[09:22] hi, i'm running into an annoying issue trying to use cloud-init on SLES, first my interface is renamed like this: "rename2: renamed from eth0", then cloud-init-local.service runs, and *after* this, i get "eth3: renamed from rename2" so the networking daemon (wicked) can't find rename2 any more :/ [09:23] i see the mac address in both /etc/udev/rules.d/85-persistent-net-cloud-init.rules (with the name rename2) and /etc/udev/rules.d/70-persistent-net.rules (with the name eth3) [09:24] can i maybe try to make cloud-init-local start after systemd-udevd.service? or is that a bad idea? === esv_ is now known as esv [13:18] sbraz: what's the network config provided by whichever DataSource you're using? It is likely accounting for at least one of the renames [14:08] minimal: it's a configdrive datasource with network_data.json where the interface is specified by its mac address, there is nothing related to interface naming there [14:27] sbraz: ah ok, was thinking of network-config v2 where the "set-name:" can be specified to name/rename interfaces [14:29] actually from a quick glance at Openstack network config JSON, doesn't the "id" value of an interface inside "links" specify the same thing? === domovoy__ is now known as domovoy [16:23] minimal: i'm not sure i get it, the "id" is just a unique id, i think?