
krytarikBashing-om: Hmm, can you try putting the first of those links as "<https://discourse.ubuntu.com/t/call-for-nominations-for-the-local-communities-council/39557>" instead?00:04
Bashing-omkrytarik: Are you caught up presently - question here for ./summary-uwn-discourse.pl 810 failure.00:04
krytarikI'll run it locally here and see if I get one too..00:05
krytarikNope, appears to work here.00:06
Bashing-omkrytarik: ^ clairify replace the leading spaces with "<" and end the links with ">" ?00:06
krytarikDid you update your local copy of the repo yet?00:07
krytarikYeah, exactly - but just try with one of them first and see if that makes the link being spelled out raw.00:08
Bashing-omkrytarik: I am on 22.04 and running the ./summary-uwn script I get "Can't locate JSON.pm in @INC" / I again know nothing of JSON.00:08
krytarikBashing-om: Install "libjson-perl"00:12
Bashing-omkrytarik: 1st link modified "<.....>" looks and works good - make all the links such as now ? 00:13
krytarikYeah, and I'll make the publish script drop those for the other platforms again (email and forums)00:15
Bashing-omkrytarik: You the man. Install of libjson-perl does the tricvk :D 00:16
krytarikIt seems we need to surround all Discourse links like this though, since on the inline ones it doesn't do the previews but still does the title text.00:23
Bashing-omkrytarik: Ack on ALL links - making it so :D00:24
krytarikNot all.. just the summary ones we already did plus any further Discourse ones.00:26
krytarikShould be the ones in the LoCo Events and the Meeting Reports section.00:27
Bashing-omkrytarik: Those sumary links done.// LocO Events and Meeting Reports comming up :D00:28
krytarikThe Delhi one between the summaries looks erroneously formatted btw.00:29
krytarikAnd please drop the leading space off all of those.00:31
krytarikJust pushed said update to the publish script to the repo btw.00:44
Bashing-omUWN: Discourse edits saved // next edits ?00:55
krytarikWas just going to say "#ftag=RSSbaffb68" should be dropped from the Sputnik link! >_<00:56
krytarikI'm still seeing wrong or missing formatting on some of the links btw.. not sure whether that's due to caching or you didn't actually fix those yet..00:59
Bashing-omkrytarik: Leading spaces ! removed - sorry lots of distractions currently.01:01
krytarikhttps://discourse.ubuntu.com/t/upcoming-events-for-azloco/38466 - still needs the brackets in the LoCo Events section.01:02
krytarikMight want to do the latter one in the template too, and for good measure while they aren't rendered differently currently, the other two links there too.01:06
Bashing-omLoCo event links edited.01:07
Bashing-omUWN: Template edited for LoCo Events links and extraineous new lines through out.01:20
krytarikhttps://ubuntu.social/@UbuntuWeeklyNews - I was just thinking we might finally want to add this to the Subscribe section, but looking at it I wonder if we could make manual and thus add more text to the postings, since it looks rather crappy the way it is.. :301:25
Bashing-omkrytarik: crappy yes - there is a 500 character limit to the Mastodon post :(01:28
krytarikWell, that's not the issue here though, we know similar from Twitter and it suffices for us.. but rather the postings are done by a bot and therefore only the page title and the link are picked up, which makes it look rather slim..01:30
Bashing-omkrytarik: Oh - yeah - maybe we can discuss altering with popey to get a better presence ?01:33
krytarikYeah, since it's the only social platform we want to post to anymore, it'd be great if you guys (being the Ubuntu Members between us eligible for using that instance) could try to get in contact with popey and look at possible options to improve there.01:37
Bashing-omkrytarik: Talking to popey now on my to-do list.01:43
krytarikBashing-om: And please don't forget to update your local copy of the UWN repo once more (as mentioned again in today's channel log), so you'll have no issues publishing tomorrow.01:43
Bashing-omkrytarik: Thanks for the reminder to update - publishing tomorrow: How now to handle pushing out to ubuntu-news.email for the Mailing List ? 01:47
guivercBashing-om, a run of `perl publish-uwn-discourse.pl 810` has a `ubuntu-news.email` created that looks fine (i only looked a few pages down; graphic header at top won't be viewable I bet on email)01:51
krytarikYeah, I've since made the script drop the images for the email.01:53
* guiverc suspects my branch is set to master (not discourse)01:56
guiverci tried switching branch (`git checkout discourse` & `git fetch`) but I'm still getting the image on email; fridge file also only ~header/tailer detail02:02
guivercuwn 810 looks good to me Bashing-om 04:08
Bashing-omguiverc: Been fraught getting there :D Still with some concern that all T's crossed and all I's dotted.; Will see how we look when we publish tomorrow. 04:15
Bashing-omguiverc: Found another i that I dotted :P04:31
popeyHappy to hand over the mastodon account if someone wants to post like a human rather than a summarised bot krytarik. Bashing-om pinged me last night and I told them the same.11:41
guivercthanks popey 12:56
Bashing-omUWN: Pulling "WIP" - Log checked and no further edits are known -- Will start the push soonest - see how things run :)19:33
Bashing-omUWN: M/L is away - Doing to Forums posting next - So far krytarik's works looks mighty fine :D 19:48
Bashing-omUWN: Forums Post done - Looking good. Doing the Re-directs next and making the Discourse edits.20:01
Bashing-omUWN: Re-directs/edit done - next up is a Mastodon blog.20:26
Bashing-omUWN: Masodon blog done up. 21:08
