[00:42] -ubottu:#ubuntu-news- ::omg!ubuntu:: Happy 19th Birthday, Ubuntu! @ https://www.omgubuntu.co.uk/2023/10/happy-19th-birthday-ubuntu [02:25] Bashing-om, i created a few summaries & left a comment (hidden) on one (i didn't mention sponsors) ; any reaction? bad idea (hidden comments) etc? [02:26] guiverc: Been a while since I updated 810 / did not notice at the time ... re-looking :D [02:27] as it's within a it doesn't show to normal readers [02:36] guiverc: Ack - lemme log in and see once more :D [02:37] there is no hurry, it's not important.. just a thought & left that way as we can see if helpful or just annoying [02:48] guiverc: See it :D Yeah we need a means to make comments, That is one way. I am trying to respond// seems my left mouse button has died on me :( [02:50] :( @ pita mouse.. [02:56] guiverc: Just going to have to venture out in puplic - Walmart visit I guess is a must. // looks as if the Korea Busan article has been pulled - continuing to investigate // Then will follow your comment with my own. [02:57] ack & thanks. [02:58] dropping articles happens on occasion; on discourse that will get noticed where it never was before hidden away on gdoc [03:04] Bashing-om, i don't see any reason to pull busan release party article.. i have noted that discourse can 'hide' awhile the summary for internal links... but they eventually return (I think it's generating that, maybe within our browser & reducing load on actual server & it can get behind on larger files) [03:09] guiverc: Turned out was a invalid post number - corrected :) [03:10] :) [03:12] guiverc: I do believe Discourse as our development platform will work out nicely :D [03:14] :) i liked the comment capability on gdoc (on occasion used to for comments to myself. as i do bits here & there) but I probably overused it (with almost every thought) [03:21] guiverc: Uh HUh - but we will develop a communications pattern for Discourse :) [03:21] we will.. [03:22] -ubottu:#ubuntu-news- ::planet:: Podcast Ubuntu Portugal: E269 Bué De Makambas a Mbote @ https://podcastubuntuportugal.org/e269/ [03:22] -ubottu:#ubuntu-news- ::planet:: Ubuntu Blog: Ceph storage for Kubernetes @ https://ubuntu.com//blog/storage-for-kubernetes [03:22] -ubottu:#ubuntu-news- ::planet:: The Fridge: Call for nominations for the Local Communities Council @ https://fridge.ubuntu.com/2023/10/19/call-for-nominations-for-the-local-communities-council-2/ [03:23] guiverc: Is is a possibility both of us can access the Discouse page and see the other's edits real time ? [03:25] no idea how that would/will work, we'll have to find out in due course (part of why I'm writing summaries earlier..) I just added a COMMENT: on my comment; so I've something easy (i hope) I can search for [03:25] i have 810 open currently; wanna try and open it? [03:26] after banner I've added a "" at top; but I'm expecting you won't see that as I've not clicked SAVE EDIT & thus expect it's local only [03:26] guiverc: 810 I too presently have open --- lemme look and see if your commented comment shows :) [03:32] how long have you had page open? Bashing-om , the last summary added by me was LXD 5.19 release [03:35] guiverc: I do see your "COMMENT" in history - that is not presently displayed . Also in "raw" the comment I fillowed yours does not appear. Lemme log off and nback on and see If then I see the changes. // Has not been real long since I last logged onto 810. [03:38] the formatting discourse wants needs to be ~accurate; eg. the "->>" on skeleton that should have been "-->" resulted in lots of your adds being treated as comment only.. [03:38] I'd not expect you need to logout/login; may need to re-enter page I'd hope most that would be required. [03:43] guiverc: I know that you added "COMMENT" yo your comment - however saving my edit and then re-entering edit mode still does not show "Comment" ! lemme log off completely and log back in see then If I see the change. [03:45] No... I think because I've NOT clicked SAVE EDIT, it's only local on my browser & that why you're not seeing it. [03:45] i added "" (first without COLON as mentioned ^ then added ":" ater the top header.png line.. I don't believe it'll show on your screen until saved. [03:46] if you add a line near the top (after header.png) ... I don't expect it to appear on my screen either. [03:47] guiverc: I accept that - :D [04:00] yeah.. bashing-om, please click & explore the history of the page.. your last saved erased 3 summaries (which I bet you didn't do, but consequence of me editing whilst you had page open... & your browser saving based on what was there when it opened page) [04:04] guiverc: Ouch ! So much for both working the issue at the same time ! [04:05] i suspect that would occur; part of why I'm doing it now... the text can be read via that history, copy/pasted & re-added, but yeah it's a pain; esp. given detail may not be noticed & thus lost! [04:06] s/suspect/suspected.. [04:07] guiverc: I am going to get out of 810 amd allow you to catch back up with what was erased !~ [04:08] you can complete whatever you need to.. [04:08] i wrote summaries on mousepad; the just opened page (for edit), copy/pasted them into location & saved.. so i was in & out pretty quick.. adding the links takes far longer [04:14] guiverc: I am caught up until my tomorrow updates. [06:49] -ubottu:#ubuntu-news- ::security:: Episode 211 @ https://ubuntusecuritypodcast.org/episode-211/ [07:43] -ubottu:#ubuntu-news- ::fridge:: Call for nominations for the Local Communities Council @ https://fridge.ubuntu.com/2023/10/19/call-for-nominations-for-the-local-communities-council-2/ [14:39] -ubottu:#ubuntu-news- ::omg!ubuntu:: What’s Your Ubuntu 24.04 Codename Prediction? @ https://www.omgubuntu.co.uk/2023/10/guess-the-ubuntu-24-04-codename