
=== NewtonPumpkin is now known as adhdandtellbots
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mare_123hi, is there any way to set dark theme in qt apps on xubuntu 22.04?00:50
mare_123my nordic darker theme doesnt seem to work in qt apps like okular, smplayer...00:59
ComputerTechshould:  do-release-upgrade with the -d flag be safe? or should i wait it out until the release is properly done?01:19
kerrymy system is a 64 bit ubuntu desktop01:21
kerryit's saying that I dont have secureboot enabled01:21
kerryjust wondering if that is a big deal?01:21
kerryalso it's failing all the tests in the same page which is concerning01:21
kerryalso if you add more than 1 device to v4l2loopback01:23
kerrythe original v4l2 device fails to work01:24
kerrybeing OBS01:24
kerrylol when all else fails i guess try rm -r * LOL jk JK01:25
kerryv4l2 has some issues01:27
kerryit needs some tissue01:27
kerrycan you say quick patch for $100 Alex01:28
kerryplease n thank you :P01:28
kerrynot sure how to flash a bios in linux01:30
kerrywhen my bios is designed to be flashed in winBLOWS01:30
kerry*cough* windows01:30
kerryit does need an update01:30
kerryi am running Ubuntu 23.04 64 bit edition01:33
kerryi was thinking installing a wine perhaps01:35
kerryand using it's own program to make a usb update01:35
kerrymy only idea on that one01:35
toddckerry: some bios can flashed in ubuntu but most bios can reflashed from a usb with the firmware on usb older ones may bneeo a dosboot with file  secure boot is not a big deal for most I have both and use it when I can01:36
kerrywhat do i need to flash it in unix01:37
kerrythe bios01:37
kerrythat win or linux?01:38
kerryit's not a dell01:39
toddcneed I fail to check what I type and bad at typing01:39
kerryit is however a intel board01:39
kerryhow i get the model # is beyound me01:40
kerryi have a bios version which doesn't help01:40
kerryin the about of linux01:40
kerryunder settings01:40
kerryi believe it is BEH6110H01:41
toddcIt would be best to open and MB model and reboot into bios to verify version01:43
kerryit says here it's DH61WW01:44
kerryi'm confused01:44
kerrywhere would it give such information?01:45
kerryin the bios?01:45
toddcopen case and find MB model number printed on it and who mades it that way you can go who ever made it and get the correct current firmware01:45
kerryi dont even see a secure boot option here01:45
kerrythanks i'll try to locate it01:45
kerryappreciate ya01:46
toddcnp I only use it when I can and it is often had to find as each bios is a lot differnt01:46
toddcsecureboot only adds a small verification of drivers so not  big deal either way01:48
ashafqAre there any scope for signal processing engineer for project like ubuntu? Where can I contribute source?01:56
Eickmeyerashafq: In what way? Be specific.02:01
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ashafqEickmeyer: I am good at signal processing, and audio. I wanted to contribute to the ubuntu ecosystem. Thus I was wondering which project requires some signal processing help.02:05
ashafqAre there any projects maintained by Canonical that needs signal processing help.02:06
Eickmeyerashafq: Ubuntu is an operating system that happens to distribute applications along with that operating system. Is there any specific application or technology that piques your interest within Ubuntu?02:06
Eickmeyerashafq: Canonical doesn't maintain every single component in Ubuntu.02:06
ashafqEickmeyer: Well, that's what I wanted some guidance on. I may not be familiar with many of the projects out there that may need signal processing help.02:07
ashafqAlso, I am pretty decent at optimizing code. I don't know if that helps.02:08
Eickmeyerashafq: The audio subsystem is comprised of many components. First of all, there's alsa which is mostly withink the linux kernel itself with some auxiliary components elsewhere.02:08
Eickmeyerashafq: Then there's PipeWire which does a lot of the user-level handling.02:08
ashafqEickmeyer: Is pipewire standard on Ubuntu now?02:09
Eickmeyerashafq: If you're interested in getting to know some audio development, I know some great devs in #lad (Linux Audio Developers) that could direct you in the right direction.02:09
Eickmeyerashafq: Yes, PipeWire is standard as of 22.10, and will be in 24.04.02:09
Eickmeyerashafq: However, most of PipeWire collaboration takes place on the OFTC network in #pipewire.02:10
ashafqOh OK. I have asked #pipewire if they need some DSP help.02:11
