mcc | @leftyfb: that doesn't work because I already remapped that to compose. Hence why I am trying to set up a new shortcut for it | 00:28 |
leftyfb | don’t | 00:29 |
mcc | I'm obviously not going to sacrifice an entire key and relearn my muscle memory from WinCompose just to get one low value shortcut. | 00:31 |
mcc | Incidentally I think there is a repro for my large text accessibility bug. I can leave the bugged state and get back in again | 00:32 |
-ubottu:#ubuntu- Launchpad bug 2039722 in gnome-settings-daemon (Ubuntu) "'Large Text' accessibility option cannot be turned off. Text is too large" [Undecided, New] | 00:32 | |
Eickmeyer | mcc: With my bug team hat on, I'm escalating your accessability bug to see if the appropriate team can have a look at it. It's highly possible it's already fixed upstream, but I don't know for certain. | 00:50 |
tekisui | what´s this snap thing ? | 00:58 |
tekisui | jemand wissen ? | 00:59 |
toddc | !snap | tekisui | 01:00 |
ubottu | tekisui: Snaps are containerised software packages similar to Flatpaks and AppImages. For more info, see | 01:00 |
tekisui | danke | 01:00 |
tekisui | input output | 01:00 |
tekisui | i have to install it manually now everythime ? | 01:02 |
tekisui | firefox started with it | 01:03 |
toddc | !details | 01:03 |
ubottu | Please elaborate; your question or issue may not seem clear or detailed enough for people to help you. Please give more detailed information; for example, we might need errors, steps, relevant configuration files, Ubuntu version, and hardware information. Use a !pastebin to avoid flooding the channel. | 01:03 |
toddc | ubuntu version and desktop ? | 01:04 |
tekisui | firefox started using snap with ubuntu | 01:04 |
tekisui | 22.04 | 01:04 |
tekisui | lubuntu | 01:04 |
toddc | software center for GUI installs or | 01:07 |
tekisui | hmm, complicados | 01:07 |
tekisui | merci | 01:07 |
tekisui | am gonna trey turn it off and on again | 01:08 |
toddc | easy after you do a few and get used to it | 01:08 |
tekisui | if you can´t fix it snap it | 01:10 |
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rfm | mcc, Eickmeyer: I updated the bug, I can in fact reproduce it. It is necessary to turn on large text while running the installer. | 02:07 |
Eickmeyer | rfm: Thanks for the confirm on that. Those on the appropriate teams will get to it at the appropriate times. I'll probably bring it to their attention at my start-of-day tomorrow. | 02:10 |
mcc | rfm: so on my machine even if i turn on large text *outside* the installer, in the regular settings, it's sticky. do you mean it will only be sticky if during original install large text was on in the installer? | 02:10 |
=== esv_ is now known as esv | ||
rfm | mcc, yes. On my machine where I installed without selecting large text in the installer, everything works. | 02:31 |
mcc | rfm: thanks. i see the update in the post now | 02:35 |
Eickmeyer | rfm, mcc: A great place to discuss bugs is #ubuntu-bugs. | 02:44 |
mcc | Thanks | 02:44 |
Eickmeyer | (We just want to keep this channel strictly to support) | 02:44 |
omen | sup | 04:14 |
omen | anyone had success in getting "Stability Matrix" working? | 04:15 |
rbox | what is stability matrix | 04:16 |
omen | its a combined stable diffusion package | 04:16 |
rbox | what? | 04:16 |
omen | i have stable diffusion running like a CHAMP at this point | 04:16 |
omen | but I'd like to try some other AI generaation systems | 04:17 |
omen | if you try Stable Diffusion I reccomend the git for Automatic1111 | 04:18 |
=== Eickmeyer is now known as Erich | ||
omen | if you're on AMD gpu or Intel, use the webml version | 04:18 |
omen | errr directml | 04:18 |
omen | ... no stable diffusion users? | 04:21 |
omen | how about suggestions for a dist for a chromebook | 04:22 |
ice9 | I need a favor from anyone had a fresh installation of 23.10; I need a list of the programs listed in "Startup Applications Preferences" tool please | 04:23 |
omen | just a sex | 04:23 |
omen | just the SSH Key Agent, and Nvidia X Server if you have th ebeta nvidia drivers in | 04:24 |
omen | the ssh key agent is located at /usr/bin/gnome-keyring-daemon --start --components=ssh | 04:24 |
omen | i caan ccheck on a lubuntu 23.10 if you want too... | 04:25 |
omen | or raw debian with the new gnome... | 04:25 |
omen | I have to many computers | 04:25 |
ice9 | thanks, that's okay | 04:25 |
omen | I'm really digging 23.10 | 04:26 |
omen | i wish they would include gnome tweaks, extension manager and brave-browser instead of ireffox | 04:26 |
omen | i need to sort out my keyboard repeating letter issue... | 04:27 |
omen | but i think its my kvm shitting the bed | 04:27 |
=== Erich is now known as Eickmeyer | ||
bluesanta | exit | 04:36 |
xu-help12w | As you can see I posted a question a while ago on the xu channel and they said that I stood a better chance of a response here with more users. Is that the case ? Is this just a case of too low a level question to get any attention and if so where do I go to get help or am I tainted by my user handle ? | 05:16 |
Bashing-om | !ask xu-help12w | 05:18 |
xu-help12w | Thanks I have that is where I started. zfs is common to both. | 05:19 |
xu-help12w | Sorry I misunderstood give me a second and I will ask again. | 05:20 |
xu-help12w | Hi All. Thank you for being here and offering help and support (I will do the same if I can). I have a working mirrored ZFS on root with lots of user installed packages and supporting config under 22.04.02 LTS and would like to copy it to a fresh install of 22.04.03 LTS on new hardware. Unfortunately I have had a recent disaster where a | 05:21 |
xu-help12w | similar mirrored ZFS on root failed to boot after an unintentianal upgrade. The pools and mount points on both systems are identical with the exception of 22.04.02 LTS where there is an additional dataset 'rpool/USERDATA' mounted at '/home/backuppc'. Could anyone please suggest what is the safest/recommended way of transerring the old working set | 05:21 |
xu-help12w | to the new target ? | 05:21 |
WaV | My first suggestion would be to back everything up - or at least the stuff you cant afford to lose. Other than that, someone else may be able to help you further. | 05:25 |
xu-help12w | Thank you for your response but the problem is my backup server is where I had the zfs mirrored boot failure so I am stuck with this situation of two pc one new and ready the old has the last remaining setup with data and config that would be very difficult to rebuild from scratch. In the past I used apt-clone on a PI which worked perfectly but | 05:32 |
xu-help12w | mirrored zfs on root scares the hell out of me at the moment. | 05:32 |
FruitSaladz21 | heres a comparison between what i was using and what im using now | 05:57 |
FruitSaladz21 | | 05:57 |
xu-help12w | Has anyone here sent an entire system under zfs (bpool + rpool) from one pc to another and if so please could you detail the steps? It has been suggested that I do it via live media however that does not make sense to me since one can take a snapshot of a running system, do a bodges install and roll it back without ever having to use a separate | 06:32 |
xu-help12w | boot environment. | 06:32 |
oerheks | You can create a pool and use the zpool export | 06:33 |
oerheks | and zpool import -f <poolname> | 06:33 |
oerheks | | 06:34 |
oerheks | how you do that, transport over http or usb, is your choice | 06:34 |
xu-help12w | Thaks. I cannot physically remove the source because it is m.2 and the destination has none. | 06:37 |
oerheks | setup ssh then. | 06:38 |
xu-help12w | done | 06:38 |
xu-help12w | Although there is a faster way mbuffer or something like that. | 06:39 |
oerheks | is faster more safe? i don' t know | 06:41 |
xu-help12w | They are on the same hardwired lan and I will be doing this with ups psu when I get home from holiday. | 06:42 |
xu-help12w | Besides the transport is not my problem. What is is then exact commands that will work. | 06:43 |
xu-help12w | Sorry the problem is I do not know the exact commands to use. Can you confirm that if the target and source pc both have working zfs on root that I do not need to boot from live media ? | 06:45 |
oerheks | take a read? | 06:45 |
oerheks | zfs send tank/dana@snap1 | ssh host2 zfs recv newtank/dana ## for example | 06:46 |
xu-help12w | Thank you I have pored over those docs before but still not sure about where live media is required. | 06:55 |
oerheks | have fun! | 06:55 |
xu-help12w | In the example you show and when the transfer is complete do I just do a restore of newtank/dana ? What about the boot process and bpool ? | 06:57 |
oerheks | i think the 1st url i gave, handles that? | 06:59 |
oerheks | i am still learning/discovering zfs too | 06:59 |
xu-help12w | I really do appreciate any help that is on offer. Can anyone shine a light on the standard installed bpool ? | 07:01 |
xu-help12w | I should mention that the source and destination hardware are very different so I cannot see how sending root to another pc will work. | 07:03 |
