
sudobashtomreyn is suppressing security discussion of Ubuntu23:34
tomreynright, no discussion in #ubuntu. we can make it a ban if it has to be.23:36
sudobashYou're the one trying to censor security information...23:37
sudobashI mean, I can take this public, no problem...23:37
sudobashmaybe let's just see what the community thinks about an Ubuntu Op abusing their authority to suppress security information23:37
tomreyni have no idea what you're talking about. apparently you're making up something as a last resort.23:42
sudobash<tomreyn> right, no discussion in #ubuntu. we can make it a ban if it has to be.23:43
tomreynyou went OT multiple times, ranted for minutes, none of this is in line with the guidelines available on the channeltopic23:43
sudobashYou muted me for talking about Ubuntu's security23:43
tomreyni just explained again why i muted you23:43
sudobashI stopped all of the rants and you muted me directly for speaking about Ubuntu's lacking security, I'm sending the screenshots now23:44
sudobashI have the screenshots you moron23:44
tomreynno need to call me names23:44
sudobashI'm sending them to Shuttleworth directly23:44
sudobashyou're done23:44
tomreynokay, you do that23:44
sudobashYou need to stop abusing your Operator powers23:45
sudobashinforming users of Ubuntu's lacking security is going to look really bad and like you're trying to hide somethjing23:45
sudobashmuting me because of it23:46
tomreyni'm not going to explain again. please do as the /topic states.23:46
sudobashI had stopped ranting 30 minutes before you muted me for informing users of Ubuntu's lack of security23:47
sudobashthat looks REALLY bad and the community is going to think so too23:47
sudobashthese dumb games are only going to make it look worse23:48
sudobashtomreyn, I'm reporting you to Canonical Support23:50
sudobashyou're all pathetic nazis23:54

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