
-ubottu:#ubuntu-news- ::planet:: Ubuntu Blog: Unleash the power of GPU: Ubuntu WorkSpaces now support Graphics G4dn bundles @ https://ubuntu.com//blog/unleash-the-power-of-gpu-ubuntu-desktop-on-amazon-workspaces-supports-graphics-g4dn-bundles03:26
guiverc2x comments on phoronix summaries left03:28
Bashing-omguiverc: I plan to finish up tomorrow evening - do Q&A to wrap up what ever else I may find.03:31
guivercno problem, I've re-opened when I saw a "given" that should be "giving"..03:32
Bashing-omguiverc: Not sure how we will handle the Korea Community 7th Representative Election Announcement - as the original is in korean language.03:33
guivercyeah I don't see much chance of us learning Korean well enough in time to 'do it justice' :)03:35
Bashing-omguiverc: Me thinks to translate to English - make the summary in English.03:37
guivercthat's possibly all we could do.03:42
guivercthe only other option is to do it, & request Youngbin Han to check it (if he deems worth it) 03:46
Bashing-omguiverc: Good thought - I believe I hace his E-mail.03:48
guivercI'd just PM him on discourse; that's where he'll read it03:49
guiverc(i have email; received email indirectly from him last few days)03:49
Bashing-omguiverc: Ack - I see what I can learn about PM'n on Discourse :D03:51
guivercask if you have issues (though i'm about to head off with dog awhile, but I'll respond as I can on return)03:51
Bashing-omguiverc: Will deal with Korea after I make up the summary tomorrow.03:52
* guiverc wonders if the dog can read this text... he's now very excited, and I didn't think I'd let him see any clues.. oh well03:52
Bashing-omguiverc: 4 dogs here  -- they learn to read real fast :P03:54
guivercyep they do, and pick up even 'slight' clues in our behavior...03:54
guivercBashing-om, summary written on Korean item ^, PM sent to Youngbin & yourself on discourse..04:48
Bashing-omguiverc: Good man that you are - I presently feel so exhasted - an effort to try an think :(04:50
guivercyeah it's late for you  (i didn't walk that far with pup anyway04:51
Bashing-omguiverc: COPD - have gotten my meds timming off - will take a while to get back in the groove.04:55
guiverc:(  04:57
Bashing-omguiverc: When civilisation crashes - I am going the be in deep trouble; Got to have these meds  :P04:59
guivercresponse from youngbinhan already.. (I'm assuming you can see thread given I included you initially)05:08
Bashing-omguiverc: loading Discourse // will see :D05:10
Bashing-omguiverc: ALL good. Thanks. 05:14
guivercI wonder if we should make the UWN a wiki post whilst it is 'work in progress'... we can then 'remove wiki on publish  (wiki still doesn't support multiple editors; but allows others to add/correct details, eg. if Youngbin Han had edit for example; I see ability to 'remove wiki' on lubuntu discourse07:09
-ubottu:#ubuntu-news- ::omg!ubuntu:: How to Display Battery Percentage in Ubuntu’s Top Panel @ https://www.omgubuntu.co.uk/2023/10/show-battery-percentage-ubuntu-panel15:50

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