toddc | xu-help12w: assuming both systems are setup and running ZFS you would be just replacing the rool so no issues should happen but with out details ??? I have only repalced the pools on working ZFS systems so I am limited in that area | 07:06 |
toddc | edit replaceing the pools | 07:06 |
oerheks | i never transferred it to another system too, just learning now too | 07:07 |
lotuspsychje | if it can help to someone, the linuxconfig tuts are always pretty nice; | 07:10 |
lotuspsychje | | 07:10 |
xu-help12w | Be very careful is all I can offer. I lost my backup server because mirrored boot seemed to be not as robust as it makes out to be. | 07:11 |
lotuspsychje | no backup, no mercy :p | 07:13 |
xu-help12w | All the docs refer to server farms and identical hardware which is not the case at user level. | 07:13 |
oerheks | hardware is not the issue, GPU and memory and such | 07:14 |
oerheks | spinner or ssd .. | 07:14 |
xu-help12w | Not looking for mercy. Where do you stop backing up backups. I am a one man band not an international organisation. | 07:15 |
xu-help12w | new hardware just EVO SSD old hardware EVO m.2 | 07:16 |
xu-help12w | oerheks: Thank you. I do not think I have any special drivers but I installed 22.04 with zfs on root back when it was first released so cannot be 100% sure. | 07:22 |
xu-help12w | Also target kernel is 22.04.03 LTS and source is 22.04.02 LTS. | 07:23 |
xu-help12w | What if I send my home and use apt-clone to install the user packages ? | 07:40 |
oerheks | if the target is older, only metapackages would work. not individual packages with version numbers. | 07:41 |
oerheks | this is why i keep a list of installed metapackages, and additional plugins. | 07:42 |
xu-help12w | Thanks but what does that mean (metapackages) ? | 07:42 |
oerheks | Metapackages describe a set of packages that are used together | 07:43 |
xu-help12w | Apt-clone went like a dream from Pi to PI. | 07:43 |
xu-help12w | So just the name of the package to install not a specific version ? | 07:44 |
oerheks | exampl: ubuntu-desktop | 07:45 |
xu-help12w | like geany or influxdb ? | 07:45 |
oerheks | no need to add gnome-terminal and such | 07:45 |
zetheroo | How to disable the fingerprint authentication method when the laptop lid is closed? | 07:45 |
guiverc | xu-help12w, I'd describe metapackages as packages without actual programs/files inside; but by being installed ensure other packages are (or get) installed | 07:46 |
oerheks | zetheroo, AFAIK you need to check /etc/systemd/logind.conf, check out gnome-tweaks ? | 07:49 |
zetheroo | oerheks: Ok, I just also realised that there are no fingerprint-related setting in Ubuntu Settings. | 07:50 |
oerheks | i don't know, i have no device like that. | 07:51 |
oerheks | | 07:51 |
zetheroo | nothing in gnome-tweaks either | 07:51 |
oerheks | activities > users | 07:51 |
zetheroo | Yeah, that's where is was before, but now there are only two fields under Users > myuser: 1. 'Password' where you can reset your user password. 2. 'Account Activity' | 07:53 |
zetheroo | Screenshot: | 07:54 |
zetheroo | Oh, that Ubuntu docu is for 23.10. I am using 22.04. | 07:59 |
zetheroo | Strange thing is also that the fingerprint enrollment options were there in the GUI before. | 08:00 |
xu-help12w | To get a list of user installed apps I found this 'comm -23 <(apt-mark showmanual | sort -u) <(gzip -dc /var/log/installer/initial-status.gz | sed -n 's/^Package: //p' | sort -u)' from 2014. Does anyone know if this will pickup all user installed apps with current versions of apt ? | 08:31 |
nteodosio | What does current versions of apt means, xu-help12w? Apt should have only one version installed. | 08:39 |
xu-help12w | I mean in comparison to apt from 2014 | 08:39 |
nteodosio | Ah well, there's a lot to unpack there but yes it should work. | 08:41 |
nteodosio | The only apt call is apt-mark showmanual which surely does what is intended forever. | 08:41 |
xu-help12w | The source mentioned that 'Very few packages still fall through the cracks, although I suspect these are actually installed by the user, either right after the installation through the language localization setup or e.g. through the Totem codec installer. Also, the | 08:44 |
xu-help12w | linux-header versions also seem to accumulate, even though I've only installed the non version-specific metapackage.' | 08:44 |
xu-help12w | I no space for any doubt at the moment. Would this still be the best way in 2023 ? | 08:45 |
=== alkisg_irc is now known as alkisg | ||
nteodosio | I would only absolutely trust a pen-and-paper tracking down of manual packages installed. | 08:47 |
nteodosio | It's a tricky term in the edge cases. | 08:47 |
xu-help12w | In the absence of a written logbook is this the best/most accurate ? | 08:49 |
xu-help12w | Also I was hoping to pass the list to apt. My source pc shows 64 apps. I recognise most of them. | 08:51 |
nteodosio | I do not make that claim. The best or most accurate in an infinite set of possible solutions is best left to mathematics. (: | 08:54 |
nteodosio | It does look the best that you have, given that many eyes examined the solution in that forum. | 08:54 |
xu-help12w | apt-mark showmanual lists nearly twice the number 116 ? | 09:01 |
tomreyn | that's a statement, not a question. | 09:02 |
xu-help12w | OK why are they so different | 09:04 |
nteodosio | What do you mean, nearly twice the number 116? It lists about 200 packages? And why is that a problem? | 09:05 |
xu-help12w | Having lost the ability to boot my backup server (mirrored zfs on root) I am faced with having to manually copy each pc that was on the backup server to more reliable hardware. | 09:07 |
xu-help12w | I have tried asking via zfs send receive but am concerned that the bpool will render the destination un bootable like my server. So I have a new pc with 22.04.03 ZFS on root and was considering send/recv my home and generate a list of installed packages on my source machine to the use apt on that list on the target to install the apps and | 09:12 |
xu-help12w | hopfully pickup their config from my home. When I run the script (which I do not fully understand it generates 64 apps. When I run apt-mark showmanual it lists 116 apps. | 09:12 |
xu-help12w | nteodosio: Your system is obviously different. I ask why does 'comm -23 <(apt-mark showmanual | sort -u) <(gzip -dc /var/log/installer/initial-status.gz | sed -n 's/^Package: //p' | sort -u)' generate a list that is nearly half the length of apt-mark showmanual on its own with out filtering ? | 09:18 |
tomreyn | because this is a different command, which applies filtering, as you just mentioned. | 09:19 |
xu-help12w | Sorry I do not understand the long piped script. | 09:19 |
tomreyn | it filters against the contents of /var/log/installer/initial-status.gz | 09:19 |
xu-help12w | Pretty obvious but what is being filtered out. | 09:19 |
tomreyn | all that's listed in this file, if installed | 09:20 |
xu-help12w | what on earth is /var/log/installer/initial-status.gz | 09:20 |
tomreyn | the file contains a list of packages that the installer installed (and marked as manually installed) | 09:20 |
xu-help12w | My source pc is 22.04.02 LTS with x number of manually installed packages. My target is 22.04.03 LTS brand new install. Both under ZFS on root. Would it be the safest to go with the latter longer list ? Would apt just skip any that are already installed by the installer ? | 09:23 |
tomreyn | "apt install ..." would just point out the fact that packages that are already installed, and would makr them as manually installed (and say so) if that's not already the case. | 09:25 |
xu-help12w | Thank you. Can I ask do you have zfs on root and have you ever copied all pools to new hardware without moving SSDs ? | 09:30 |
xu-help12w | tomreyn: Sorry I am new to irc so please excuse my clumsiness. Thank you for your input. Can I ask do you have zfs on root and have you ever copied all pools to new hardware without moving SSDs ? | 09:35 |
tomreyn | xu-help12w: i have no experience with zfs on root | 09:41 |
xu-help12w | Thank you, it seems like not many in userland have and all those in server farm land are too far up the food chain to even reply (other support forums not this one). | 09:44 |
xu-help12w | Anyone else here with zfs on root who have copied rpool and bpool to new pc ? | 09:47 |
gordonjcp | xu-help12w: zfs on root is a bit of a tricky one but you ought to be able to just export the pool and import it to a new disk | 09:49 |
xu-help12w | gordonjcp: Thank you. Does that require removing the SSD holding the exported pools ? | 09:51 |
gordonjcp | I wouldn't have thought so | 09:54 |
gordonjcp | you'd have to have a drive with the pools to export, and a drive set up to receive the export | 09:54 |
gordonjcp | you'll need to make sure they haven't got the same name | 09:55 |
oerheks | xu-help12w, you earlier said moving the m2 cannot be done.. also i gave docs howto export and send over ssh. | 09:56 |
oerheks | ? | 09:57 |
=== live is now known as vjadmin | ||
xu-help12w | gordonjcp: The m.2 is my last working setup so I could pull the target ssd from there and attach it to the source. What do you mean about the same name ? | 09:57 |
