
Guest2376I'm runnning into an issue with 23.10.  I created a live usb, from the image,  all I get with it and the one for Kubuntu is a Kernel Panic which hard locks the computer (not even the lights will toggle for caps lock or num lock on hte keyboard)02:34
guivercGuest2376, did you verify ISO after download?  https://tutorials.ubuntu.com/tutorial/tutorial-how-to-verify-ubuntu#0 etc)   if I have a ISO written that I think is correct but fails to boot on a box; I'll boot it on other boxes (commonly 2) & confirm media works there, thus narrowing it down to a hardware specific boot issue on your machine02:40
guivercif kernel panics; unresponsive system is expected (power button required to be held)02:40
Guest2376the 256 checksums did match. used the reset button to reboot,  further more its giving the same with debian trixie (another 6.5 kernel)02:52
guivercyou may wish to try 22.04.1 LTS using the GA kernel stack (5.15 or GA kernel is supported the life of the release)02:54
Guest2376I reverted back to 23.04. no issues there save its approaching EOL..02:55
guivercwhere you're asking about Ubuntu systems (ie. not trixie) you can ask on #ubuntu for flavors too02:56
Guest2376k. may have a dev there that could shed some light for fix...02:59
=== Guest2376 is now known as RjG
DJMagicMiMERSo what's going on with Ubuntu? I've tried using the USB and the Live DVD and both would stop at [FAILED] failed to start Ubuntu Live CD installer. That's for many of the flavors of Ubuntu: Ubuntu 22.10, Ubuntu Studio and now Ubuntu Cinnamon?15:35
EickmeyerDJMagicMiMER: Are you using the same USB stick every time you're trying?16:07
cambium0since there is no bug report facility that's easy to find anyway, I'm here to pass on that without a doubt ubuntu studio fails to boot at all if you 1)have a dual boot setup, even with another ubuntu (no windows messing things up) and 2)you have an ethernet cable plugged in and 3)you have an old-*ss lenovo t500 laptop (with the best available hardware). Granted I had issues with a power outage that may or may not 19:25
cambium0have damaged my ssd. But as it stands now, if the internet cable is plugged in, you don't get to grub even. cambium0@gmail.com if you have any questions. thanks for your time and I have had studio installed for last 20 years.19:25
EickmeyerERR:NotABug, Broken Hardware.19:33
EickmeyerAnd when you don't stick around, chances are nobody's going to answer you.19:34
DJMagicMiMERSorry I was away doing a internet radio set, I burned a new DVD and tried it again, and I've used ubuntu studio and it working.22:54
DJMagicMiMERit has to be the iso that I've burned and Ubuntu still won't run. I can run other linux distro with no issue. so what gives??22:54
EickmeyerSticking around for longer than 8 minutes at a time is what gives.23:00

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