
arraybolt3_wcLearning a lot over here! So far I can make system tray icons, specify the exact icon I want in the systray, create desktop notifications, and I have the needed library to do pretty much all things NetworkManager (thank you KDE for the NetworkManagerQt framework) so things are coming along nicely :D00:04
arraybolt3_wcteward001: yeah, still some people might have a use for it so I'd like to support it since NetworkManager does. Supposedly there's a custom LTE radio module for the Framework laptop out there.00:05
arraybolt3_wckc2bez: lol, only now do I see "lubuntu-net<TAB>", on the Matrix side it only showed up as "lubuntu-net" so I missed half the joke XD00:14
tsimonq2arraybolt3_wc: Nice work :)00:53
tsimonq2plasma-∞ will happen in the morning. Let's see if I can hit the gym early like I plan.00:54
arraybolt3_wcOO cycle isn't here yet, we're on NN :P00:54
arraybolt3_wc(because the infinity symbol looks like OO... ok nevermind)00:55
tsimonq2whoops one key over, I guess you got a laugh... in Spanish XD00:55
arraybolt3_wcI thought that was on purpose XD00:55
tsimonq2@Roberalz did I do it right XD00:56
* tsimonq2 slaps arraybolt3_wc with a wet fish, UDP style00:56
tsimonq2get it...00:57
tsimonq2cause... networking00:57
tsimonq2ok bedtime obviously XD00:57
* arraybolt3_wc reassembles the fish into a TCP stream and sends it back00:57
arraybolt3_wcgah, forgot to wrap the fish in TLS!00:57
tsimonq2btw I hope to be back bright and early to bootstrap Noble00:57
arraybolt3_wcnice :D00:57
arraybolt3_wcFish never tastes good unless it's encrypted...00:57
tsimonq2*watches the air fryer go up in flames*00:58
lubot[telegram] <Roberalz> Yes, jajajajja (re @lubuntu_bot: (irc) <tsimonq2> @Roberalz did I do it right XD)01:07
lubot[matrix] <arraybolt3> https://matterbridge.lubuntu.me/1a0fa676/image.png01:34
lubot[matrix] <arraybolt3> The buttons don't do anything yet but I can now list available network connections and separate out the ones that are already connected :D01:34
lubot[telegram] <tsimonq2> The only question I have is, what about nm-tray? :)01:53
arraybolt3_wctsimonq2: ?01:53
arraybolt3_wcnm-tray is the old GNOME-based network manager applet we've been using.01:53
arraybolt3_wc(notice there's *two* network icons in that screenshot, one is the existing applet, the one at the right is the new one in development)01:54
arraybolt3_wcoh wait... but is it?01:54
arraybolt3_wchang on01:54
lubot[telegram] <kc2bez> No, nm-tray isn't part of Gnome01:54
lubot[telegram] <kc2bez> The advanced network connection stuff is.01:55
arraybolt3_wchmm... aren't we using nm-tray already?01:55
arraybolt3_wclol, I thought I was developing the whole thing, tray applet and all01:55
lubot[telegram] <kc2bez> https://github.com/palinek/nm-tray01:56
* arraybolt3_wc crumples up existing project and starts over01:56
arraybolt3_wcI didn't realize that we were using nm-tray, I thought we were using network-manager-gnome01:57
arraybolt3_wcthat makes my life a lot easier, and now I wish I hadn't just spent all that time doing something we didn't need01:57
lubot[telegram] <tsimonq2> I apologize for not clarifying. I hope you learned something about tray applets, we might just want that for the update notifier if we can swing it :)02:30
arraybolt3_wcDefinitely learned something, and that sounds awesome :)02:31
arraybolt3_wcTIL GNOME has an entire list of mobile network providers for various geographical areas, so if I wanted to connect to cellular internet in Uruguay I could >_<02:32
arraybolt3_wcAlright, if no one minds I'm going to drop mobile broadband support and we can add it back if someone asks for it (and also direct those people to install the old connection editor in the mean time). Mobile broadband is a hot mess due to the fact that different countries do things different ways, so there's literally Kosovo-specific code in here (?!).02:42