vjadmin | 343243dfgdf6 | 09:57 |
gordonjcp | xu-help12w: the zpool will have a name, if you've got two the same that's not going to work | 09:58 |
xu-help12w | oerheks: Sorry I missed that. Is this where live boot is required on the source pc ? | 10:00 |
xu-help12w | gordonjcp: so I will end up with two sets of pools on the target pc with bpool and rpool and the imported bpool_new and rpool_new is that correct ? | 10:03 |
xu-help12w | assuming of course I name them so. | 10:04 |
oerheks | you might want to reask in #openzfs or #zfs? | 10:05 |
xu-help12w | Been there also tried tried zfsbootmenu three times but no joy. I get bounced to ununtu by those who only deal with server farms. | 10:08 |
xu-help12w | But thank you for the suggestion. | 10:08 |
gordonjcp | well, the principle would be the same on a server as on anything else | 10:08 |
gordonjcp | why do you think that would make a difference? | 10:08 |
xu-help12w | gordonjcp: On my precious still standing source pc if I do an export of the running system wont it be busy or crash ? | 10:11 |
xu-help12w | I seem to be too small a fish to get any real help tn those circles. | 10:13 |
gordonjcp | xu-help12w: you probably need to look into snapshots | 10:13 |
gordonjcp | xu-help12w: zfs is a fairly complex thing to get your head round, and mostly you won't need it. | 10:13 |
xu-help12w | Yes I thought that too and as for complexity it well exceeds my capability. If I snapshot bpool and rpool on my source and send to destination PC.and do a restore at the destination PC what do I restore first bpool snamshot of rpool ? | 10:17 |
xu-help12w | And will it boot ? | 10:17 |
xu-help12w | Sorry typo should I restore bpool snapshot or rpool snapshot. | 10:19 |
xu-help12w | first | 10:19 |
oerheks | i guess bpool (boot) first | 10:22 |
oerheks | | 10:22 |
xu-help12w | Thanks I will go and read. To be fair to the other sources of help zol etc. my main problem was loosing the ability to boot. They say the bpool UEFI partition arrangement is ubuntu specific. | 10:25 |
xu-help12w | oerheks: Thanks I presume I can restore bpool then rpool and then boot. Otherwise the received bpool will not fing the right kernel untill rpool is restored. | 10:31 |
xu-help12w | Can anyone confirm this assumption or suggest other sequences. | 10:32 |
xu-help12w | Sorry I meant the right kernel that is a match for the rpool | 10:35 |
dge_ | after 3 days to search to find how to cross-reference some files that dpkg or apt-get or apt created from foreign repo installation, i still not able to see the point to just list the installed foreign packages. I mean, not from command line, but from files (inside a Go code, so 0 shell command call). It looks like a nightmare. How does apt or what ever to find this list with 100% accuracy ? | 10:37 |
dge_ | if you knw someone i can ping to provide an accurate information about that, it would be very nice. Thank you. | 10:38 |
tomreyn | i guess the short answer is: it doesn't, that's why there are a couple separate tools which try to achieve the same. | 10:39 |
oerheks | ubuntu-security-status # gives a list | 10:40 |
oerheks | pro security-status --thirdparty ## gives a list with foreign packages. | 10:40 |
tomreyn | do-release-upgrade must have some routine to determine what it thinks are foreign packages, because it lists them during upgrades. | 10:41 |
oerheks | ro security-status --help ## for more option | 10:41 |
oerheks | c/pro security-status --help ## for more option | 10:41 |
tomreyn | i'm not certain that the definitions of "foreign packages" are the same by these, though | 10:41 |
oerheks | see unknown for the rest of them? | 10:41 |
elfranne | I am getting apt update stuck for days, I can kill the process so solve the issue but it comes back... What can I do to find what is making it stuck ? | 10:42 |
tomreyn | oerheks: yes, this may work (not sure, but a good suggestion) | 10:43 |
oerheks | also snap list | 10:43 |
tomreyn | elfranne: does "apt-get update" print any "W:" or "E:" or "Warning" or "Error" lines? | 10:44 |
tomreyn | where does it get stuck? | 10:45 |
tomreyn | are any media or file system errors reported on your kernel log? | 10:46 |
elfranne | The apt update is started from a 3rd party application (Puppet), I can't see any errors, other than E: Could not get lock /var/lib/apt/lists/lock. [...] | 10:49 |
oerheks | that lock means updates are pending in the gui updater? | 10:49 |
elfranne | and strace the process gives: pselect6(12, [5 6 7 9 11], [], NULL, {tv_sec=0, tv_nsec=500000000}, NULL) = 0 (Timeout) | 10:50 |
elfranne | it's on a headless/server install | 10:50 |
cbreak | there's either an other apt / update process running, or it crashed some time before without removing the lock | 10:51 |
elfranne | I can see the process running, in ps | 10:52 |
elfranne | but what can i do to find out what is going on ? | 10:52 |
tomreyn | unless you can access its tty, not much | 10:55 |
tomreyn | you could try stealing that with reptyr -T | 10:55 |
elfranne | reptyr , let me look into that | 10:56 |
cbreak | you could take note of the command line it was invoked with, kill it, and run it yourself. | 10:57 |
cbreak | maybe you get comparable output... :) | 10:57 |
elfranne | the command is just "apt update", my guess might be some network issue no idea ... | 10:58 |
xu-help12w | How can I add 22.04.02 LTS to the bpool on a sparkley new 22.04.03 LTS so that grub will offer up a choice at boot time ? | 10:59 |
xu-help12w | Any one done this ? | 11:00 |
cbreak | xu-help12w: I gave up on the bpool / rpool split and merged them last year. Much nicer, and doesn't use grub | 11:02 |
cbreak | but the process is quite involved | 11:02 |
cbreak | I now have several datasets with different ubuntu versions, and I can boot any of them, roll back, ... | 11:03 |
cbreak | | 11:03 |
xu-help12w | Hi cbreak, I have tried to get zfsbootmenu with debian 12 several times bot it never worked for me. | 11:05 |
cbreak | It only works if you have a / dataset that includes /boot and kernels and so on | 11:06 |
cbreak | so what I did was to copy my old bpool to /, along with all the other system datasets that ubuntu's installer created. | 11:07 |
cbreak | (only ones I kept were the separate USERDATA and some others I made myself | 11:07 |
cbreak | I use refind to boot into ZBM, and ZBM to boot into ubuntu | 11:08 |
cbreak | works with an encrypted pool too :) | 11:08 |
xu-help12w | Well I came unstuck with all that chroot stuff and I could not build a live Debian 12 that had zfs in the kernel even following their custon live medial docs. | 11:08 |
cbreak | but yeah, with grub I haven't had any success | 11:08 |
cbreak | ah, that's the nice thing with ubuntu: It has zfs already :) | 11:08 |
dge_ | oerheks, tomreyn, thank you to try to help. 0 shell command is meaning that i will not use command line call at all from my Go code. That is why i specificaly asked and searching for "which files/databases to cross-references to find foreign deb like repo installed". Foreign is meaning there that it is not from official repo from the distro, but some that has been added inside repo files "*.list" from /etc/apt/sources.list.d/ directory. | 11:09 |
oerheks | dge_, thanks for reporting back | 11:11 |
oerheks | so, unknown is foreign package, without repo added | 11:11 |
dge_ | if i got foreign without unknown as your definition, it is ok. Only foreign in the way that there repos are listed inside /etc/apt/sources.list.d/ directory. | 11:12 |
dge_ | i don't know what can be the international standard well appelation (if you know, teach me like that i can be more clear when i ask something). | 11:13 |
xu-help12w | cbreak: I was surprised to find a mirror did not have identical contents on each partition. Especially EFI and EFI1. | 11:15 |
cbreak | the efi partitions are not part of the mirror | 11:16 |
cbreak | they're just separate partitions | 11:16 |
tomreyn | dge_: i did understand your request of having a means to determine what foreign packages are installed without running a sub process. i don't have an answer (other than suggesting which other applications' code you could look at and copy from / use as a baseline for your Go code). My point was that there are, apparently, different understandings of what "foreign" means exactly (thanks for clarifying yours). | 11:20 |
dge_ | yes, i understand. | 11:22 |
cbreak | dge_: isn't there a library for this, like libapt-pkg? | 11:23 |
dge_ | to show my research and what i did try (withous 100% success) is to try to cross-ref: /var/log/apt/history.log.*.gz and /var/lib/dpkg/status file and /etc/apt/sources.list.d/ant_repo_files.list. | 11:24 |
tomreyn | dge_: to me, "foreign" can refer to packages or *package versions* (which may be the same package name as what is available in ubuntu main/universe/multiverse) from either currently configured (i.e. considered as installation candidates by apt) or currently *not* configured (i.e. *not* considered as installation candidates by apt) third party / ppa repositories | 11:24 |
dge_ | cbreak, ho maybe... i don't know. | 11:24 |