ashafqI guess I'll wait.02:11
Eickmeyerashafq: Not this network. irc.oftc.net02:11
ashafqYea, in OFTC02:11
EickmeyerBut also, #lad is a good place on this network, lots of devs doing DSP stuff there.02:12
ashafqI am somewhat active in #lad02:12
EickmeyerI'm there also because I do packaging work for them (Ubuntu Studio lead here)02:12
ashafqOh nice02:12
ashafqI should spend some time on how to package libs for Ubuntu sometime.02:13
EickmeyerLibs are their own ball of wax and take standard packaging and add some extra knowledge, so learning basic Debian packaging first is pretty much a prerequisite. :)02:14
ashafqAny tutorials that you may find good?02:14
ashafqI'll start with my current libs that I have on Github02:14
EickmeyerSadly, learning from doing is the best way. Best place to go is the Debian Packaging manual.02:14
ashafqOk. Thanks. That's good to know.02:15
EickmeyerBasically that's how I had to learn.02:16
ashafqMost of my projects were in embedded systems before. And 'packages' that I had to deploy would have so little users that people usually downloaded from source.02:16
EickmeyerFair enough.02:17
ashafqI guess there's also SOF project02:24
ashafqBut that's more on making custom audio devices.02:24
CumbaLithow would I best test a script that I have that escapes characters?02:30
ComputerTechSo I upgraded from ubuntu 23.04 to 23.10 via do-release-upgrade -d02:41
ComputerTechbut Ubuntu software is still the same name, and not app centre, and quarter tiling isn't working02:42
ComputerTechdo i need to download freshly from the ISO and install fresh?02:42
ComputerTechyeah i can't find an option to enable quarter tiling, nor is it working, any ideas? :v02:51
ComputerTechok fixed quarter tiling by installing tiling assistant, but App Centre is still being replaced by Ubuntu Software for some weird reason02:57
ComputerTechok now fixed that by following https://askubuntu.com/questions/1488852/upgraded-from-23-04-to-ubuntu-23-10-no-app-center-no-firmware-flashing-tool03:01
ComputerTechall good now, app centre is here \o/03:02
ComputerTechsry for unnecessary blogging <303:02
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TheWebFoxComputerTech, snap install snap-store --channel=latest/stable/ubuntu-23.10 and same for firmware-upgrade03:08
TheWebFoxComputerTech, make sure you do not install --edge or --beta03:09
TheWebFoxyep, it's okay, the suggestion are good03:09
ComputerTechTheWebFox: neat03:24
ComputerTechty for the suggestions tho <303:24
ob_123como instalo aplicaciones por cmd en Lubutu04:24
TheWebFoxob_123, Lubuntu is not supported here, #lubuntu04:27
ubottu#ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!04:28
TheWebFoxob_123, sudo apt-get install <application package name>04:28
lotuspsychjeTheWebFox: technicaly, all flavours of ubuntu fit also here04:29
TheWebFoxor sudo apt install <app name>, example sudo apt install htop04:29
TheWebFoxlotuspsychje, yeah and the command is universal to Debian and *deb distro04:30
TheWebFoxob_123, and then there is snap also, snap install spotify, or snap install discord04:32
ruserso i'm trying to install efibootmgr  [ apt install efibootmgr] however there is a hash mismatch05:04
ruserNot sure where to go from here05:04
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ruserrm -rf /var/lib/apt/lists/* did indeed solve my issue06:51
ruseris the ed25519  still recommended key type? for ss?07:57
lovskaHi everyone, I have one problem after installing Ubuntu can I attach a screenshot?08:18
guiverclovska, you can provide a link where people can view the screenshot; and please provide product & release details (product being server/desktop & include which ISO if you're using a release that has choices)08:25
lovskaCan I link where I can give the image08:32
ruserwhat am i doing wrong.... i just generared a pair of keys, and copied pub into authorized_keys via ssh-copy-id -i flag... and now the remote host denied authentication08:55
tekisuini hao10:00
tekisuilubuntu keeps on lowering the output audio volume at random10:00
tekisuiwass passiert ?10:00
phr34khi! I believe I read that lxc/lxd development is going to be taken over by ubuntu isn't it?10:23
Yakovhow to allow launching .desktop file with cmd?12:07
TenPlus1Hi folks, has anyone upgraded from 22.04 to 23.10 and noticed a huge jump in memory usage ??12:14
jeremy31Yakov: see what command is used in the .desktop file12:17
realivanjxis there a way to reorder the icons on the top right of the screen?12:19