arraybolt3_wcalright, I think I shoudl be done coding for the night. I just finished reading up on how tree-structured tables work so I can implement the known connection list as a QTreeView. Brain feels like it's turning into charcoal now.04:06
lubot[telegram] <tsimonq2> @utkarsh2102 Respectfully, what's the holdup with opening noble? :)14:32
tsimonq2arraybolt3_wc: Thanks again for your work!14:33
lubot[telegram] <Eickmeyer> Probably the fact that everybody is in Riga for sprint already. (re @tsimonq2: @utkarsh2102 Respectfully, what's the holdup with opening noble? :))16:58
arraybolt3_wcSheesh. Tree views are almost as hard as symbols files :P20:58
arraybolt3_wcLike, imagine dealing with a spreadsheet where each cell has a name and an entire (optional) sub-spreadsheet. That's a tree view.20:59
lubot[matrix] <arraybolt3> https://matterbridge.lubuntu.me/c9bc1d58/image.png21:28
lubot[matrix] <arraybolt3> UI design thoughts?21:28
lubot[matrix] <tsimonq2> What's index?21:29
lubot[matrix] <arraybolt3> It kind of has two uses.21:29
lubot[matrix] <arraybolt3> For one, if you have two connections with the same name, it disambiguates them.21:29
lubot[matrix] <arraybolt3> (Notice how I've made two "DSL Connection 1"s in the above screenshot - NetworkManager lets you do that)21:29
lubot[matrix] <arraybolt3> Secondly, it lets the internal code disambiguate this same situation so that if a user tries to modify a connection that has the same name as another connection, the code can tell them apart.21:30
lubot[matrix] <arraybolt3> I probably *can* hide the index, but it would be kind of tricky and I figure it potentially may help the end user anyway.21:31
lubot[matrix] <arraybolt3> One potential use for this is if a user is in a location where there are two WiFi networks broadcasting with the same name (yes, this happens - in fact it is used in certain cyberattacks), they can tell them apart from each other. I may even add a "Connect/Disconnect" button in here so that a user could verify which network was the right one based on its settings and then specifically connect to the correct network.21:33
lubot[matrix] <arraybolt3> Simon Quigley: ^21:34
lubot[matrix] <arraybolt3> actually hiding the index is really easy, just make it the third column and set the tree view to only display the first two columns21:37
lubot[matrix] <arraybolt3> so if the index is confusing I can remove it from user view easily.21:37
tsimonq2I would suggest having the format "Name", "Name (1)", "Name (2)" so the user can figure out which name is what.22:30
tsimonq2I mean, either way, I'm not particular :)22:30
tsimonq2It just isn't something you really see in other menus22:31
arraybolt3_wcThat should work.22:32
arraybolt3_wchmm... DSL Connection 1 (1) - I'm smelling Windows "New Folder" "New Folder (1)" "New Folder (2)" "New Folder (2) (1)" syndrome...22:36
arraybolt3_wcalso the fateful day may come when someone names their DSL connection "DSL Connection 1 (1)" and also has two "DSL Connection 1"s along with it, in which case they'll see "DSL Connection 1", "DSL Connection 1 (1)", and "DSL Connection 1 (1)" in their list :P22:38
tsimonq2Already looking for edge cases, nice, have fun figuring out a workaround ;)22:38
arraybolt3_wcAn "Index" field works around all of that, though to be fair this may be overthinking things quite a bit. (The GNOME connection editor doesn't bother with disambiguation at all, so we may just want to ignore it.)22:38
arraybolt3_wc(the user can use the position of each row to disambiguate easily enough :D)22:39
arraybolt3_wcaaaaaand I just accidentally force-shutdown my VM. Nice.22:41