dge_ | tomreyn, i would be ok to use what evere you think can be the best appelation for what i'm trying to get. | 11:25 |
dge_ | cbreak, it can be a good idea to import a module or use a library api. I'm going to search this way. | 11:26 |
tomreyn | dge_: this is what eas my understanding a while ago: - but the tooling oerheks suggested above *may* actually be better. | 11:27 |
xu-help12w | cbreak: If one was to create an ubuntu with zfs on root mirror after an initial install how do you populate the EFI /boot partitions so they are both bootable drives should one fail ? Without doing so leaves a fragile setup. | 11:28 |
oerheks | ubuntu-support-status is now pro security-status | 11:28 |
dge_ | tomreyn, maybe i missunderstood at some point, did oerheks suggested some libraries that can be used from a code or is it kind of "tools" that is a shell command call (that is definitely not a practice i will go with) ? | 11:30 |
oerheks | got this from | 11:30 |
tomreyn | mostly scripts, probably written in python | 11:30 |
cbreak | xu-help12w: what I do is to rsync the working efi to the other one | 11:31 |
cbreak | after that I have two working efi :) | 11:31 |
cbreak | just have to be registered with efibootmgr command line | 11:31 |
cbreak | xu-help12w: the /boot directory is not a partition, it's just a directory | 11:31 |
cbreak | with zfsbootmenu it must not be a separate dataset | 11:31 |
dge_ | tomreyn, call some script from a source code... you know that this is a very dirty practice, right ? | 11:32 |
cbreak | dge_: happens all the time in shell scripts :) | 11:32 |
tomreyn | dge_: as i already suggested, you could rewrite the functionality in your preferred language, as a library or part of your application | 11:32 |
xu-help12w | cbreak: Could one just dd the /boot and EFI partitions ? I thought zfsbootmenu was great but I could not get it to work. I am looking for a mirrored root that can boot from either drive. | 11:33 |
tomreyn | (with the obvious drawback, that you'll need to keep it in sync in terms of functionality) | 11:33 |
dge_ | tomreyn, yes sure, as long as i know where to cross-ref searching things, i will. But use a C library is also a good idea and possible with Go. | 11:34 |
xu-help12w | Sorry efibootmgr is not zfsbootmenu my mistake. | 11:34 |
cbreak | xu-help12w: without zbm, you have to rely on the grub ubuntu stuff | 11:35 |
cbreak | I don't know how to make that thing work properly | 11:35 |
cbreak | but you would not use dd with it | 11:35 |
cbreak | you'd zpool attach additional devices to make it a mirror | 11:36 |
dge_ | imagine that is inside the var/lib/dpkg/status file , or also inside any histoory.log files, there is just one more tag to indicate the repo name... OMG !!! it would be so helpfull. Why not do that ? | 11:36 |
cbreak | and manually sync the efi partition too | 11:36 |
cbreak | but since grub's config file is incomprehensible, I don't know how to actually make that work | 11:36 |
dge_ | subtitue is by is on my last sentence. | 11:36 |
dge_ | by if... waaaaaa | 11:36 |
oerheks | dge_, status is checked against the repos? | 11:38 |
oerheks | not locally, i presume | 11:38 |
xu-help12w | Yes I did that and all seemed ok till a power cut broke the boot process. The zfs docs obviously have nothing to do with the boot process and this leaves a gaping newbe hole to fall into. | 11:39 |
xu-help12w | Can anyone here point me to a detailed description of zfs on root boot process ? | 11:40 |
cbreak | it roughly is efi -> grub -> mount bpool -> run kernel / initrd on bpool -> import rpool -> mount / and boot to it... with lots of stuff in between | 11:41 |
oerheks | :-) | 11:41 |
xu-help12w | particularly how to add another kernel option shown at boot time ? | 11:41 |
cbreak | that would be the grub config part... way too complicated :/ | 11:42 |
cbreak | ubuntu will add new ones automatically if you make a kernel upgrade | 11:42 |
xu-help12w | so how does it do that and is it documented ? | 11:43 |
oerheks | enter grub menu like a normal install? hold shift or esc | 11:49 |
oerheks | and why would you do that? are you writing a manual ? | 11:51 |
cbreak | I think the problem is adding other entries manually | 11:52 |
tomreyn | that's what /etc/.grub.d/4* and /boot/grub/custom.cfg are (or can be) for (normally, not sure whether they'd work in a zfs on root context) | 11:55 |
ice9 | dock icon notifications count is a gnome-shell feature or Ubuntu extension? | 12:02 |
xu-help12w | Hi oerheks, thank you. Presumably the process of adding a kernel would be the same as when following chroot instruction for zfs on root ? | 12:02 |
oerheks | is this a bot? | 12:03 |
xu-help12w | is that a sarcastic comment? | 12:04 |
xu-help12w | I am sorry but I have said I am new to irc so do not know who is replying to who sometimes. | 12:06 |
tomreyn | xu-help12w: so, we're all volunteer here. some of us are happy to give you a hint if you get stuck with something, but it's rare that someone will want to hand-hold while you're going through a process which is rather complex, while there are other, much less complex options, available. don't try to achieve the perfect solution, go with something that is easy enough, and then test more complex setups in a VM or container and take notes on how | 12:13 |
tomreyn | you achieved what you wanted there. | 12:13 |
tomreyn | a good first step in using irc is to install an irc client. | 12:13 |
xu-help12w | Hi tortillasandwich thank you. I am fully aware all are volunteers and I have been as polite as possible however it does not seem to be a mutual. I also do lots of support in other forums and have never dissed a newbe. I am simply trying to get an angle (any angle) to tackle my problem. | 12:18 |
xu-help12w | tomreyn: Was 'is this a bot ?' aimed at me ? If it was then I think I deserve an apology. I read the rules of conduct and would expect others to adhere to those as well. | 12:22 |
BluesKaj | Hi all | 12:23 |
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oerheks | xu-help12w, my apology for that, you just go so deep into zfs, that i wonder if you are writing a manual or just an unregistered user chatbot ( we had them before) | 12:24 |
xu-help12w | Hi oerheks, thank you, apology accepted. I am diving deep because that seems the only way to get to the bottom of my plight. I have lost the ability to boot my backup server with mirrored zfs on root. This is a massive deal for me. It is not like I have not read the docs or tried different things or different forums. I am over a week into | 12:30 |
xu-help12w | this nightmare so pleas cut me some slack. | 12:30 |
=== EriC^^ is now known as Guest8516 | ||
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Arsimael | Hey everyone. I am having a bit of a problem here. I am running Ubuntu 22.04 and I want to get notifies if someone opens a ssh connection to my machine. | 12:49 |
Arsimael | How can I do this? every solution I can find doesn't work, since I'm running on wayland. | 12:50 |
EriC^^ | Arsimael: notify-send doesnt work on wayland? | 12:51 |
Arsimael | not if I remote ssh in with a different user | 12:52 |
EriC^^ | Arsimael: why dont you run the thing that checks for ssh connections from the main one where you want the notifications sent to? | 12:53 |
leftyfb | Arsimael: why do you have a desktop where you're allowing other people to SSH in and why do you need to know when they do? | 12:53 |
Arsimael | Work laptop. And the ppl remoting in are "support agents" | 12:54 |
Arsimael | Which have the annoying habit of fixing my device to death... | 12:54 |
leftyfb | turn off SSH? | 12:54 |
Arsimael | then the "complaince checks" which are also performed via ssh are not working and I am getting kicked off the network completely | 12:55 |
oerheks | There is no package or option for that, write a script like this? | 12:55 |
Arsimael | Thats an email notofocation. I COULD do that, but a desktop notification would be more recent. | 12:56 |
Arsimael | and the system's there. if I run "notify-send" from _MY_ user, it notifies me. | 12:57 |
leftyfb | then add that to your script | 12:57 |
Arsimael | but even if I run sudo -u myuser notify-send Blah - All I get is "Permission denied" | 12:57 |
leftyfb | don't | 12:58 |
leftyfb | why are you running as sudo? | 12:58 |
Arsimael | Not running as sudo is also not working | 12:58 |
oerheks | > | 12:58 |
Arsimael | DISPLAY=:0 /usr/bin/notify-send <-- Not working under wayland... | 12:59 |
leftyfb | Arsimael: why are you specifying the display? | 12:59 |
oerheks | notify-send works fine here, * without sude | 13:00 |
Arsimael | I don't thats the line from the tutorial oerheks posted. | 13:00 |
oerheks | c/sudo | 13:00 |
leftyfb | notify-send "test" | 13:00 |
leftyfb | just run that | 13:00 |
oerheks | it shows briefly .. | 13:00 |
Arsimael | nope. if I remote ssh into a my machine and simply run notify send without any sudo, dislpay or anything, I get: "Error calling StartServiceByName for org.freedesktop.Notifications: Process org.freedesktop.Notifications exited with status 1" | 13:01 |
oerheks | notify-send -u critical -t 0 "test" stays until you click it | 13:02 |
