
ravagei dont think so00:12
=== chris14_ is now known as chris14
gemclipI am trying to install docker on ubuntu server 22.04 and get a " Package 'docker-ce' has no installation candidate" Ive tried running though the steps in the install page but not working05:41
PeGaSuSI assume you've used this tutorial? https://docs.docker.com/engine/install/ubuntu/#install-using-the-repository06:51
JanCplease never tell people to do the "curl | sudo" thing...11:07
whitenhi, is it possible to reinstall ubuntu server and preserve all the data in /home?15:54
ravageif it is a seperate partition then yes15:55
whitenit is not15:55
ravagethen you cant15:55
whitenI know there is such option in desktop ubuntu15:55
ravagebackup and reinstall15:55
ravagethe server installer also allows manual partitionng15:56
whitenallright, then I have another question. I am new to linux so it may be obvious thing. My system won't boot. It got broken. How do get access to my files and make a backup? What's the easiest method?15:57
ravageboot the desktop iso. mount the system15:58
JanCbooting any live ISO would do17:41
PeGaSuShello! how do I install a specific version of a package?21:54
oerheksapt list --all-versions package_name21:55
oerhekssudo apt install package_name=package_version21:55
PeGaSuS(sorry for late reply, got caught in something)23:01

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