[00:50] It's interesting to see how everything fits together, which you don't really think about when everything works according to plan. [02:33] good morning [07:55] lotuspsychje, good morning [09:35] morning all === leamas1 is now known as leamas [23:34] tomreyn is suppressing security discussion of Ubuntu [23:38] sudobash: sorry, I haven't seen any security discussion in here today [23:38] ubuntu main channel [23:38] sudobash: yes, because that's support channel, not a discussion channel. That's what this channel is for [23:39] all good, I'll just take it public and Canonical directly since they just banned me [23:39] you'll take what public exactly? Banned from where? [23:39] the suppression of security related information regarding Ubuntu [23:39] banned from Ubuntu main channel now [23:39] banned by tomreyn [23:39] as noted, it's only for a few days [23:40] nope [23:40] permanent and I don't care, it's censorship of security information, the community is going to hear about it and have to decide what should be done about Operator abuse. [23:40] and nothing has been suppressed other than offtopic discussion in a support channel. Feel free to discuss ubuntu here [23:40] sudobash: you have zero insight into whether the ban is perm (it's not) [23:41] he said he was permanently banning me [23:41] how is that not insight [23:41] "[19:31:33] sudobash: you're off-topic on this support chat again. opinion and rants just don't belong here. i'll mute you for a few days." [23:41] I got banned for mentioning ubuntu's lacking security [23:41] right, no discussion in #ubuntu. we can make it a ban if it has to be. [23:41] you got banned for going offtopic multiple times [23:41] that was said in ubuntu-ops [23:42] ah, so you dug your hole deeper, got it [23:42] no I got banned for talking about Ubuntu's security and that's going to look really bad [23:42] good luck with that [23:43] I make just go to Shuttleworth himself... [23:43] you smug POS [23:43] lol [23:45] you were ranting in a support channel after you were told *checks logs* 3 times to discuss your topic in here or #ubuntu-offtopic. All of which you ignored. You have -1 legs to stand on [23:46] I stopped ranting 30 minutes before the mute [23:46] it was because I was informing users of Ubuntu's lack of security [23:47] that looks REALLY bad and the community is going to think so too [23:47] you were ranting 13 minutes ago [23:48] I helped someone and then was informing them about security and that's what got me muted [23:48] sudobash: either way, good luck with your crusade [23:48] these dumb games are only going to make it look worse [23:48] .. lack of details, asking why network-manager has disappeared, using netplan which is not standard used [23:48] lolz [23:49] Why would anyone listen to your rants? [23:49] nm hasn't disappeared [23:49] netplan is standard you moron [23:49] you know nothing and talk shit like you do [23:50] tomreyn, I'm reporting you to Canonical Support [23:50] netplan is just a way to create and store configuration files which the actual network managers use [23:50] !coc | sudobash [23:50] sudobash: The Ubuntu Code of Conduct is the document that spells out etiquette in the Ubuntu community | http://www.ubuntu.com/project/about-ubuntu/conduct | For information on how to electronically sign the CoC, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SigningCodeofConduct | Watch http://static.screencasts.ubuntu.com/videos/2010/12/22/004-SigningCoC.ogv [23:50] yes and I found a dumbass bug in netplan [23:50] and what bug is that? [23:50] did you file the bug? [23:50] got a link to the launchpad page? [23:50] I already went through that, STFU [23:50] go read the backlog [23:51] ok, so you didn't file a bug [23:51] he did not file a bugreport [23:51] so, deal with the $ in your wifi thingy [23:51] so you just want to rant, you're not don't actually care if things get fixed [23:52] because it shouldn't have ever been switched to netplan so leave the bug [23:52] I want the bug to mess with people [23:52] why would I report it? [23:52] I want people to see how incompetent Canonical is, especially now [23:52] ok, you can leave of your own accord now [23:52] they're the ones who made the horrible decision to switch something that was working perfectly fine [23:53] they deserve it [23:53] more people will see how stupid you all are [23:53] and abusive [23:53] and NAZIS [23:54] missed [23:54] He won't be missed [23:54] that has to have been the dumbest thing i've ever seen you all do, engage with a troll