oerheks | ah, via ssh.. you did not mention that | 13:02 |
leftyfb | Arsimael: why are you ssh'ing into a machine you are already logged into the desktop with? | 13:02 |
Arsimael | leftyfb, because I want to test if I get notified if anyone logs in via ssh. | 13:03 |
=== EriC^^ is now known as Guest5423 | ||
leftyfb | Arsimael: how are you going to see the notification on the desktop if you are only logged in via ssh? | 13:03 |
=== Guest5423 is now known as EriC^^ | ||
Arsimael | I have a laptop from work, with ubuntu 22.04. I work with this thing. We have Support people which tend to login to these devices via SSH without informing us. I want to get notified if they login. | 13:06 |
Arsimael | They use a different support-only account they have. | 13:06 |
leftyfb | Arsimael: you haven't answered the question. How are you going to see the desktop notification if you are only SSH'd to the laptop? | 13:07 |
oerheks | I see no way to alert you via ssh, so email it is. | 13:08 |
leftyfb | Arsimael: you want to be notified within your ssh session? | 13:09 |
EriC^^ | Arsimael: ssh_count=$(grep -c "ssh.*Accepted" /var/log/auth.log); while sleep 4; do new_count=$(grep -c "ssh.*Accepted" /var/log/auth.log); if [[ $new_count -ne $ssh_count ]]; then notify-send "someone logged in ssh"; ssh_count=$new_count; fi; done | 13:09 |
EriC^^ | that should work, it only looks or ssh...Accepted for pubkey, not sure what's written in the log for password logins, you could modify to look for both if it's different | 13:10 |
EriC^^ | and change the sleep 4 to a higher number | 13:10 |
_ | yo | 13:10 |
=== _ is now known as Guest3243 | ||
Guest3243 | yo | 13:10 |
Guest3243 | i broke the apt update | 13:11 |
Guest3243 | i mean | 13:11 |
Guest3243 | i deleted all sources list / keys | 13:11 |
Kadigan | Guest3243: why would you do that? :D | 13:11 |
oerheks | leftyfb, perhaps wall ? | 13:11 |
oerheks | and triggered with MOTD ? | 13:11 |
Arsimael | I am working on my laptop. With a desktop. Having applications open and do stuff... | 13:12 |
Guest3243 | @kadigan tried to installing anydesk | 13:12 |
Guest3243 | and | 13:12 |
Guest3243 | i | 13:12 |
leftyfb | Arsimael: then don't test the script over ssh | 13:12 |
Kadigan | Guest3243: does this help at all? => | 13:12 |
Guest3243 | lemme see | 13:12 |
Arsimael | leftyfb, how shall I test it then? | 13:13 |
leftyfb | Arsimael: why opening a terminal emulator on your desktop like any other application | 13:13 |
Arsimael | I want to get notified if someone does a ssh login. How shall I test if I get notified if someone logs in via ssh without sshing into my machine? | 13:13 |
Guest3243 | already done that method but it doesnt work @kadigan | 13:13 |
Guest3243 | i need a key | 13:14 |
Guest3243 | key fil | 13:14 |
Guest3243 | file | 13:14 |
EriC^^ | Arsimael: from your main desktop, from any terminal like leftyfb suggested, you dont have to be logged in via ssh to test for ssh logins | 13:14 |
leftyfb | Arsimael: you can login to test the script, but don't run the script via ssh. Open a terminal on your desktop to run the script | 13:14 |
Guest3243 | " NO PUBKEY " @Kadigan | 13:14 |
leftyfb | Guest3243: what directory/file exactly did you delete and how? | 13:14 |
Guest3243 | i deleted the content of sources.list | 13:15 |
leftyfb | Guest3243: what release of ubuntu? | 13:15 |
Guest3243 | 22.04 | 13:15 |
Guest3243 | i tried fixing with software and updates official app but it give me error | 13:15 |
Guest3243 | " no pubkey " | 13:15 |
Guest3243 | can't even do apt update | 13:16 |
leftyfb | Guest3243: repopulate /etc/apt/sources.list with that | 13:16 |
oerheks | there is a copy in /usr/share/doc/apt/examples/sources.list | 13:16 |
oerheks | copy it back, enable universe again | 13:16 |
JanC | Arsimael: do you have root access to that laptop? | 13:16 |
leftyfb | oerheks: mine is much cleaner ;) | 13:16 |
Guest3243 | alr thanks | 13:16 |
Arsimael | JanC, yep | 13:16 |
JanC | so you can configure the sshd on it to do pretty much anything you want on a login | 13:17 |
Guest3243 | @leftyfb , it doenst want to fix | 13:18 |
leftyfb | Guest3243: run this: sudo apt update | nc 9999 # then post the resulting URL here | 13:19 |
oerheks | Guest3243, how did you delete keys too??? | 13:19 |
Guest3243 | idek | 13:19 |
oerheks | 🤔 | 13:19 |
Guest3243 | | 13:19 |
Guest3243 | u will not understand cuz is italian | 13:20 |
leftyfb | Guest3243: remove the opera PPA repo in /etc/apt/sources.list.d/ | 13:20 |
Guest3243 | alr | 13:20 |
leftyfb | DO NOT delete everything in /etc/apt/sources.list.d/ | 13:21 |
Guest3243 | there's only the opera | 13:21 |
Guest3243 | repo | 13:21 |
JanC | including send you a message through IRC, jabber/bonjour, whatever; using notifications probably only works when you are within the same login session as the DE | 13:21 |
=== Guest3243 is now known as _ | ||
=== _ is now known as Guest4515 | ||
Guest4515 | wtj | 13:23 |
Guest4515 | wth | 13:23 |
Guest4515 | irc client just died | 13:23 |
Guest4515 | btw im the " no pubkey " guy | 13:23 |
leftyfb | Guest4515: removing the opera repo should have resolved your error | 13:23 |
Arsimael | JanC, I don't have proiblems with getting scripts and tools to run, I have troubles getting tools and scripts to do what I want. | 13:24 |
Guest4515 | it doesnt work | 13:24 |
JanC | Arsimael: another option is to run a simple "daemon" on the desktop side that listens to messages over a socket & then sends a notification... | 13:24 |
leftyfb | Guest3243: run this: sudo apt update | nc 9999 # then post the resulting URL here | 13:24 |
Guest4515 | | 13:24 |
Arsimael | TBH, I don't think running a whoile daemon, or a logfile crawler or whatnot is necessary if I have a specific event. | 13:25 |
JanC | Arsimael: I suspect the problem is the login session; notifications use dbus, which blocks access from outside the login session, even from the same user, IIRC | 13:25 |
oerheks | reinstall ubuntu-keyring | 13:25 |
JanC | the "daemon" could be as simple as a bash script reading from a fifo probably :) | 13:25 |
Arsimael | Currently I have a script that drops ssh users into a tmux shell which records everything. IF thats possible, there must bne a way to send a simple "ping" to the notification daemon of gnome... | 13:25 |
leftyfb | JanC: to use notify-send, then should be running the test script from a terminal from the DE session. Not over SSH | 13:25 |
oerheks | !info wall | 13:26 |
ubottu | Package wall does not exist in mantic | 13:26 |
oerheks | oh | 13:26 |
JanC | wall is installed by default | 13:26 |
Arsimael | leftyfb, I don't run that script from an ssh session, I just login to trigger that script. | 13:26 |
JanC | or not; it's part of bsdutils | 13:27 |
oerheks | JanC, ah indeed, one just to configure | 13:28 |
JanC | or 'nwall' | 13:28 |
leftyfb | Arsimael: how exactly do you currently have your system configured to trigger a script when someone ssh's in? | 13:31 |
Arsimael | ForceCommand in /etc/sshd_config | 13:31 |
JanC | probably ssh's built-in hooks | 13:32 |
leftyfb | Arsimael: ok, so that is running as the other user who is logging in. That would not be the right way to do this | 13:33 |
leftyfb | Arsimael: you also left out that critical detail | 13:33 |
Arsimael | I also tried modifying pam to run a script, did not work out. | 13:34 |
leftyfb | Arsimael: you want a script that polls your ssh logs and then notifies | 13:36 |
Arsimael | I don't wan't a script which runs permanently in the background and waits for an event to happen, If I already have a trigger which goes off when the event is happening. | 13:38 |
leftyfb | Arsimael: so you want to rely on the individual user accounts to run something to notify you? Giving them access to your desktop? | 13:39 |
leftyfb | because that's what ForceCommand does | 13:39 |
Arsimael | It's just one specific account I need to supervise. And I know it's a shitty soluition. But I am working on a shitty, misconfigured, mangled and crippled os... | 13:40 |
leftyfb | ok, with that attitude, good luck | 13:41 |
Arsimael | Not talkign about ubuntu, talking about the "customisations" my Employer did to it. (Just to be clear) | 13:41 |
JanC | it's fine if the script runs as the other user as long as it can access a public resource | 13:41 |
leftyfb | Arsimael: the only way ForceCommand would work is for the other account to have the ability to run a script as your user and writing to your desktop resources | 13:42 |
Arsimael | It has. | 13:42 |
Arsimael | the remote account has full sudo access without any password protection. | 13:42 |
Arsimael | That's what I meant with "shitty" and "misconfigured" by the internal It folks in my company... | 13:43 |
stenno | no public key auth? | 13:45 |
Arsimael | nope | 13:45 |
stenno | you can just login as root without password? | 13:45 |
stenno | ok hhe | 13:45 |
Arsimael | randomized passwords baby... | 13:45 |
leftyfb | randomized once != random | 13:46 |
Arsimael | they can login via ssh and then do a "sudo -i" without a password. | 13:46 |
oerheks | Arthey must have a key then | 13:47 |
