
RjGI figured it was something to do with the transitiong from pulse audio. it wasn't critical to me at the time so went to the base which was happy with it.00:01
EickmeyerKubuntu was running PipeWire in 22.10, so I doubt that was the case.00:01
EickmeyerEither way, if it worked for you, that's cool.00:01
RjGI've been helping a friend produce an audiobook that she is recording from her own writing.00:02
EickmeyerOh, excellent!00:02
RjGone of the tools I have been installing has been easytag for the metadata editing.00:03
Eickmeyer!info easytag00:04
ubottueasytag (2.4.3-5build1, mantic): GTK+ editor for audio file tags. In component universe, is optional. Built by easytag. Size 776 kB / 4,293 kB00:04
EickmeyerIn Ubuntu Studio, we have kid3-qt, so I don't know if that meets your fancy.00:05
Eickmeyer!info kid3-qt00:05
ubottukid3-qt (3.9.4-1build1, mantic): Audio tag editor. In component universe, is optional. Built by kid3. Size 482 kB / 3,021 kB00:05
RjGI'll have to try it, sometime the discover search isn't too helpful as its easy to miss something.00:06
EickmeyerYeah, RIP muon.00:07
EickmeyerThere is, however, synaptic that has a bit more detailed searching.00:07
Eickmeyer!info synaptic00:07
ubottusynaptic (0.91.3, mantic): Graphical package manager. In component universe, is optional. Built by synaptic. Size 572 kB / 2,872 kB00:07
RjGone gripe I have is the difficulty in groups assignment from the users window (I have been installing then running from discover gnomes's users and groups)  just to add to a user the vboxuser group for virtualbox's mapped drive usage.00:09
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BluesKajHi all13:27
=== vcxza is now known as p4ooo
IrcsomeBot<Arang> guys i have a question for ya, i have kubuntu 23.04 and i wanna upgrade to 23.10 and there's even a tutorial to do so, but it cant be done cos it says that there is no upgrade, also from what i have read in some places, it seems that the 6.5 kernel has some issues with hardware and might crash or something? i dunno if someone could shed some light into this because i'd like to understand and know what to do, because 23.04 is gonna stop having s17:12
Eickmeyer@Arang 23.04 still has 3 months of support, so you're fine. The upgrade path hasn't been opened yet due to a blocking bug, so please have some patience. You'll be notified via your taskbar when the upgrade path is opened.17:13
IrcsomeBot<Arang> alright thank you very much!17:19
IrcsomeBot<MarkoB90> Hi, anyone here using Btrfs snapshots and can help me to setup it ? Thanks17:56

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