[06:32] salam [06:32] guys [06:32] aaa [06:32] ww [06:32] ahahahaa [06:32] bien ou quo l azone [14:22] hello [14:23] how to add user to root file? === keypushe- is now known as keypusher [15:07] hi [15:08] :] [15:09] sorry im not expenciered in xubuntu [15:09] xu-help36w, hi, do you have any questions? [15:10] there is anyone who can tell me why sometimes in the panel there is an icon like "keyhole"? [15:11] i didn't find anything [15:11] xubuntu mantic minotaur [15:12] xu-help36w, right click on it and see if you get any info. [15:16] ank you [15:16] than you