Kadigan | Arsimael: since you're working from a lost position, why not just bodge it? Have a script run on SSH login that inserts login name into a DB, with timestamp. Then on the other side, poll for changes. | 13:47 |
Arsimael | nah, thats an own TOTP like solution which changes every 5 minutes. | 13:47 |
Arsimael | Complöetely nuts and overengineered... | 13:47 |
leftyfb | yeah, because what you're trying to do is very straight forward and easy to accomplish otherwise | 13:48 |
leftyfb | you have solutions, you refuse to do them | 13:48 |
JanC | I wonder if this still works... | 13:48 |
leftyfb | JanC: it still has the same issue | 13:48 |
JanC | Kadigan: no need for a database when you can just use a fifo or such... | 13:48 |
leftyfb | JanC: for desktop notifications, the remote user would need to run a script that writes to Arsimael's users desktop session | 13:49 |
Arsimael | leftyfb, which solutions? I got solutions to run a script in the background which notifies me, or running tools which don't work under wayland. The Trigger is not the problem. I don't need help in starting a script. I need help in pushing an information to a desktop notification in a prominent way. | 13:50 |
leftyfb | "I got solutions to run a script in the background which notifies me" | 13:51 |
leftyfb | do that | 13:51 |
Arsimael | leftyfb, exactly. the remote user has root privileges. But whatever I try, I get eigher permission denied, or "fail" | 13:51 |
JanC | Arsimael: desktop notifications don't work from outside the session | 13:51 |
Arsimael | JanC, ok, is there a way to make them work? | 13:52 |
JanC | you need "something" inside the session for that | 13:52 |
JanC | maybe a screen/tmux session started from within the desktop could work | 13:53 |
Arsimael | I have to run a demon from weithin my userspace - In my desktop session - to get notifications. There is no other way to get notified? | 13:53 |
JanC | if you can attach to it | 13:53 |
leftyfb | Arsimael: maybe forget about the desktop notification. Use email or a push notification. But for both, and the way you want to do it, you would still need to give the other user full access to the ability to send either | 13:54 |
JanC | do you use -i and -u when you use sudo? | 13:54 |
Kadigan | Arsimael: hmm... I mean, you usually want something running user-side as the recipient & manager of the user-side of things... I mean, if something is *sending* a message, there needs to be a recipient to *receive* it. | 13:56 |
JanC | Kadigan: there is, it's just not accepting anything from outside the session :) | 13:56 |
Kadigan | Is that by design, by any chance? | 13:57 |
Arsimael | I thought notify-send was intelligent enough to realize "Hey, I am on the same machine, someone wants me to notify them if something happens" | 13:57 |
JanC | yes | 13:57 |
Kadigan | So there are three ways here: a) use something that wasn't designed for this, b) use something that was explicitly designed to prevent this, and c) use an entirely new thing | 13:57 |
Kadigan | ... :D | 13:58 |
JanC | Arsimael: did you try sudo's -i option when changing user? | 13:58 |
Arsimael | I am thinking about... what is notify-send used for? If I can't even use it in scripts in the background if I do not start them from my own uisersession, it seems to be quite useless... | 13:58 |
Arsimael | JanC, only when I need an interactive shell. | 13:58 |
leftyfb | Arsimael: notify-send is not a messaging system. It's a desktop session notification system | 13:58 |
oerheks | Arsimael, you claim it does not work with systemd. it does | 13:58 |
Kadigan | JanC: so I guess the DB intermediary idea isn't complete rubbish after all, if what exists is meant to explicitly NOT do this. | 13:59 |
Arsimael | leftyfb, But what's it use concept? | 13:59 |
leftyfb | desktop notifications | 13:59 |
leftyfb | I use it all the time from scripts I wrote | 13:59 |
leftyfb | it works perfectly fine (other than that annoying bug that ignores timeouts) | 14:00 |
JanC | now that I think about it, it might be possible to trigger a systemd user service somehow... | 14:00 |
Arsimael | for what? The only use I can see for this tool is to open a terminal and type messages top myself... | 14:00 |
JanC | Kadigan: why would you use a database if you can just send something through a fifo or a socket? | 14:00 |
EriC^^ | is there something similar to xhost for wayland and that helps maybe? | 14:00 |
oerheks | notify-send -u critical -t 0 "test" stays until you click it | 14:00 |
Arsimael | Ah. ok. If you run own scripts from terminals... ok. there is a usecase. | 14:01 |
EriC^^ | Arsimael: try "xhost +" as a test | 14:01 |
oerheks | run it from MOTD | 14:01 |
leftyfb | oerheks: yup, I know that one | 14:01 |
EriC^^ | and see if DISPLAY=:0 notify-send works | 14:01 |
leftyfb | EriC^^: it's not always :0 | 14:02 |
Arsimael | "xhost: unable to open display """ | 14:02 |
leftyfb | Arsimael: as your user | 14:02 |
leftyfb | try :1 | 14:02 |
Arsimael | same problem: Wayland says "no" | 14:02 |
Arsimael | ah "access control disabled, clients can connect from any host" | 14:02 |
oerheks | This error is produced by the xhost | 14:06 |
Arsimael | yes | 14:06 |
Arsimael | I think I use the email approach and try to set a rule in evolution which highlights that mail. It's a delay but at least it's a notification. | 14:07 |
Arsimael | Or does anyone knows a "push service" whcih I can host by myself? | 14:08 |
Arsimael | Or does anyone know a "push service" whcih I can host by myself? | 14:08 |
Arsimael | oops - bad habit. sorry. | 14:08 |
leftyfb | Arsimael: there's multiple | 14:10 |
leftyfb | Arsimael: | 14:11 |
JanC | I was just thinking: maybe create a oneshot systemd user "service" that runs notify-send, and trigger that from ssh using sudo -u | 14:13 |
Arsimael | JanC, that worked. | 14:20 |
JanC | \o/ | 14:20 |
Arsimael | Creating a nw unit via "systemctl --user edit --full --force notify.service", then configuring a basic oneshot | 14:20 |
Arsimael | then calling it with "sudo systemctl --user --machine=myuser@ start notify.service" | 14:21 |
Arsimael | gives a notification. | 14:21 |
leftyfb | that's because the service is run as your user, not another | 14:21 |
leftyfb | guess what that is? A service that's always running the background | 14:21 |
JanC | and because it works from outside the session :) | 14:22 |
Arsimael | It's a oneshot. it gets started one time and den exits. | 14:23 |
JanC | 'systemd --user' is running though | 14:24 |
JanC | it has the advantage that it is always running anyway | 14:24 |
Arsimael | thats ok for me, since systemd is already running due to "onedrive"... | 14:24 |
Arsimael | systemd --user | 14:25 |
JanC | it's running because gnome starts it (assuming you use gnome) | 14:25 |
JanC | probably some other DEs use it too now | 14:25 |
Arsimael | Thanks for helping. Thats def. something I need to write down. | 14:28 |
Arsimael | Colleagues are already asking for it. Especially the "record SSH Sessions" part... | 14:29 |
Cytozaneon | Can I get more verbose logging on how the load average calculation is being produced? | 14:38 |
leftyfb | Cytozaneon: there is no log that tells you how load average is calculated. Read here: | 14:39 |
Cytozaneon | Not an explanation on how it is calculated... but to actually see what values were at that were used in the calculation at any given time | 14:39 |
leftyfb | Cytozaneon: top and htop shows you those numbers | 14:40 |
leftyfb | and uptime | 14:40 |
Cytozaneon | No - they don't | 14:40 |
leftyfb | within a minute they do | 14:40 |
Cytozaneon | Nope | 14:41 |
leftyfb | yes, that's what the numbers mean | 14:41 |
leftyfb | the 1st number is the load average over a minute | 14:41 |
Cytozaneon | When my system freezes to a near crawl roughly every 30seconds-ish and the load average is spiking at the same time... and all the processes look good in terms of cpu/ram load... something else is effecting that load average calculation | 14:41 |
tomreyn | xu-help12w: I did not make the statement you quoted, I do not mean to 'diss' you at all, was just trying to help by giving you a better measure of what amount of support you can reasonably expect here (and what not), because you repeatedly mention that you do not have irc experience (which is fine). sorry if it came over differently, not intended. | 14:41 |
Cytozaneon | I actually want to *SEE* that calculation | 14:41 |
Cytozaneon | not just the end number | 14:42 |
Kadigan | JanC: because you can then leave the DB to have the necessary permissions to open sockets, doing away with the whole "who can send where" song and dance | 14:42 |
leftyfb | Cytozaneon: have you tried making sure you have the proper gpu drivers installed? That's usually a cause of this sort of thing | 14:43 |
JanC | Kadigan: it's still bloated over-engineering :) | 14:43 |
Kadigan | JanC: maybe so, but at least it gets you where you need to be in a few hours, instead of a few days - especially if you already have the database sitting there doing other things. I don't know, maybe it's just the approach I'm most comfortable with? | 14:46 |
JanC | we got to where we had to be in less than 2 hours ;) | 14:47 |