TenPlus1@realivanjx - maybe gnome tweaks has a setting to move them around12:22
TenPlus1hi dux12:37
realivanjxnvm i found this: https://extensions.gnome.org/extension/4356/top-bar-organizer/12:37
BluesKajHi all12:58
JanCjeremy31: Yakov is gone, but for next time someone asks it, the answer to that is "gio launch application.desktop"14:54
ruserdoes grub-pc need to have an mbr or something else?  I was initially trying to isntall an efi grub but i'm using ancient hardware that doesn't support it.16:16
toddcruser: no16:16
rusertoddc: so it can just go ... here? /dev/sdb1     2048     1050623     1048576  512M EFI System16:17
toddcyes but format it ext4  I use ubuntu boot repair it will set it up automaticly16:19
ruseri'm trying to setup zfs  raidz1 across 3 disks, the script i was using tries to install the efi. i'm doing it headless16:20
ruserI've seen that article but becuase no X/wayland can't use that. I guess I can try to get an iso16:21
ruseractually that's not a bad idea16:21
ruserI am already running on iso :)16:22
Apachezwhats your experience of compressed kernel modules and xv vs zstd for that?16:44
Apachezwell I have seen that ubuntu lately defaults to zstd but any drawback with either except that xz takes slightly longer to compress but will bring smaller file too ?16:49
rboxwhat kind of drawback would there be besides time and size16:50
Apachezwell functionallity as in why wasnt the kernel modules compressed already years ago in ubuntu by default?16:50
rboxwhy wasn't <insert random thing that wasn't done this way before>16:51
rboxcould be said about lots of things16:51
Apachezobviously there is some kind of drawback otherwise it would already been enabled years ago16:51
tomreynApachez: they were, though16:51
tomreyncompression has been in place for a long time16:52
Apacheznot as it seems for the kernel modules in ubuntu16:52
rboxthe drawback is that it takes time to decompress16:52
tomreynit just shifted between compression formats16:52
Apachezlinux kernel itself have had that support for the past 25 years or so but linux kernel in ubuntu have had that enabled only for the past year or so16:52
tomreynwhoops, sorry, i didn't notice 'modules'16:53
tomreynmy question would then be: how long has there been support for compressing modules?16:53
Apachez+25 years16:53
tomreynor decompressing at runtime rather16:53
tomreynok, no clue then16:54
tomreynhttps://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/initramfs-tools/+bug/1932329 might have some16:56
-ubottu:#ubuntu- Launchpad bug 1932329 in initramfs-tools (Ubuntu Focal) "Support compressed kernel modules in initramfs-tools and kernel" [Undecided, New]16:56
tomreyni found this with a web search for "ubuntu compressed modules"16:57
oerhekspoints to https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux/+bug/202856817:03
-ubottu:#ubuntu- Launchpad bug 2028568 in linux (Ubuntu) "Ship kernel modules Zstd compressed" [Undecided, Fix Released]17:03
oerheksdoes secureboot support compressed signed modules?17:07
Apachezhow come "do-release-upgrade -c" says "No new release found." ?17:26
ApachezI am at 23.04 and wanted to upgrade into 23.1017:26
oerheksuse -d development17:26
oerheksi would wait for the release upgradepath17:27
Apachezyeah found out at https://www.reddit.com/r/Ubuntu/comments/176mchk/2310_update_not_showing_up/17:39
Apachezseems like it might take another 1-2 weeks before the update files are released17:39
EickmeyerThere is literally just one blocking bug to get fixed before upgrades are enabled, but it requires 24.04 development to completely open first due to the nature of the bug.17:41
Apachezwhat kind of bug is that?17:44
EickmeyerOne where fonts can get corrupted during upgrade.17:46
Apachezany manual fix for that?17:47
Apachezlike remove some fontcache?17:47
-ubottu:#ubuntu- Launchpad bug 2034986 in ubuntu-release-upgrader (Ubuntu Mantic) "some text became unreadable during a distribution upgrade" [Critical, In Progress]17:48
EickmeyerThere's no workaround if it happens and the effects are temporary, but I won't link the bug report here because that's when we get "when will this be fixed" comments and I'd rather the devs don't have to deal with that when it's a "Critical" level bug to begin with.17:48
EickmeyerDangit, ravage....17:48
EickmeyerOk, now that it's here, please don't comment.17:49
Apachezbut if its critical shouldnt the 23.10 be removed from devel metafiles then until thats fixed?17:49
