=== chris14_ is now known as chris14 === esv_ is now known as esv === Eickmeyer is now known as Erich === Erich is now known as Eickmeyer === sdeziel_ is now known as sdeziel [14:13] netboot question here: anyone knows how to force dhcp6 and disable dhcp? ip=dhcp6 is not understood by 22.04 live server (casper). It takes 10 minutes (2 * 5 minutes) to actually start the boot sequence of the live-server ... [14:14] as a dhcpv4 client in a IPv6 only network apparently has to timeout many times [14:16] ISC dhcp client is used. Being able to force this to use dhclient -6 would also work for me === TheCaptain2 is now known as TheCaptain [18:15] attempting to upgrade from 16.04.07 and receiving an error about bad signature - i'm guessing the signature for 2012 is just expired? [18:16] https://paste.linux.chat/?e1739cb4a506e550#3jBsBv1ifG6pEV21jN5cBKz79ELGTg3uu9Q33nsv3Don [18:23] !eolupgrade | baldpope [18:23] baldpope: End-Of-Life is when security updates and support for an Ubuntu release stop. Make sure to update Ubuntu before it goes EOL so you get updates promptly for newly-discovered security vulnerabilities. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EOL and https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Releases for more info. Looking to upgrade from an EOL release? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EOLUpgrades [18:24] Ope, looks like you crossposted. [18:36] I did - wasn't sure which channel was more active - that said - the instructions for the EOL upgrade aren't working either [18:37] and (at least from the releases page) 16.04 isn't EOL, just end of standard support [18:37] so agreed - a little late to the party, but trying to upgrade from 16.04 to at least 20.04 [18:37] i know I have to step through 18.04 [19:27] is anyone using apt-cacher-ng as a pull through proxy for packages? [19:42] yes [19:44] sergiodj_, am I misunderstanding what it's used for - if I have other servers attempting to use the apt-cacher-ng proxy, doesn't the apt-cacher-ng system download the packages instead of the internal server? [19:45] baldpope: yes, the proxy will download the package and serve it [19:46] for some reason, my instance is not downloading files for the internal server [19:47] what do the logs say? [19:48] in /var/log/apt-cacher-ng/apt-cacher-log : 1697744853|O|73022||uburep/pool/universe/t/twisted/python-twisted-web_17.9.0-2ubuntu0.3_all.deb === sergiodj_ is now known as sergiodj [19:51] that's not very helpful. what makes you say that the internal server is downloading the package? [19:52] can you see the request reach apt-cacher-ng? [19:52] can you check if apt-cacher-ng is downloading/serving the package to the requestee? [19:55] yes, if I run apt upgrade - I see the request coming into the server (packet dump) but I don't know how I would know if apt-cacher-ng is actually downloading the file [19:56] well, if the package has already been downloaded (due to a previous request for the same package/version, for example), then apt-cacher-ng will just send what it has to the machine requesting it [19:57] ok, different question - do you store the packages locally on each server - or do you have a central mount that contains all the packages downloaded by apt-cacher-ng ? [19:59] apt-cacher-ng will have a cache where it's running. on top of that, apt also has its own cache (/var/cache/apt/archives/) [20:00] you don't need to replicate the cache; the purpose of apt-cacher-ng is exactly to cache & proxy package requests [20:02] yea - it's not that I want to replicate the cache, but I thought I could reduce my local storage per server by mounting a common NFS directory that would have a copy of what apt-cacher-ng downloaded - or am I thinking about that in the wrong way? [20:06] if the package has already been downloaded, just let apt-cacher-ng serve it over the local network. I don't think it makes sense to mount the cache over NFS [20:06] think he wants to disable the local cache to save diskspace, like say [20:06] https://linuxhint.com/disable-apt-cache-ubuntu/ [20:08] yes, but still have apt-cacher-ng download it [20:09] ya, you just need to point all your systems to the location apt-cacher-ng is installed [20:09] is the goal to keep diskspace usage thin? or to save internet transfers? [20:09] ok, so instead of trying to use nfs, just turn off caching, but keep apt-cacher-ng configure as the proxy [20:10] the former, keep disk space thin [20:10] then you dont need apt-cacher-ng at all then [20:10] it only decreases internet traffic [20:11] eh, both then - i don't really care about the internet usage (we're not metered) but it does save time when we're updating this many boxes at one time - so a combination of the two [20:11] ya, you can play with it [20:12] just remember to setup an expiration in apt-cacher-ng so it doesn't grow forever