Bashing-omkrytarik: When you have eyes on - popey gives us the UbuntuWeeklyNews bot's code >> "if someone else wants to take over the bot, happy to hand it to someone on your team."21:12
krytarikBashing-om: Yeah, I've seen his offer in the log.  And if either of you is willing to run the account for us, that'd be great I think - no idea how this technically works on Mastodon though.. a) dedicated credentials for the account or b) access to it through your own users there.21:28
Bashing-omkrytarik: My UWN plate is pretty full as is - However, soon as I have the spare time I look at the bot code and consider my skill set.21:32
popeytechnically it's just an account on mastodon like any other21:39
popeyyou could paste what you put in your own mastodon account on the uwn one21:39
Bashing-ompopey: Great - that method would be handy inddeed - on my to-see-about list now :P21:40
-ubottu:#ubuntu-news- ::omg!ubuntu:: KDE Plasma 6.0 Release Date is Feb 28, 2024 @ https://www.omgubuntu.co.uk/2023/10/kde-plasma-6-0-release-date-is-feb-28-202421:50
guiverc^ that is heavily edited22:14
* guiverc has a unpleasant headache; thus real slow22:14
Bashing-omguiverc: a headache == NoFun - checking what the Fridge looks like.22:18
guivercno links in it; as using the discourse post22:19
guiverc(link checking was easier; as so few)22:19
guivercuwn 810 posted to twitter, telegram, (mewe)22:21
Bashing-omguiverc: Yup - not good  - not of much value without links working :(22:21
* guiverc just noted I missed PLANET link there too, so won't appear there.. correcting that22:22
Bashing-omguiverc: My next is to copy the template for 811 / got any edits in mind for the template ? >> remove camel''case .22:23
guivercnope (on any edits).. i'm not thinking now anyway..   go ahead22:23
* guiverc returning to bed.. I'll hear this box ping, but maybe slowish responding22:24
Bashing-omdoing Discourse re-set :D22:24
Bashing-omguiverc: When you return - Fridge: "In this issue we cover:" no hyperlinks are active :(22:47
Bashing-omUWN: Discourse 811 set to go.22:48
guivercno links are there.. ` perl publish-uwn-discourse.pl 810` didn't create anything, so it was just copy/paste of "In this issue" from discourse, added in form of list <li></li>22:57
Bashing-omguiverc: ack.23:00
krytarikBashing-om: Yeah, as I said twice before, Discourse doesn't (easily or at all) offer what wiki did and let you link directly to a topic in a post.23:01
guiverci can copy/paste links so they point to wiki ; but discourse only was the purpose I thought23:02
krytarikguiverc: That would be because you failed to update your local copy of the repo yet though.23:02
guiverci ran 'git checkout discourse' (already there), 'git fetch' (no answer) so I assumed it was updated.. but I may have run older copy & not latest in error (if $PWD wasn't correct)23:04
krytarikIf you did run only these two then yes, you missed to main command there.23:05
guivercwhich is (headache & not thinking clearly sorry)23:05
krytarikFirst, when you do "git log" there, do you see the WIP commit in the log?23:06
guivercBashing-om, links there now (via wiki 810 since we have it)23:08
guivercDate:   Tue Oct 17 04:50:04 2023 +0200 ; your latest listed23:09
krytarikMildy fun though to link to the "full version" on Discourse but link the subtopics to the wiki..23:09
krytarikIs that the Discourse migration commit?23:11
guivercyeah I know - intentional.. the unedited was to discourse, only sublinks were modified to point to wiki (given discourse link not possible except to thread as I undersand it)23:11
Bashing-omguiverc: ^ "git log" >> Date:   Mon Oct 23 02:23:04 2023 +0200 .23:11
guiverc[WIP] Update scripts for Discourse migration23:11
guivercyeah looks like I'm behind sorry23:12
* guiverc not updating now sorry; returning to bed (headache)23:13
krytarikguiverc: Try "git fetch origin discourse" (to make sure you fetch the correct branch) followed by "git reset --hard origin/discourse"23:13
krytarikWhen you can anyway..23:13
Bashing-omFridge: spot check and all happy happy.23:15
krytarikBashing-om: Since we are now linking to the wiki page.. it still says WIP at the top and were there any changes that you didn't sync yet?23:17
Bashing-omkrytarik: No - I am updated - perhaps the WIKI results from my manually making the page up prior to reading the channel logs ? // then when the scriipt was ran, did not over write the page ?23:19
krytarikWell yes, the wiki page is from when you manually created it alongside the Discourse post, and of course since nobody deleted it yet it's still there - and now linked to from the Fridge post.23:21
Bashing-omkrytarik: removed "WIP" on WIKI // Next week things be good having your scripts handle the details ?23:29
krytarikWhat?  The scripts were ready this time even, but somebody felt it's necessary to create a wiki page alongside! :P23:31
krytarikhttps://meta.discourse.org/t/link-to-a-heading-within-a-post-or-topic/47552 - in the meantime you could see if you can make anything of this.23:32
krytarikAnd to be absolutely clear here, missing support for direct linking on a page (Discourse or otherwise) isn't something one can fix from the outside.23:34
krytarikThe way I read the post I just linked to is that you are supposed to just hover over any existing header and get the link icon which exposes a direct link - which does work in the very post but not on our Discourse instance.23:37
krytarikHuh, just as I was guessing already.. looks like our instance is on version 2.6.0 which is like three years old by now, while the feature is only available since version 2.7.0 XD23:47
Bashing-omkrytarik: Good sluething :D23:49
krytarikhttps://meta.discourse.org/c/releases/30 - for reference.23:52

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