
=== s is now known as Guest4455
=== s is now known as Guest2136
Guest5211minimum system requirements to install lubuntu LTS latest version in a 28.8 exfat Kingston DataTraveler 3.0 USB Device usb stick ?15:57
Guest5211minimum free storage needed to run fluid Lubnutu LTS latest version in a  28.8 gb exfat Kingston DataTraveler 3.0 USB Device usb stick ?15:58
Guest5211when i said the first question usb is 28.8 i was talking about its GB storage capacity15:59
Guest5211Lubnutu = Lubuntu15:59
Guest5211lubuntu = Lubuntu15:59
webchat92Minimum system requirements need to install Lubuntu LTS latest version in a 28.8 exfat Kingston DataTraveler 3.0 USB Device usb stick "17:32
webchat92inimum system requirements to run fluid Lubuntu LTS latest version in a 28.8 GB Kingston DataTraveler 3.0 USB Device usb stick "17:34
INEEDlUBNUTUHELPHow to fix this POST cmment error executing sudo apt update in QTerminal ?19:11
tryingtofixwithhHow to fix this POST cmment error installing this POST message software in QTerminal ?19:36

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