
ricotzhello :), looks like the builders are having a hard time, I am seeing silently failing builds on all archs :(06:59
ricotzguruprasad, good morning :), ^07:14
guruprasadricotz, let me check and get back.08:30
guruprasadCan you share a link to a failing build or two that I can check?08:30
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ricotzguruprasad, I guess the best link is https://launchpad.net/builders10:19
ricotzI am restarting those builds when I noticed it10:20
ricotze.g. https://launchpad.net/builders/bos02-arm64-011/+history see the thunderbird build10:21
guruprasadricotz, we have received multiple more reports and are investigating this.10:21
ricotzguruprasad, thank you10:21
cjwatsonricotz: Should be fixed now, I think13:53
cjwatson(bumped a timeout for an authentication request; haven't seen any failures since, though it's only been about 15 minutes)13:53
ricotzcjwatson, great, thanks! could you bump this libreoffice build again? https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/libreoffice/4:7.5.7-0ubuntu0.23.04.1~bpo22.04.1/+build/2682116813:54
ricotzcjwatson, https://launchpad.net/~ubuntu-mozilla-security/+archive/ubuntu/ppa/+build/2689546814:09
cjwatsonricotz: both had finished by the time I saw this (suggesting they didn't _really_ need to have their score bumped)16:08
surfzoidHi, there is privilege prob : https://launchpadlibrarian.net/690968046/buildlog.txt.gz?16:12
ricotzcjwatson, the ubuntu-mozilla-security ppa build was just another silent failure related to the infra problems16:12
cjwatsonricotz: but it's succeeded16:13
ricotzcjwatson, regarding the libreoffice riscv64 build it failure due to the infra problems and got its low score again, please bump it again as you did yesterday16:13
cjwatsonricotz: the riscv64 build is in dependency wait state, that can't be due to those infra problems.16:14
ricotzcjwatson, it got retried by someone else in the meantime16:14
cjwatsonI was doing lots of bulk retries16:14
ricotzcjwatson, different topics, sorry16:14
cjwatsonok, that one's scored back up now16:14
ricotzthank you16:14
surfzoidcjwatson could yu please have a look? https://launchpadlibrarian.net/690968046/buildlog.txt.gz?16:15
cjwatsonno, sorry16:15
cjwatsonfile a ticket16:15
cjwatsonI have no idea what that is offhand and I've spent the entire day firefighting an assortment of random stuff so I'm not going to pick up another thing just before my end of week16:16
surfzoidcjwatsoncould you confirm it is a lp issu not my side?16:16
cjwatsonI can tell you it's not "privilege prob" at least16:16
cjwatsonthat's all I can say right now16:16
surfzoidcjwatson  could you confirm it is a lp issu not my side?16:17
cjwatsonit appears to be16:17
surfzoidcjwatson thank yu16:17
ricotzcjwatson, libreoffice/riscv64 failed due to connection timeouts :( - https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/libreoffice/4:7.5.7-0ubuntu0.23.04.1~bpo22.04.1/+build/2682116817:16
ricotzCould not connect to ftpmaster.internal:80 (, connection timed out17:16
cjwatsonricotz: oh interesting, I know why that is, let me see17:17
cjwatson_so_ much looking forward to getting the new riscv64 builders in place17:19
ricotzthanks for looking17:19
ricotzvirtualized ones for common use? :)17:20
cjwatsonAs soon as we can get lxd to play ball17:21
ricotzgreat :)17:22
cjwatson(lxd inside the VMs, not lxd to operate the VMs.  it's a long story.)17:22
cjwatsonOnce we have those they'll be on more or less normal firewalls and this sort of thing won't happen17:22
ricotzhopefully you can fix it, I will be afk for some time now17:28
cjwatsonYeah, I'm just waiting for IS to apply the change.  I'll retry affected builds17:29
cjwatsonShould be retrying now17:38

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