JanC | could have done something that worked in minutes really | 14:47 |
ruser | has anyone encountered upgrade-grub trying to unmount a file system when installing into a chroot env? | 14:53 |
dge_ | oerheks, npt really. sometimes HomePage or a Tag can refer to the url on repo .list file... but... sometimes the version is a clue. it should have a magick black box somewhere... but where ? | 14:58 |
oerheks | ? | 14:59 |
dge_ | i answer very late, sorry, i was afk. | 15:01 |
paris | What's the best way to put ubuntu on my android tablet on top of Android? | 15:05 |
paris | !android | 15:06 |
oerheks | paris see if yours is in the list | 15:07 |
oerheks | or do some research on | 15:08 |
oerheks | there is not an official version of Ubuntu that runs on mobile devices like phones and tablets, so no support here | 15:08 |
oerheks | !touch | 15:08 |
ubottu | Information about the mobile port of the Ubuntu platform (formely Ubuntu Touch) for Phone and Tablet is available here: Support and discussion in #ubports | 15:08 |
mcc | I installed a closed-source program from a .tar. The installer put an icon on my desktop. I don't really want an icon on the desktop, however, I *do* want the application to be accessible by clicking the applications menu (the 9 squares button) and typing the name of the application. And it's not. | 16:05 |
mcc | I want to convert my desktop icon (it's a ".desktop" file) to something I can search for in the applications menu. How do I do this? | 16:05 |
mcc | Also: Is there some trivial command-line way to execute a .desktop file? | 16:06 |
oerheks | mcc, create a desktop launcher? | 16:08 |
oerheks | if your closed source thingy does not provided it standard, do some research | 16:09 |
oerheks | unless you name the program, we could help you find it | 16:10 |
krytarik | mcc: Just move the file from '~/Desktop' to '~/.local/share/applications' | 16:11 |
oerheks | he said | 16:11 |
oerheks | 'installer file', so it sounds not like a launcher | 16:11 |
oerheks | to be accessible, it should be stored in /usr/share/applications/ | 16:13 |
leftyfb | oerheks: ~/.local/share/applications also works | 16:15 |
mcc | @krytarik, thank you, that was exactly what I needed | 16:16 |
krytarik | Yw! | 16:16 |
mcc | @oerheks I don't think I understand the difference between a "desktop launcher shortcut" and a .desktop file. It seems like double-clicking a .desktop file causes the program to be launched... | 16:17 |
Eickmeyer | mcc: There's no difference. Same thing. | 16:19 |
mcc | Thanks | 16:19 |
Eickmeyer | mcc: Also, notified someone on the Desktop team about your accessibility bug, no response so far, but working on it. | 16:20 |
mcc | Ah, I misread the summary, it made it sound like there were two things | 16:20 |
leftyfb | mcc: for your 2nd question, you can use: gtk-launch /path/to/file.desktop | 16:20 |
mcc | @eickmeyer Thanks. Because I now have the workaround (manually setting the text scaling in gsettings) I no longer have a specific need for a fix. But it seems like you really want to fix that as it is sort of a trap for other users. (It would also in the long run be *nice* to have a real fix, because until there is a real fix the bug means if I ever want to turn on large text on purpose I can only control it through the CLI) | 16:21 |
mcc | @leftyb great thanks again | 16:21 |
Eickmeyer | mcc: Agreed. Accessibility is a pretty serious issue. | 16:22 |
leftyfb | mcc: you can also use gio launch file.desktop | 16:22 |
ice9 | why the NetworkManager in 23.10 uses netplan for networks configuration? | 16:51 |
leftyfb | ice9: that's been the case for about 5 or 6 years now | 16:53 |
leftyfb | ice9: why does it matter? | 16:53 |
rfm | no, it's new in 23.10 | 16:54 |
ice9 | leftyfb, I remember in the previous releases, connections where stored right into /etc/NetworkManager/systems-connections; I would like to know the benefit of netplan | 16:55 |
leftyfb | rfm: ? | 16:55 |
leftyfb | oh, I see | 16:56 |
leftyfb | the NM profiles are now stored in /etc/netplan | 16:56 |
leftyfb | ice9: just so you know, support in this channel is provided by ubuntu community volunteers. Not Canonical employees. Decisions like this are made by Canonical and you're not always going to get answers to "why" questions here | 16:58 |
rfm | the reason for doing this is now one can configure the network without knowing how the the system was installed (server or desktop) | 16:58 |
leftyfb | that is nice | 16:58 |
rfm | talks about the rationale | 16:59 |
ice9 | thanks rfm | 17:00 |
ruser | has anyone encountered upgrade-grub trying to unmount a file system when installing into a chroot env? [attempting] to install ontop of a root pool in zfs | 17:06 |
chilversc | Is there a mirror for git:// ? | 17:27 |
oerheks | chilversc, i found the source git:// from | 17:30 |
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chilversc | oerheks: thanks | 17:33 |
bitbinge | What is blocking the iperf3 port on stock ubuntu lts? What firewall/other thing? | 17:41 |
leftyfb | bitbinge: there is no firewall rules enabled in a default install of ubuntu | 17:48 |
bitbinge | Anyone? | 17:52 |
leftyfb | bitbinge: there is no firewall rules enabled in a default install of ubuntu | 17:55 |
EriC^^ | bitbinge: maybe try sudo lsof -i:<port> to see if something is using it | 17:56 |
leftyfb | bitbinge: maybe start with an error message. Running as a server or client | 17:57 |
ruser | has anyone encountered upgrade-grub trying to unmount a file system when installing into a chroot env? [attempting] to install ontop of a root pool in zfs. Is there a better place to ask the question (zfs support?) | 18:01 |
leftyfb | !repeat | ruser | 18:01 |
ubottu | ruser: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching or or | 18:01 |
ruser | leftyfb: day 3.. :) | 18:01 |
Eickmeyer | ruser: Then nobody knows the answer. | 18:01 |
leftyfb | ruser: yes, and the 4th time you've asked the question in 2 days | 18:02 |
leftyfb | ruser: I don't know the answer and it doesn't look like anyone here thus far knows. I would try posting on | 18:03 |
Eickmeyer | ruser: From the factoid: "if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you." | 18:03 |
ruser | leftyfb: agreed, which is why i added if there is a better place. Thank you. | 18:03 |
Eickmeyer | ruser: To dovetail on what leftyfb said, try asking on | 18:03 |
ruser | either way I appreciate everyones time | 18:03 |
ruser | Is discord active? | 18:04 |
bitbinge | There's no error. I still can't connect. One device gives Connection refused, the other Invalid argument. | 18:04 |
ruser | Eickmeyer: thank you | 18:04 |
bitbinge | I'm running this from my openwrt router. | 18:05 |
leftyfb | !openwrt | bitbinge | 18:09 |
leftyfb | bitbinge: we can only support ubuntu here. Not openwrt | 18:09 |
leftyfb | bitbinge: you know you need the iperf server running/listening on the target right? | 18:09 |
bitbinge | Yup, it's running. It worked properly for a bit, but now this. | 18:10 |
leftyfb | bitbinge: then you have an issue with your network | 18:10 |
MegaWet | Hi guys, I'm going to use Lubuntu, and want to upgrade my LUKS version and algo to be use the more secure Argon2id. But by default Lubuntu is using Luks1 with the less secure PBKDF2. How can i upgrade my LUKS version to use the more secure algo? | 18:14 |
leftyfb | !latest | MegaWet | 18:14 |
ubottu | MegaWet: Packages in Ubuntu may not be the latest. Ubuntu aims for stability, so "latest" may not be a good idea. Post-release updates are only considered if they are fixes for security vulnerabilities, high impact bug fixes, or unintrusive bug fixes with substantial benefit. See also !backports, !sru, and !ppa. | 18:14 |
MegaWet | so hmmm | 18:15 |
MegaWet | I'm seeking a light apt distro which uses the more updated luks version | 18:15 |
MegaWet | and advice guys | 18:17 |
leftyfb | MegaWet: I'm not very familiar with this, but everything I'm reading says Ubuntu since at least 20.04 has LUKS2 support | 18:19 |
MegaWet | support but not on my default | 18:20 |
MegaWet | maybe | 18:20 |
baldpope | attempting to upgrade from 16.04.07 but receiving an error | 18:21 |
leftyfb | MegaWet: | 18:21 |
baldpope | | 18:21 |
leftyfb | !eolupgrade | baldpope | 18:21 |
ubottu | baldpope: End-Of-Life is when security updates and support for an Ubuntu release stop. Make sure to update Ubuntu before it goes EOL so you get updates promptly for newly-discovered security vulnerabilities. See and for more info. Looking to upgrade from an EOL release? See | 18:21 |
baldpope | thankyou leftyfb , reading | 18:22 |
MegaWet2 | hey guys | 19:01 |
LadyGagaReal | hey guys | 19:05 |
sybariten | is anyone here using evil mode for emacs? | 19:21 |
ayjay_t | yes sir sybariten | 19:28 |
ayjay_t | i only use emacs for certain things but when i do it's evil | 19:28 |
ruser | does anyone know which package contains add-apt-repository in it? apt search add-apt-repository doesn't list anything. | 19:31 |
leftyfb | ruser: software-properties-common | 19:32 |
ruser | leftyfb: merci | 19:32 |
leftyfb | found by using apt-file search add-apt-respository | 19:32 |
