
Guest31111i can't fix it04:56
-ubottu:#lubuntu- bugzilla.kernel.org bug 217660 in Drivers "Laptop internal keyboard not working on ASUS Vivobook Go E1504GA" [Blocking, New]04:56
guivercGuest31111, please don't post in multiple rooms05:00
Guest31111each room is distinct with a different group of people05:01
guivercthis is a Ubuntu room then, please post questions in a single Ubuntu room based on what you're using then.05:02
Guest31111i already did05:02
guiverc(all flavors of Ubuntu - https://ubuntu.com/download/flavours - are still Ubuntu ; so I don't want to see the same question pasted in different places05:03
guiverci thought the response in #ubuntu may have been appropriate; ie. where to check for clues05:04
Guest31111OMG i need answers either help me or shut up05:06
guivercdid you try asus for answers?  & Please be polite05:07
Guest31111i doubt asus has any answers05:41
Guest31111its more of a 1 year wait to maybe push a patch type of situation05:41

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