gordonjcpI always love seeing stuff like "24.04" and I always want to install like two versions ahead17:49
gordonjcpand I do17:49
gordonjcpand I always regret it, but just for a moment it feels like the future17:49
ravageApachez: -d is to test upgrades. it is not intended to be used by normal users. thats why it is called "development"17:50
EickmeyerApachez: No, because the .iso releases aren't affected.17:50
Apachezjust wait until linux 10.x arrives, will that be named Linux X ? ;)17:50
EickmeyerApachez: That's not how it works.17:50
Apachezravage: the mantic wikipage at ubuntu.com says to use -d so there is that17:50
Apachezahh well will see within an hour or so how broken 23.10 is :)17:51
EickmeyerApachez: Yes, but that's "at your own risk."17:51
oerheks.. as i told you, unless you can wait17:51
EickmeyerNo support will be given here for upgrades done with "-d", meaning all upgrades to 23.10 at this point.17:51
Apachezeverything involing ubuntu is "at your own risk" ;)17:51
EickmeyerApachez: Right, but you also give up community support too17:52
ravagelife is at your own risk too17:52
oerheksone must have a reason to do -d or the use of mainline ppa.17:53
Apachezits fairly random how that community support works in reality17:53
EickmeyerThen why are you here? This is a community support channel.17:53
ApachezIm here for various reasons, why are you here?17:53
oerheksrandom .. lolz17:54
EickmeyerOnly support is on-topic here.17:54
ApachezI have no idea what that emoji means, you are here for a haircut?17:54
EickmeyerThat was a facepalm. This is a community support channel. Do you need anything else, Apachez?17:55
Apachezdidnt know facepalms are on-topic in here but thanks, good to know17:55
Eickmeyer!guidelines | Apachez: trolling is not allowed17:56
ubottuApachez: trolling is not allowed: The guidelines for using the Ubuntu channels can be found at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines17:56
Apachezbut your trolling is ok?17:57
EickmeyerShow me where I was trolling.17:57
JanCApachez: if you upgrade now, problems you see are not something people will be able/willing to reproduce, so you will be on your own because of that alone...17:57
Apachez!guidelines | Eickmeyer: facepalms and emojis are not allowed17:57
ubottuEickmeyer: facepalms and emojis are not allowed: The guidelines for using the Ubuntu channels can be found at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines17:57
ApachezJanC: yeah, thats how things usually turns out17:58
EickmeyerThere is nothing in the guidelines that says that, Apachez.17:58
Apachezhoping to verify if that sidebar in gnome missing newly started icons from apps are fixed in upcoming 23.10 or if that bug remains as it showed up in 23.0417:59
Apachezafter a few days of uptime when you start a new app it wont show up in the sidebar as running but its visible through alt+tab, anyone else noticed this in 23.04 ?18:00
Apachez"iTrusChina" as installed ca-certificate through 23.10... what could possibly go wrong?18:41
Apachezinstalling snap firmware-updater takes ages18:43
ravage!ot | Apachez18:43
ubottuApachez: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!18:43
Apachezanyone who knows why "Installing snap firmware-updater" takes long time ?18:44
ravageThere is #ubuntu-discuss for Ubuntu related discussions18:44
Apachezwas asking a support question but I just proven my point18:51
ravageIf you think this is a bug use https://github.com/canonical/firmware-updater/issues18:52
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ruser??? /mnt/usr/bin/bash: ELF 64-bit LSB shared object.... chroot: failed to run command ‘/usr/bin/bash’: No such file or directory19:56
ruserlib lib53 deps?19:56
ApachezFound a funny bug, dunno if thats reported yet? When /org/gnome/shell/extensions/dash-to-dock/animate-show-apps is disabled the app list wont show up at all when click on "show apps" icon in the dock in 23.10. Enabling animation makes the "show apps" work again (it has always been disabled in my ubuntu installations previously).20:00
Apachezbut thats about it... some funny characters during install but they were manageable enough to complete the installation - gone after reboot20:00
Apachezso overall (for now) upgrading to 23.10 went without too many issues20:00
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Apachezand for those of you running virtualbox from oracle, use the ubuntu edition instead - since the 7.10 available from virtualbox.org is for jammy which no longer works in mantic (you will see funny out of range errors during shutdown and boot referencing /tmp/vbox.0/...)20:02