ruser | oh even better, i was just about to ask, thanks | 19:34 |
ruser | with regrads to my earlier question looks like i'm getting some headway: | 19:36 |
-ubottu:#ubuntu- Launchpad bug 2031042 in grub2 (Ubuntu) "Upgrade to 2.12~rc1-4ubuntu1 failed with 'umount: /tmp/zfsmnt.5DJ7yi: target is busy.'" [Low, Fix Released] | 19:36 | |
HyP3r | Hey guys... I'm pretty confused right now. I have cloned my kubunto from my thinkpad t530 (old as hell) to my new thinkpad P16s Gen 2 (very, very new). Now when I boot the os I have just a blinking coursor | 19:42 |
HyP3r | When I press Strg+Alt+F2 I can login... everything is ok. No systemd.service is crashed everything is fine | 19:43 |
ruser | also, to my way earlier question usrmerge is a PITA and i'm down this rabbit hole due to it | 19:43 |
HyP3r | What should I do now? | 19:44 |
HyP3r | I'm using Ubuntu (Kubuntu) 22.04 LTS. | 19:44 |
tomreyn | HyP3r: how did you clone? were yuo previously using nvidia proprietary graphics drivers? | 19:45 |
HyP3r | tomreyn: I used gparted to clone each partition | 19:45 |
HyP3r | And no, no proprietary graphics drivers | 19:45 |
sybariten | ayjay_t: ok cool, do you know if it changes how text selection looks? I have a rather new emacs here, but the selected ("marked"?) areas are invisible, if you want, they're not in a contrasting colour | 19:45 |
HyP3r | I think... How can I check that? | 19:46 |
tomreyn | HyP3r: i think /var/log/gpu-manager.log or something | 19:46 |
tomreyn | HyP3r: are you booting in uefi or legacy bios mode? is "secure boot" enabled? | 19:47 |
tomreyn | echo -n 'This system booted via: '; [ -d /sys/firmware/efi ] && echo UEFI || echo BIOS | 19:47 |
HyP3r | I boot with UEFI, and secure boot is disabled | 19:48 |
HyP3r | This was my first problem ;) | 19:48 |
HyP3r | Give me a moment I'll check that log | 19:48 |
ayjay_t | sybariten: the selected areas on my machine (using v in non-insert mode, whatever that's called) are like very very very lightly shaded gray | 19:48 |
HyP3r | tomreyn: /var/log/gpu-manager.log seems pretty ok... In the middle there is a "can't access driver" but I think this is ok? | 19:49 |
ayjay_t | sybariten: | 19:49 |
ayjay_t | i'm not sure what the emacs gui inherits but i'm running on i3 on ubuntu server | 19:50 |
sybariten | ayjay_t: using v? i'm thinking of selecting using ctrl-space... | 19:50 |
ayjay_t | ha well sybariten i use evil mode and i use vim's method of selecting... that's the whole point of evil mode lol | 19:50 |
ayjay_t | but lemme check | 19:50 |
sybariten | i used to have this mode or whatever it was, where the selected text was very stronly blue or something (in a console emacs). I dont even know the terminology anymore. Highlighted region? | 19:51 |
ayjay_t | sybariten: they have the exact same effect, v = xtl+space | 19:51 |
ayjay_t | sure | 19:51 |
sybariten | but that was on another machine, now i have a fresh emacs... doesnt really behave like i'm used to. | 19:51 |
ayjay_t | here you go bud, try this: | 19:51 |
ayjay_t | sybariten: if you don't want to edit your init.el you can use the M-x customize-face like in another answer | 19:52 |
sybariten | Wait, you know what ayjay_t , maybe evil mode isn't at all the thing I was thinking of. There is some very big major configuration kit that a lot of people use, and i think i confused it... with yours... is it space emacs or something? | 19:52 |
ayjay_t | but also sybariten there is a great #emacs channel where you might get better support | 19:52 |
ayjay_t | sybariten: i don't know, i'm just an evil guy | 19:53 |
sybariten | ayjay_t: i know but they didnt really catch on to my question earlier so thats why i asked here hehe | 19:53 |
ayjay_t | i think i'm not going to be any more help on this issue, i'm not an emacs expert. good luck! | 19:53 |
sybariten | ah, it's called doom emacs (there's also spaceemacs, its something in the same philosophy i think) | 19:54 |
sybariten | thanks! | 19:54 |
ruffleS | ATTENTION: ESSX3886 sound card fix. After many attempts I was able to fix mine by running the following script: | 20:05 |
ruffleS | How can I report that so this config is available to anyone? | 20:05 |
Eickmeyer | ruffleS: Was there ever a bug report, askubuntu question or wiki article about it? | 20:08 |
Guest46 | hi | 20:14 |
ruffleS | Eickmeyer: I found it here | 20:28 |
Eickmeyer | ruffleS: Excellent. Then reply to that as it's probably the best place for your information. | 20:29 |
ruffleS | This link points to a github repo with some steps to folllow: | 20:30 |
ruffleS | On Ubuntu 23.10 I tried just to run the alsa config script and it worked | 20:30 |
Eickmeyer | ruffleS: Ok, but this isn't the place to post that. | 20:30 |
ruffleS | OK! Posted on Ubuntu Forums. Thanks! | 20:39 |
samd3v | Hi | 20:46 |
blaster | Hi I am having trouble upgrading my system. I get a huge log of 404 errors from packages on repos such as kinetic-updates/main | 20:50 |
ravage | blaster: Ubuntu 22.10 is EOL and the repos are not online anymore | 20:51 |
ravage | !eolupgrade | blaster | 20:52 |
ubottu | blaster: End-Of-Life is when security updates and support for an Ubuntu release stop. Make sure to update Ubuntu before it goes EOL so you get updates promptly for newly-discovered security vulnerabilities. See and for more info. Looking to upgrade from an EOL release? See | 20:52 |
blaster | I see, thanks | 20:52 |
ravage | ( fastest way is to backup your files and install a supported release. if you dont want to upgrade every 9 months choose a LTS release ) | 20:53 |
ravage | the current one is 22.04. next will be 24.04 | 20:53 |
blaster | I can just do-release-upgrade right? | 20:53 |
ravage | | 20:53 |
Square | What are my chances wayland will one day not behave like shit on my nvidia GT 1030 card? Is there any work done on improving wayland nvidia support? | 20:55 |
ravage | ask nvidia | 20:55 |
ravage | they claim to work on compatibility | 20:56 |
Eickmeyer | And please watch your language. | 20:56 |
Square | Eickmeyer, sorry. Not meaning to sound von oben or complain. Just assessing my odds of continue with my 1030. I know nvidia isn't the greatest partner and bears the blame. | 21:11 |
Eickmeyer | Square: That's great and all, but we do have underage participants and community contributors, so we keep things family friendly. See the guidelines linked in the topic. | 21:12 |
blaster | The updated sources list in the EOL upgrade documentation doesn't seem to correspond to what I have. I don't have an entry that contains `kinetic main restricted universe multiverse`. | 21:17 |
blaster | I do have `kinetic main restricted` | 21:17 |
ravage | all you really need to do is change the server | 21:17 |
ravage | ( to ) | 21:18 |
blaster | All of them? | 21:18 |
ravage | i dont know if they all exist there. but you will see that on apt update | 21:18 |
ravage | comment out the ones that dont work after the change | 21:19 |
ravage | you can also !paste your result here | 21:20 |
blaster | The docs basically show all the repos combined into one entry but my sources.list has them split between a few entries, I'll try changing all of the ones that match | 21:21 |
ravage | for the upgrade you should disable all external sources | 21:21 |
blaster | All of the sources in my sources.list are from Ubuntu, but I imagine all of my external ones would be in the .d directory | 21:22 |
ravage | that is usually the case yes | 21:23 |
blaster | If I upgrade to the latest LTS from 22.10, won't I be downgrading to 22.04? | 21:25 |
ravage | you cant downgrade | 21:25 |
ravage | you can get to 23.04 for now | 21:26 |
ravage | upgrades to 23.10 will be enabled officially soon | 21:26 |
blaster | Ah okay, I'll just do this again when the next LTS comes out. | 21:26 |
ravage | then you can upgrade do 24.04 next year | 21:26 |
ravage | or you can do a clean install of 22.04 now and upgrade directly to 24.04.1 next year | 21:27 |
blaster | I would prefer that I just have a lot of configuration | 21:28 |
HyP3r | tomreyn: I don't know what it was... but I just updated to 23 (jammy?) and now everything works fine | 21:56 |
HyP3r | 23.04 lunar... | 21:56 |
Guest68 | how do we report problems with the new ubuntu, i have installed 23.10 and i have strange problems like wifi not waking up when the laptop goes to sleep | 22:00 |
loswedseded | when will the upgrade path to 23.10 be released? | 22:31 |
mybalzitch | it's not a LTS release. if you're running a LTS release you have to wait until the next LTS release. | 22:38 |
mybalzitch | you can jump from lts to non-lts, but you can't go back to 22.04 from 23.10 | 22:38 |
ravage | loswedseded: there is no exact date. usually when all open bugs related to the upgrade process are resolved. | 22:40 |
LinuxNoob | Hello peeps | 23:19 |
LinuxNoob | I am getting this libnvidia-compute-535 (!= 535.113.01-0ubuntu0.22.04.3) will break libnvidia-compute-535:i386 (535.113.01-0ubuntu0.22.04.1) | 23:19 |
LinuxNoob | wondering if someone can help please | 23:19 |
LinuxNoob | and also this: libcuda-10.0-1 conflicts with opencl-icd | 23:20 |
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