
lotuspsychjegood morning02:15
EriC^^good morning lotuspsychje and all03:09
EickmeyerEvening o/03:11
EriC^^hey Eickmeyer o/03:17
TheWebFoxEickmeyer, I investigated the issue, found the problem https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/mutter/+bug/203461906:27
-ubottu:#ubuntu-discuss- Launchpad bug 2034619 in linux (Ubuntu Mantic) "[amdgpu] gnome-shell gets SIGKILL'd when lock screen or under heavy load in Wayland" [Undecided, Triaged]06:27
TheWebFoxas for that issue with native messaging it got fixed by closing & reopening 06:27
TheWebFoxanyway, I went back to chrome cause it just works06:27
TheWebFoxanyway, I'm always careful to clean out .config and .cache when I uninstall something06:31
TheWebFoxEickmeyer, FIXED! put   MUTTER_DEBUG_KMS_THREAD_TYPE=user and lo and behold no more crashes06:43
TheWebFoxso, I'll just wait for 45.1, it's not gsconnect, it's not chrome, I tried without extensions, it still crashed06:44
TheWebFox(anyway, a fix was already commited to mantic-updates, it's just not up yet, few more days)06:45
TheWebFox(my Laptop, the only PC that crashes with exactly same setup on both my Intel desktop i7-13700K and my Ryzen 7 6800 HS laptop)06:46
ograubuntu turns 19 today !!12:20
TheWebFoxand still you have to recompile to get the internal microphone working on some laptops LOL12:24
TheWebFoxand the scripts failed, due to glitches in the scripts sigh12:25
TheWebFoxI had to patch the scripts & backport the patch12:25
TheWebFoxzstd needs to have added the -f in the kernel build script, else it fails12:25
lotuspsychjeTheWebFox: look what rss found; News from phoronix: Linux 6.5+ Is Great For The Lenovo ThinkPad P14s Gen 4 / AMD Ryzen 7 PRO 7840U <https://www.phoronix.com/review/linux-65-thinkpad>18:01
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