ruserI don't get it... https://termbin.com/ncji20:04
FKAShinobiCan the following file name expansion be used across a pipe? {}20:07
ruserFKAShinobi: you can try using shellcheck20:07
FKAShinobifdfind -t f -e flac -x flac -cd "{}" | lame -b 320 "{/.}.mp3" doesn't recognize it20:08
FKAShinobiruser: is that a package?20:08
ruserFKAShinobi: https://linuxcommandlibrary.com/man/shellcheck20:08
ruserFKAShinobi:  yes it is20:08
sysdipHaving some workflow / behavior issues. On Ubuntu 43.10, gnome-shell v45. Notable extensions would be Space Bar (i3wm styled workspace switcher), Dash To Panel, and Arc Menu.20:17
sysdipThe expected behavior (correct me if I'm wrong) is that Gnome should default to open applications (in this case, launched via Arc Menu) to the currently active workspace. This is not the case for me. It seems like it works sporadically, certain applications will always open under the correct workspace / display that is active, however others do20:19
sysdipnot, or will "remember" their last position even if completely closed.20:19
sysdipE.g. display 1 is active. "gnome settings" opens on display 1. Vice verse if display 2 is active. This behavior does not apply to all applications.20:20
Apacheztried to reinstall virtualbox from ubuntu repo and reboot but still get:20:37
Apachez[    6.085418] UBSAN: array-index-out-of-bounds in /var/lib/dkms/virtualbox/7.0.10/build/vboxdrv/SUPDrvGip.c:4169:4220:37
Apachez[    6.085472] index 2 is out of range for type 'SUPGIPCPU [1]'20:37
Apachezbut my vm's seems to work without issues so the above is the only remaining issue I got with upgrade into 23.10 in case somebody cares ;)20:37
tomreynApachez: if you're looking for responses to what yu post here, it will be tremendously helpful not to quit within 2 minutes of posting about it20:39
tomreyn(and please use a pastebin such as dpaste.com for anything above a single line)20:40
rfmApachez, vbox 7.0.10 had some known problems with linux 6.5.  vbox 7.0.12 had some fixes. 7.0.12 is on the virtualbox.org site, removing the ubuntu package and installing from there could help (but you´d /join #vbox for help, not here)20:43
tomreynwhich is on oftc, right?20:45
tomreynoh there's one here as well20:46
rfmthe "official" #vbox is on OFTC, but the one here seems to get just as much traffic and participation from the developers..   I'm always in both20:47
Apachezrfm: problem is that virtualbox.org doesnt have any ubuntu package for mantic, latest is for jammy (which is 20.04 LTS or something)20:52
Apacheztomreyn: as I posted previously I was in the process of upgrading from 23.04 to 23.10 :)20:52
tomreynmany folks have more than one computer these days.20:53
Apachezsure but only one for irc :)20:53
Apachezthe errors also occured with the jammy packages from virtualbox.org and 7.0.12 (which is why I first tried to switch to the package provided by ubuntu and then reinstall that but same errors)20:54
Apachezbut vm guests runs fine so I dunno20:54
Apachezquick google search gives zero hits for pages but 5 hits for pictures which are photos of these errors and first posted online 5-6 days ago20:55
rfmApachez: other people are reporting that .12 didn't fix it..https://forums.virtualbox.org/viewtopic.php?t=11031520:57
rfmApachez, and there's a bug (but no action on it yet) https://www.virtualbox.org/ticket/2187720:59
-ubottu:#ubuntu- www.virtualbox.org ticket 21877 in other "UBSAN errors with Kernel 6.5" [New]20:59
Apachezrfm: thanks, yeah I can confirm that 7.0.12 didnt help21:06
Apachezhard to tell if 23.10 is faster than 23.04 or just placebo, but it at least doesnt feel slower :)21:11
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LordDragonhey all23:12
LordDragonso I have a VM here on my local machine that i just upgraded the host software on23:13
LordDragoni think its changed encryption or something because my admin password no longer allows me to login23:13
LordDragonsince i have local access to the VM, is there a way to forceably reset the root password without losing my whole setup?23:13
ravageLordDragon: which part includes Ubuntu here?23:18
LordDragonravage: the guest OS im trying to reset root passwd for is ubuntu server 22.xx23:22
LordDragonravage: thank you! i have a root shell now :)23:27
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