
=== helio is now known as helio__
=== Lord_of_Life_ is now known as Lord_of_Life
Your_Doguser|31: if you set it up right, you should have an option which OS to choose everytime you turn on your computer or restart01:24
=== TomTom_ is now known as TomTom
=== vcxza is now known as pa4ao
BluesKajHi all13:34
nyo2hi guys I have problems booting kubuntu with a nvidia gt 73017:39
nyo2I tried nouveau.modeset=0 but I can see only the shell, the plasma desktop is frozen, I see only an X and the mouse doesn't work17:40
nyo2in safe graphics works but only 800x60017:44
nyo2is this card too much old?17:46
tomreynnyo2: usually, nouveau does work ok with old nvidia hardware. but i'm not sure about the specific model.18:17
tomreynyou could check your logs on what's happening. journalctl -b -k418:18
tomreynor even -k318:19

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