an "unstable" or "experimental" branch. [21:24] Applying Ubuntu deltas is a manual process, actually. [21:24] Eickmeyer: indeed not, but do you know what the name of page is where the cycle/approx timing / etc is documented? [21:24] One that I don't enjoy. [21:25] The cycle opening is always a matter of "when" and varies. [21:26] enyc: https://discourse.ubuntu.com/t/n-n-release-schedule/35649, but is subject to change. You'll notice no actual "opening date". That goal is today, but is not guaranteed. [21:27] As you know, this past release had a few setbacks. [23:16] Eickmeyer: actualyl, I did not know. [23:20] enyc: Release had to be pulled due to vandalism of the Ukranian translation of the installer application. Only the installer was affected and it was fixed and re-released Monday. [23:31] aah i didn't know that pulled entire release, I guess now i think about it all languages on single image etc... so that figures. [23:35] Only Ubuntu Desktop and Ubuntu Budgie were affected. All other flavors released on time.