tsimonq2Are you iterating on code in an ephemeral VM with no backups?22:49
tsimonq2Welcome to the big leagues. :P22:49
arraybolt3_wclol no of course not22:49
tsimonq2"Hey, every time I screw up and have to reboot, I rewrite the code cleaner!"22:50
* tsimonq2 sets a Russian roulette cronjob which might nuke the wks once an hour22:50
arraybolt3_wcThe VM is persistent, it's my keyboard shortcut bindings that seem to be a bit ephemeral :P22:50
tsimonq2ahhh nice heh22:50
arraybolt3_wc(using raw QEMU with the SDL display, Alt+F4 terminates an app *in* the VM if you have keyboard captured, otherwise it terminates the VM itself...)22:50
tsimonq2Oh that had to be such a facepalm.22:51
arraybolt3_wcI gasped audibly when it happened :rofl:22:51
arraybolt3_wcand I've done this many times before22:51
tsimonq2"if code comments were audio and not text, you’d just hear my dissonant screaming interspersed with swearing"22:51
tsimonq2src: https://twitter.com/iamdevloper/status/170549473417982387422:52
arraybolt3_wcyou'd think I'd get tired of it and use virt-manager or GNOME Boxes, but something in my brain just hates the amount of "additional layers" those add on top of QEMU and prefer to work close to the hypervisor.22:52
arraybolt3_wcSo I use raw QEMU most of the time now, sometimes to my own detriment.22:52
tsimonq2Anyway, my freaking brain is fried. It definitely feels like a Monday. I'm going to bow out of the office early.22:52
tsimonq2arraybolt3_wc: heh those layers basically have no overhead22:52
arraybolt3_wcWhat's really funny is there's literally an option in QEMU I can set to disable closing the window. I need to use that.22:52
arraybolt3_wctsimonq2: I've gotten a bit addicted to my current setup :P22:53
tsimonq2Now you know what not to do again XD22:53
arraybolt3_wcIt's smooth, it works well, it even does VM auto resolution resizing without benefit of anything SPICE-related in the mix22:53
arraybolt3_wctsimonq2: lol22:53
tsimonq2Anyway, bye from IRC, I'm on TG unless I get another $dayjob call :)22:53
* arraybolt3_wc goes and enables that "don't hard-boot this VM" setting22:53
arraybolt3_wctsimonq2: o/ nice to see you again!22:54
arraybolt3_wcOH one more thing...22:54
lubot[telegram] <tsimonq2> Sup?22:54
arraybolt3_wcremember that bug where sometimes upon shutdown or reboot the screen will be black when you power on next?22:54
arraybolt3_wcI think I figured out why.22:54
lubot[telegram] <tsimonq2> Oh?22:54
arraybolt3_wcIt only happens when you shut down or reboot from the terminal rather than within LXQt.22:54
arraybolt3_wcSo clicking the shutdown button doesn't seem to do it, but running `shutdown now` in a terminal may cause it.22:54
arraybolt3_wcThat's probably why we see that bug all the time and we've never had a single user report it.22:55
arraybolt3_wc(that I know of)22:55
arraybolt3_wcso anyway, whatever in LXQt is getting bypassed when a terminal shutdown is done, we might want to track that down (after verifying that this is indeed the source of the bug) and squish it at some point.22:55
arraybolt3_wcalright, VM now hardened against keyboard goofs22:56
arraybolt3_wc(seriously this option needs to be set in QEMU by default, I wonder how many people have lost work because of a fumble like that.)22:57
lubot[telegram] <tsimonq2> Does shutdown emit a connection to systemd?22:58
arraybolt3_wcI think so? I don't know for sure but I know there's stuff about "failed to connect to init daemon" or something along those lines if you try to shut down and it times out for some reason (i.e., graphics card throwing a tantrum and has the kernel all but locked up)22:59
lubot[telegram] <tsimonq2> Sounds to me like something is bypassing systemd. Just a random shot in the dark :)23:04

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